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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Sunday, July 15, 2007
did i mention when i see you it stings like hell due to the fact that we could have something that'll never happen.
mood: pensive
listening to: commercials
currently: want to do something
pimpage: detectivedanielle (the detective), shallow heart (the assistant), deadxonxarrival (the corener), shadowme (the number one fan), knight edge (the perv), hoaryu (the brother), tohmalover14 (the little sister), destinyssweetman (the twin), savestheday (the victim)
avatar of the day: 
oh emm gee so cute!
Redmoonchick Responds:
apatheticnote: i know damn mom's being friends with biatches.
hoaryu: holy crap my niisan! *huggles niisan*
toh-toh: yup mr. hughes is back in the house, he is sleeping in my room cause he's lazy. yesh, jenny will give her consent to let me have patrick as my husband as long as i share him. XD ah it's just that my computer is old and nearly dies when i try to use any instant messaging. T-T, the seventh book is coming out on the 21 but 20th at midnight.
shadowme: lol you just spoiled the book for everyone who didn't know! lol ah nooooooo you can't leave! *clings to belinda*
hi guys,
well contrary to my post yesterday i did not babysit today, mostly because my cousin got in a fight with her boyfriend, so she said maybe tomorrow i might babysit. i dunno i was kinda relived because i was kinda getting sick of small children. i was also so very exhausted today, so my mom and brother took my six year old cousin home and then went to see my grandma who is back in the hospital. they also did a few other errands. i went with my bro to blockbuster and he rented a couple games, one being a madden football game and holy crap EA (the game company) really knows how to put together a soundtrack. the madden one had red jumpsuit apparatus on it among other good musicians.
speaking of soundtracks. i was reading a magazine and found out that fall out boy and panic! at the disco are both contributing new songs for the simpsons movie and it's soundtrack! wooh i am excited. the fall out boy song if i can remember correctly is called "since you get off the computer." and the panic one is called "i will kill you."
had a weird dream with danny in it. -sigh- i hate when i dream of him, the dreams are always weird. and it's weird that i'd dream about him when i wasn't even thinking about him. anyway in the dream i was at school and danny showed up and again it didn't really look like him, i mean the face kinda did but the hair, oh man the hair was awful. he was like balding and little pieces of fuzz on his head and like parts of it were shaved. it was weird. it was more strange that we barely talked in the dream almost like we didn't know each other and i remember feeling a real panic or something and all i wanted was a hug from him. i noticed that, that happenes a lot in my dreams that involve him. i always want to hug him but i never do. maybe it's my subconcious telling me that i want that closure with him. blah stupid dreams.
well anyway it is now time for the latest chapter of "murder and lyrics".
it was daniel's funeral and danielle recieved an email from belinda who found an odd photo of lexi and a man. at daniel's funeral cassie spoke and noticed that lexi never showed up. danielle and timothy also spotted cassie and the mystery man josiah hardwick. and everyone was heading to the will reading.
"murder and lyrics"
chapter nine: mr. hardwick and the revealation
while cassie was saying her final goodbye's to daniel, danielle took the opportunity to talk to josiah. she approached him slowly only mildly intimidated by his good looks.
"mr. hardwick?" danielle said as she looked at the man. josiah nodded and put his hand out towards danielle that handsome grin spread across his face.
"i perfer josiah" he said as he took danielle's hand
"alright josiah" danielle said as she avoided josiah's eyes afraid of being mesmerized by them.
"my name is detective danielle kerley" she began as she slid her hand from josiah's. josiah's face turned puzzled and he turned back to glance at cassandra.
"detective eh? well what can i do for ya?" josiah asked as he rubbed his slightly stubble covered chin.
"well it's about the daniel hicks murder" timothy interjected. josiah raised his eyebrows as he pulled a pack of smokes from his black shirt pocket before pulling out a single cigarette and placing it between his lips.
"what does that have to do with me?" he asked the cigarette still dangling in his lips.
"well didn't you meet with him the day of his death?" danielle asked and josiah appeared to think it over for a moment before he nodded.
"yeah, we did meet. we were going do a song together." josiah said his hands stuck deep in the pockets of his dark pants searching for a lighter for his dry cigarette.
"did you two talk about anything besides music?" danielle asked, josiah who had finally found his lighter and had now striked it lighting his cigarette.
"well-" he began as he took a long drag. "there were a few things but i don't think now is such an appropreit time to discuss these things." josiah finished as he exhaled blowing fine grey smoke out into the warm air.
"then can we set up a meeting sometime today?" danielle asked now horribly curious about what josiah knew.
