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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, July 12, 2007
put your ear to the speaker and choose love or sympathy, but never both.
mood: good
listening to: carpal tunnel of love- fall out boy
currently: feel disconnected
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she writes love songs for the genuienly cunning), shallow heart (she takes on for the team), deadxonxarrival (tell the boys where to find her body), shadowme (she has new york eyes and chicago tighs), knight edge (he remembers the way he held your hand), tohmalover14 (she wants to know where is your boy tonight?), hoaryu (he is a gentlemen) destinyssweetman (make him a poster boy for your scene)
avatar of the day: 
chapters read: 10/30
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: do i really seem down? i don't feel like i am. i have never searched draco x harry on photobucket, but i am now tempted to. XD jenny is a bad influence. lol yesh, i write el harry potter fics.
kakashi s: yeah, i was out of harry potter for awhile but now that i'm reading it again i feel i'm getting sucked back in.
shadowme: yeah, me likey "misery business".
toh-toh: lol i wouldn't mind if toh-toh stalked meh! XD toh-toh do you have cosplay pics up on the otaku?
jd person: i think i feel the same way about storms.
kitabug69: no prob, thanks for stopping by.
angel zakuro: i never noticed before because usually i'm staring as his gorgeous face! XD
hi guys,
not much happened yesterday. i commented a bit and tried to get to people i haven't been to in a while. the comments were kinda screwing up so i gave up but i will comment more. my mom went to court yesterday, it's fine as usual just a minor dispute with the landlord, not really worth mentioning,. yesterday was also my friends court date and i got no word back from them yet so i have no idea how things turned out, but i'm going to check the paper to see if their sentencing is in there.
my dad is supposed to come over tomorrow and bring my bro his birthday cash. my dad got paid now so he can give him his gift. i think this weekend my bro wanted to have a different party for his birthday, i think bowling, he wants danny to come. he better hurry and decide because i will undoubtly have to talk danny into coming. somehow i'm sure he'll make up a reason not to go. just a feeling.
ah not much else going on, still reading the harry potter book, about one third of the way done. woop, not in too much of a hurry, still got eight days till the next book comes out.
ok well now it is time for the latest chapter of wentz in wonderland! we're nearing the end here people, i think next week is the last chapter of this lovely fic. as always if you are new wentz in wonderland is alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist, and character bio thingys be after this chapter. i apologize for the semi-longness.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter thirteen: the trial of the century
pete stood frozen in the field, his croquet mallet in hand. brendon had just declared pete to death due to a stunt that patrick or the cheshire pat as he perfered had caused. brendon stood now hands clenched and facing peter his chest heaving and his face red from embaressment and anger.
travis and gabe looked shocked and frozen but the two men remained in the goal position. william looked amused and ryan looked mortified as if the incident had happened to him. as everyone stood their pete tried his best to think of anything to say to get out of this. his whole life was convincing people with his words and now would be the time that he drew a blank?
"GAURDS SEIZE THIS MAN!" brendon yelled and pete watched as two men came running towards him a sort of empty anger in their eyes. as the men grabbed peter by his arms and perpaired to drag him away to wherever they do the chopping of the heads. pete made his plea.
"wait, your majesty! please i didn't do anything!" pete begged and he winced at how pathetic the words sounded to himself. brendon breathed a little harder but raised his hand signalling the gaurds to stop. they did as they were told and pete was set back both feet on the ground. brendon walked over to pete in tight strodes. his anger clear in each movement.
"do you take me for an idiot?" brendon asked and pete knew better then to give an anwser. "i know it was you! there could be no other! you dare embaress me infront of my subjects then take no responsiblity?!" brendon screamed and seethed at pete. while pete was at a loss for words he doubted that brendon would believe that a blonde boy that only he could see caused the incident but whatelse did he have?
before pete could give brendon his excuse brendon ordered him to be taken away again and once again he was promptly being dragged away. pete was stll crying out his innocense when king william spoke.
"bren-bren, i think the young man deserves a trial." william said as he stepped down from the throne he had been sitting on. william placed a hand on brendon's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
"oh willy you're right!" brendon cried as he turned and threw himself in williams arms once again in an overdramatic fashion. "i should give the poor boy a chance to explain himself." brendon cried as he wrapped arms around william. pete had never been more thankful for william beckett and he knew if he ever got home he was going to give william the biggest hug and probably give brendon a slap and maybe patrick while he was at it.
pete let out a great sigh of releif and was thankfull that he wasn't going to be killed by a crossdressing brendon urie. brendon turned his hands on his hips.
"take him to the court!" he said and pete was dragged off to the royal court. the court was outside and a little ways away from the field where the croquet match had taken place. the court was close to the hedge maze where pete had entered from the door in the tree. there was a large cage pressed against the hedges and pete had a feeling that was where he was going. there was also a large brown podium taller then any normal podium, along with a slightly smaller podium attached to the right side of the taller one.
as pete had guessed he was quickly shoved into the cage and closed up inside. while the queen took the large podium proclaiming himself judge. william, ryan, travis, and gabe took seats in the small brown chairs set in rows along the grassy ground. pete wasn't sure how this trial was going to turn out but with the brendon as the judge things weren't looking promising.
"we will now begin the trial!" brendon shouted and pete felt his cage shake he turned quickly and grabbed hold of the thin bars to keep his balance. pete saw that two men were pulling a rope that was attached to the cage and with each pull his cage was pulled higher and higher into the air.
