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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Friday, July 13, 2007
keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you.
mood: meh
listening to: skeptics and true believers- the academy is... (i love this song)
currently: feel lonely
pimpage: detectivedanielle (the original disco duck), shallow heart (porno pirate), deadxonxarrival (megan malice), shadowme (peterick is her son), knight edge ( nightly knight), tohmalover14 (card captor toh-toh), destinyssweetman (alex-alex)
avatar of the day:
this is one of my fave lines.
chapters read: 11/30
Redmoonchick Responds:
danielle: william always looks cute.
omnimaster: lol good luck with the bowling.
capricorn-rocker: i completely agree brendon rarely has a normal pic.
toh-toh: i didn't get a chance to look at the link yet but i will! our town isn't small but i mean they put the crime sentencings in the paper, not just theirs. don't worry toh-toh i am over those feelings towards him. it's friendship from here on out...hopefully.
jenny: believe it or not i don't think i've written any good harry potter. maybe i should for pratice. quick jenny give me a pairing! yesh, i am baking the cake as we speak! XD i'm so glad you liked this chapter jenny! you're the best fan ever.
shadowme: thank you! i think your stuff is great so i love getting compliments from you. glad you liked the chapter.
hi guys,
well you guys might remember me saying yesterday that my friends nate, greg, and T had their court day and i was waiting to find out what happened. well i found out that greg and t were sent to juvi. t got three weeks in there until his next trial and i don't know how long greg got. i was hoping no one got jail time but all along i knew greg was going away. nate is going to court again in a month a stricter higher court and i am sure he is going to get a heftier sentence. my bro is freaked because he is worried that someone put his name in the courtroom so he is again paranoid.
my dad came over today and brought my bro twenty bucks. i think my bro made almost ninety bucks all together. my dad stayed for awhile and we talked and he ate and we argued and it was fun. i was glad to see him. he told me that he will bring me five bucks next week but i'm not counting on it.
oh my brother let my cat mr. hughes out and i saw him in the street and called for him and then our neighbor asked me if it was my cat and if it was a boy and i said yes. so then she starts complaining that my cat got a stray cat pregnant. i was like "no way" and she was a real bitch. then i tried to catch my cat but he got away so i went back to my house about ten minutes later i hear knocking on my door and the woman and her son are over and she's telling me that my cat is in her yard again. so i polietly come outside and apologize to her and then she starts yelling at me telling me that i should pay more attention to the cat and that i should take the stray cat because my cat knocked her up. i was getting pissed off and the lady said i was a bad cat owner and that i need to watch my cat better and all this mean shit, and she was basiclly attacking me. so i was yelling at her not to talk to me and my cat ran again so i couldn't get him. ugh it was annoying. i told my mom and she said that she is going to go and talk to the woman tomorrow.
my mom brought over my six year old second cousin to spend the night. we went to my grandma's house and then to the grocery store and i read the magazines at the store and pete wentz was in nearly all of them. along with a cool fall out boy poster but i wasn't about to buy a four doller magazine for one poster. blah. while at the store my bro and i bought two bags of bernie bot beans like the ones from the harry potter books where there are flavors like grass, dirt, and vomit, and sardine and all this gross stuff. well my bro and i play an odd game where we each pull out a bean at random and eat it no matter what the flavor. it's something we always do and we played and wow i can still taste the sardines. my bro's faces during the game were hilarious! XD
been looking for a job lately. there is a website called and they have a huge listing of jobs. i haven't found one i like yet but i will keep looking.
took a harry potter quiz, to find out which house i would be in. i know there are a million of these tests but this one was sorta real. it was kinda long but it works. i got the hufflepuff house. so did my bro.
also i found this and found it too funny to miss:

well that is all so i shall chat with you all later!
~redmoonchick~ |
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