"not today, no." he replied as the lingering smoke accompanied each word. "i'm afraid my schedule is extreamly full. "so maybe tomorrow then?" josiah asked the detectives and danielle nodded dumbly finding herself stupified when it came to him.
josiah smiled and pulled a card from the inside of his jacket pocket. "here, my card." he said as he handed over the card to danielle who promptly tucked it away.
before any more conversation could be had cassandra showed back up at josiah's side. he turned and looked at her with a kind smile that had the power to melt teenagers hearts.
"are you alright?" josiah asked and cassie nodded but didn't speak. "right then, we best be off to the will reading. cassie i would like you to ride with me." josiah told her. cassie looked surprised and pointed to a silver car parked along the path in the cementary lot.
"but my car is here." she told him. josiah nodded and without skipping a beat replied to the girl.
"that's no matter. i'll have my driver bring you back here." he said as he once again took cassie's hand and proceeded to lead her away. he turned back to look at the detectives as they left.
"do make sure to call me detectives." josiah said as he stepped up to a long black limo. he opened the door for cassie and helped her inside and he proceeded to climb in as well. danielle and timothy watched as the limo took off and left the cementary making it's way down the roads.
danielle exhaled finding it odd that she hadn't realized that she was holding her breath. she and timothy exchanged looks.
"don't happen to know where the will reading is do you?" danielle asked timothy praying that he did know and that she wouldn't have to call the number on the card josiah had just given her. timothy nodded and turned to walk towards his car parked not too far from danielle's own.
"just follow me" was all he said. danielle did as he asked and followed him her mind working out any clues that she may have overlooked. there was josiah hardwick. he was something of an enigma himself. it appeared that he knew cassie before hand, in fact it was fairly obvious that she knew him well. then there was his eagerness to meet with the detectives. that which could be taken a few ways. one being that he knew something big or that he just wanted to clear his name.
there was also the fact that lexi wasn't at the funeral, it seemed odd because she had mentioned that daniel had intended on proposing to her, so what reason would she have not to show up?
around ten minutes later danielle and timothy showed up at the lawyers office where daniel's will would be read. danielle and timothy met up and went inside, though part of danielle wondered if the two of them should be there. they flashed their badges at the man who was guarding the door. they were promptly let into the surprisingly small and crowded room.
danielle spotted cassandra up near the front right side of the room, josiah to her left. the man who was daniel's lawyer was stationed in the front of the room behind a wooden desk. rows of seats had been placed in the room and nearly all of them were full. directly behind cassandra and josiah was a blonde man who had to be around daniel and cassie's age. danielle thought the man looked familar but as of the moment she couldn't place his face.
timothy gave danielle a small nudge and she turned quickly to face him.
"look who i found." timothy said as he nodded his head towards the left side of the room. danielle scanned the people and noticed to the far left of the room stood lexi hartford surrounded by a goup of what looked like her handlers. danielle was appauled that lexi wouldn't show up at the funeral but to the reading of the will.
timothy and danielle now realizing that they were the only ones standing quickly took a pair of seats; the only ones being available directly behind the blonde man and two rows away from cassie and josiah.
everyone sat in near silence. the only sound being the quiet muttering of the seated people. danielle herself strained her ears trying to hear as she noticed josiah lean over to say something to cassie. she could just barely make it out.
"i don't think you should be alone tonight." josiah told her. danielle thought that was a horrible pick up line.
"i'll be fine." she whispered back to him. he shook his head.
"don't lie cassandra. you know i went through something like this and i know how easy it is to become suicidal." he argued with the girl. danielle noticed that the blonde man in front of her turned his head to look at cassie and josiah.
"i'm not suicidal" she began to argue again. before their argument could get any further the short laywer cleared his throat and picked up a stack of papers.
"it is now nine o' clock, we will begin the reading of the will." he said his voice smooth and calm. a silence took the room as everyone waited for the handing out of the late mr. hick's posessions. the man picked up the stack of papers and once again cleared his throat.
"upon my death, i daniel hicks wish that the following take place." the man began. danielle kept her eyes open as she surveyed the room eager to see what certain people's reactions would be.
"to my mother and siblings i leave all my homes except the summer one which will go to someone named later, and vechicles and a undisclosed amount of money." upon hearing this the woman who had to be daniel's mother burst into tears, crying for her deceased son.
"to my fellow bandmates i leave any awards we won as a band and our platnium record wall hanging along with the autographed guitars in my basement." his band members nodded and smiled obviously remembering the good times they had all shared.
"to lexi, my lovely girlfriend i leave my party jet and the painting in my room." the man read and instantly all eyes were on lexi, who was obviously shocked and dissapointed. she realized she was being watched and quickly smiled and dabbed her eyes with a kleenex.
"to chris my oldest friend, i leave my collection of guitars, except the autographed ones which will go to my bandmates." chris who danielle noticed was the blonde man seated in front of her smiled and nodded.
danielle noticed that daniel had left very little money to anyone else and it was no suprise since she knew who was getting a great deal of it.
