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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
my name is cassie and i'm pretty much a big deal, you never heard of me? hmmm that sounds absurd to me.
mood: im not sure. lol
listening to: classifieds-the academy is...
currently: singing at the top of my lungs
pimpage: shallow heart (jumping jenny), deadxonxarrival (mad megan), shadowme (bipolar belinda), tohmalover14 (molesting miriah), knight edge (killer kenny), destinyssweetman (amazing alex), detective danielle (dangerous danielle), savestheday (douchebag danny)
avatar of the day: 
yeah me and jenny are totally in this pic but we were cut out of the avi! XD
Redmoonchick Responds:
cosmic sailor: hey glad to see ya!
alex: aww well i'm sure you'll get your kiss soon!
edge: yes, i am happy that you visited i need my sensei! what do you mean my first kiss sounds like me? lol you were mouth raped. XD
jenny: no way jenny will get lots of kisses. from lauren! ha i couldn't help it.
aaya: you win for knowing what show i was talking about! lol mine was awkward too! lol if you work at subway will you send me free sandwhiches? lol
sayanachan: well if you were a priest you could come and conduct a fineral for my washer. lol hooray for being a panic! whore.
mrs. walters: awww your first kiss sounds sweet.
toh-toh: you own jenny's body? i'll trade ya a peterick pancake for it. lol kyootness i like that. lol i know i was like oh pete is shirtless and doing his hair. i love it. ok i'll meet you tonight for the funeral of my washer. sayanachan can be the preist and jenny can be a paulbear. XD
omnimaster: i think that death note is still worth it. i mean i still like it, just don't care for the ending.
hi guys,
had a mildly good day at work yesterday. got to sleep till at least a little after nine, that's when the six year old whose name is porsha woke up. it's creepy cause when she comes out to the living room (where i sleep) she never wakes me up, she just sorta touches my arm and stuff then i like jolt awake. so i was up with porsha and she showed me her new hamster that she just bought (which is pregnant) then she said she was hungry so she made herself pizza rolls and made me eat them with her. i really wasn't in the mood to eat fake pizza at nine in the morning.
eventually we went outside because it was hot and i decided to set up the pool for the kids today. so we dumped out the old dirty water and pumped up the pool and filled it with water. so she is swimming and she wants me to get in with her. it was so hot i was half tempted but instead i just rolled my jeans up and walked around on the inside.
then around eleven the two year old boy named jordan got up so i changed him and put on his swimsuit and took him outside and he was scared of the water and wouldn't let me go. i put him in the water but he still clutched onto my hand. when the pool was full enough i took the hose and hooked up the sprinkler they have thinking that jordan would like that but neither of them played with it.
we were outside for awhile and the kids splashed me and got me pretty wet. porsha went and laid her towel in the driveway and suntanned herself while i made jordan lunch. then porsha told me she wanted a butter sandwhich....yeah butter like put it on your toast butter and i told her i wasn't making her one so she had some chicken instead. so i they started to watch a movie but they lost interest and wanted to go outside.
we spent the rest of the day outside and when i got home i now realized that i think i am sunburned. *touches arm* yeah sun burned. awesome. i got to go into work early tonight which means i won't get to talk to jenny too much! oh noooooeeees.
oh i am writing again! last night i wrote about half a chapter of "murder and lyrics" and i swear i will finish wentz in wonderland. i should work on it now. oh yeah and last night when i went to sleep my bro called from arkanas and his one important question for me was about a key on the keyboard. i was sooo mad at him. he also told me that danny talked to him on myspace and said that they should hang out. grrrrrrrrrrr why does he ignore me and talk to my bro? i am closer to him then my bro is and i am sooooooo much cooler then my bro. stupid boys.
well that is all for now. i managed to get to most of the people who commented me and woo i got 12 comments the most i've had in a while.
oh yeah changing my theme soon, since it's almost august.
-quote of the day-
from the simpsons:
grandpa simpson: *insulting someone* awww go poop in your fist!
man: at least i can make both.
lol i love that episode!
~red~ |
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