"don't i get to say what happened?" pete asked and brendon ignored him.
"we will now call the first witness!" ryan stood and said and brendon nodded. "will the spencer smith please step up to the stand!" ryan yelled and pete had a confused look on his face. how was spencer supposed to come? he wasn't involved nor was he even in the courtyard. pete was proven wrong once again by the logic of wonderland. as in that moment spencer came hurtling out of no where and climbed on to the witness stand.
"hello, spencer." ryan said as he stood infront of spencer.
"hi!" spencer said all too cheerfully.
"do you know the man in the cage spencer?" ryan asked as he began to pace back and forth. spencer looked to the cage where ryan was pointing and spotted pete who was still clutching on to the bars of the cage.
spencer nodded his face taking on a dark look. "i most certainly do! he came to jon and mine tea party and tried to steal our cake and tea!" spencer said in his overdramatic flair, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead as if he was going to faint.
pete rolled his eyes and hoped that brendon wouldn't buy the overdramatics. pete looked at brendon who sat sniffling back tears and staring at spencer with sympathy.
"that must've been horrible!" brendon cooed to spencer and spencer looked back at brendon eyes wide and glistening.
"it was! oh it was!" spencer said earnestly.
pete would've laughed if his fate didn't rest on this. ryan seemed to have enough of spencer's claims and dismissed him from the witness stand. ryan then called jon up to the stand and as quickly as spencer had showed up jon had. jon sat on the stand. ryan again stood infront of the witness stand.
"hello, jon."
"hi ryan, how's your crotch?" jon asked as he pointed to ryan's crotch. pete thought that was awfully forward until he remembered back at the tea party when spencer and jon had scaulded ryan's crotch with hot tea. ryan too looked taken aback by jon's question but he quickly recovered and cleared his throat.
"fine now, thanks for asking." ryan said as he was blushing and eager to get on with the trial. "now spencer mentioned that the man known as peter, was at your tea party. what was he doing there?" ryan asked.
"why we were all celebrating our unbirthdays of course!" jon proclaimed as if it were the most common of knowledge.
"what exactly is an unbirthday?" brendon interrupted to ask. jon turned to look at him.
"why it's any day that's not your birthday." jon told brendon. a sudden wild grin spread across jon's face and pete recongized it as the look of mischeif. "dearest queen, it is your unbirthday too!" jon proclaimed. brendon unable to resist anything that could mean a celebration in his honor nodded in agreement.
"i suppose you're right it is my unbirthday!" brendon said happily.
"then we surely must celebrate!" jon cried as he stood and took brendon's hands. jon's enthusiams seemed to leak into brendon as he too agreed that his unbirthday should be celebrated by all. "let us sing!" jon cried as he turned to look at the small audience who looked less then thrilled to sing except for spencer who was bouncing around the courtyard.
"for he's a jolly good fellow-" jon began and in a matter of seconds the small group of people including the two guards who were holding up pete's cage had begun to sing to the queen. everyone except for pete. and pete was only half surprised to learn that everyone here in wonderland despite being total opposites of their real selves could still sing well.
pete was thinking of a way out of the cage when he noticed a blur of strawberry blonde flash by him. pete turned quickly and saw to his surprise patrick standing behind the two guards who were holding up the cage. pete was about to call out to patrick when patrick put a finger to his lips as if saying keep quiet.
pete wasn't sure what patrick was going to do. pete again felt his cage shake rough enough to knock pete down. as peter sat on the floor of the cage he noticed two large pieces of mushrooms sitting at his feet. pete suddenly remembered that he had the mushroom pieces all along. without thinking pete shoved both pieces of the mushroom into his mouth.
pete waited and in a mere half a second he felt his body growing larger. pete grew so large that he broke the cage and was now free. of course the celebration was cut short as everyone noticed the now gigantic pete. pete took this opportunity to deliver some karmatic revenge on brendon. he stepped over to the podium, each step causing the ground to shake under him. pete stood over the podium and pointed a finger at brendon.
"please don't hurt me!" brendon cowered in his podium.
"i'm not going to hurt you. because i'm not cruel like you." pete said. "but i will hurt you if you don't start treating your subjects better. travis and gabe deserve better then this!" pete yelled at the queen.
"yes, yes, whatever you say i will do." brendon said as he still crouched in the corner afraid of what the giant pete would do.
"and another thing-" pete began but before he could get his sentence out he felt himself shrinking and he cursed his big mouth and bad timing. pete had shrunken back down to the small size and now looked around as the queen stood angry on his podium. brendon took a deep breath and pete could already guess what he was going to say.
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" he screamed and pete gulped as the two guards who had once held up his cage were now approaching him with sharp axes in hand.
"come along peter, it's time to go." patrick who had suddenly appeared at pete's side said as he offered pete his hand. without a second thought pete took patrick's hand and he pulled him off the ground. "i think you should run now peter." patrick said, pete nodded and took off at full speed in any direction that took him the farthest away from the hellish queen.
brendon not one to let anyone who wronged him escape screamed at his guards. "after him!". pete glanced back as he ran to see queen brendon, william, ryan, spencer, and jon all chasing him along with a whole set of guards. even travis and gabe who pete had just moments ago defended. pete was now in a race for his life and he prayed that he could win.
pete wentz as alice:

brendon urie as the queen:

uh...he's also a vampire.
william beckett as the king:

i just noticed he's wearing the same belt buckle as the one in my background.
ryan ross as the white rabbit:

spencer smith as the march hare:

jon walker as the mad hatter:

jon plays with dolls...
i chose a rather odd collection of pics, besides william and pete of course.
~redmoonchick~ |
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