"to cassie my extremly loyal friend and assistant i leave half of my fortune and leave her all my companies and investments and the summer home in london. as well as all my lyrical notebooks because i know she'll take care of them." danielle watched cassie whose eyes had gone wide and mouth slightly slacked. she quickly buried her face in her hands and josiah wrapped an arm around her.
the remaining assests were handed out, things from his past and plans furinture and vacations. a good amount of money also was left to a few charities. and josiah had been left with daniel's cd collection. the will reading was over and people none who would admit that they didn't like their leavings exitied the room.
danielle and timothy waited outside for cassie to come out. lexi had long since stormed out with a gaggle of people accompanying her. cassie took a while to come out; so long in fact that danielle peeked her head back into the room to see what she was doing. danielle saw that cassie was talking very animatedly to the lawyer a blank look on her face. josiah too was lingering as if waiting for cassie to come with him. the lawyer who was speaking with cassie nodded and pointed to one of the papers on his desk, cassie then nodded and headed towards the exit with josiah in tow.
danielle and timothy caught her on the way out. she turned to face them a warm smile on her face. "hello detectives." she said her voice a now much happier tone. danielle did like that cassie was happy but she didn't like that the thought of the money made her happy.
timothy and danielle nodded at cassie but remained silent. cassie seemed to not know what exactly to say to the detectives so she too stood silent.
"cassie what were you talking to the lawyer about?" danielle asked. cassie looked surprised and seemed to think for a moment before she awnsered them.
"i was making sure that he didn't screw up." she said danielle must've looked confused because cassie continued. "i mean, i was making sure that there wasn't a mistake that danny really left me that stuff." she said and danielle noticed that she was now the calmer then ever.
"so you were surprised at being left the money?" timothy asked as though he thought otherwise. cassie looked taken aback.
"of course, i was! who wouldn't be?" she asked but seemed to expect no anwser, yet timothy gave her one anyway.
"someone who knew of the will beforehand." timothy said. cassie made an odd face as if she didn't understand what he was implying.
"well that someone wouldn't be me." cassie said curtly as if she were offended at their line of questioning.
"oh really? because we have someone who says differently. they say you told danny to change his will mere days before his death." timothy said his voice sounding a bit angry. while cassie and timothy were going back and forth danielle and josiah stood silent at each of their sides.
"what? i didn't know anything about the will being changed!" cassie yelled now obviously getting upset, a few people who lingered turned to look back at the scene. "and i never told danny to do anything!" she added. her face quickly turning red and her hands held at her hips.
danielle wasn't sure why timothy was being so rough on the girl. why he was making such accusations when they didn't have enough proof. timothy sighed obviously not believing a word cassie was saying.
"oh really? because i called the o'reiley life insurance company last night." timothy began as if him saying those words would envoke some sort of confession from cassandra. on the other hand cassie looked at them blankly and shrugged.
"so what?" she asked, obviously not seeing the threat that came with timothy's words. timothy sighed as if she were lying and he knew.
"so, the man i talked to said daniel came in with a young woman to change his will." timothy told the small group. danielle wasn't sure what timothy was expecting but again cassie did or said nothing just gave a appauled face.
"that doesn't mean it was me!" cassie yelled. danielle didn't know what to think, she and timothy were working on the case together, yet he hadn't told her that he called the life insurance company. danielle wasn't sure if timothy was bluffing or not.
"i'm afraid his description matched you cassandra." timothy said as he slid his hand into his brown trench coat. "so you're going to have to come with us." he said as he pulled out a pair of silver cuffs. danielle and cassie both gasped and danielle thought that now timothy was taking things too far. cassie turned back to look at josiah who had rested a hand on her shoulder.
"now just hold on a second. don't you think you're taking this a bit far?" josiah asked timothy. timothy looked upset and shook his head.
"no, i think i'm solving a damn murder here!" he yelled and looked to danielle for obvious reinforcement. danielle sighed.
"he's right i'm afraid." she began as she looked at the know livid yet obviously frightened cassie. "this is a murder investigation, and right now cassie is the main suspect." danielle said. timothy nodded and in seconds cassie was being handcuffed by timothy. a slilent fear was eched on the girls face as she was led out of the lawyers office by the two detectives. josiah following close behind, giving her words of encouragement.
"don't worry cassandra! i'll get the best lawyer for you!" josiah yelled as they took cassie outside and placed her in the back of an awaiting police car. one that timothy most likely summoned while the reading had taken place.
is cassie really being arrested for the murder of daniel hicks? did cassie really go with daniel to change his will? what's going on between cassie and josiah? and why was lexi so upset after the will reading? find out next chapter.
~redmoonchick~ |
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