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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, August 2, 2007
take this to your grave
mood: overjoyed
listening to: the pro's and con's of breathing- fall out boy
currently: taking this to my grave
pimpage: shallow heart (homesick at space camp), deadxonxarrival (calm before the storm), shadowme (the pro's and con's of breathing), tohmalover14 (grand theft autum), knight edge ("tell that mick he just made my list of things to do today"), destinyssweetman (patron saint of liars and fakes), detectivedanielle (dead on arrival), savestheday (sending you post cards from a plane crash (wish you were here) )
avatar of the day: 
sadly this is true XD
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: do you really know that song?
angel zakuro: lol drama! your relationship interests me. lol
shadowme: lol i could only imagine you with a camera phone lol you get +5 stalker points! XD
omnimaster: yeah, little kids definitly do things like that...a lot.
jenny: heh-heh your body is in the closet! i shall go and poke it with a stick! *pokes* lol i know i so wish you could go to work with meh, that'd be fuuuuun. lol yesh, get a phone so we can talk 24-7! XD ha ha i like the slytherins even though they iz bad. XD lol i wuff andy too!
hi guys,
well first things first. i changed my layout/theme. i know some of you are happy about that. so the reason for the colors (because i always have a reason) it's purple and black the two colors of the hardback cover of the sixth harry potter book. i was gonna do the seventh books colors but they were too much like the last theme. so yeah new layout out like it? love it? hate it? tell me.
in other news i finally got my letter from jenny aka the myo user shallow heart. she's my pen pal for those of you who didn't know. the letter was awesome and she also sent me a copy of the only fob cd i didn't have "take this to your grave" which i am currently listening to. ha i heart jenny she is so awesome.
work was meh, i didn't get a ton of sleep and honestly i didnt feel like going. i did anyway and when i got there i felt someone hug me and i turned around and the six year old porsha was up and i was like "please god no!" because i was so tired and just wanted to sleep. so she asked me if we could watch movies and stuff and i told her to go back to bed because that's what i was going to do so she did, but unfortunately both the kids were up by seven. the rest of the day was mediocre at best the kids were bad then good then bad again. blah and today if felt as if time was not moving! i hate that. but at least i don't have to go in early today and i get paid as well.
oh yeah i put up a new quiz, take it if you would. it's not long. heh heh i mostly want to know what houses my friends are in (jenny take the quiz!)
ok so it's very late but i finally finished the last chapter of wentz in wonderland *crickets* anyway the last chapter isn't too long and i hope you all like it! oh and all chapters will be posted at my other site "redmoonchick2" and as always a now complete cast list will be after the fic.
wentz in wonderland
chapter fourteen: there's no place like home
pete was now running down the cobblestone path that led to the hedgemaze. instead of having to go through the hedgemaze patrick who had once again showed up next to pete pulled him quickly to the right revealing a small path that pete hadn't noticed before.
pete raced down the path only looking back to see how far away his chasers were. he was tearing through the woods as fast as he could manage. his feet tripping and stumbling over garnled roots that grew up out of the trail. pete heard the sounds of the people behind him grow larger and he saw people that he met from wonderland were now chasing him.
this group included the odd animals that wanted to race pete, gerard and mikey way also know as tweedlegee and tweedleM. pete noticed that gerard was running with mikey on his back, and both were screaming things at pete probably fall out boy lyrics. also chasing pete was to his surprise joe the 'caterpillar' who was running with his bong in hand, and andy the master of the flowers along with his flower army. it seemed that everyone pete had met in wonderland was now chasing him...everyone except patrick.
patrick suddenly appeared at pete's side as if he was summoned by pete's thoughts. patrick wasn't running but floating along side pete. pete panting and sweating and now regretting his choice of wearing his trademark hoodie, looked to patrick hoping he would help him somehow. patrick did nothing but continued floating and staring at pete.
"your butt looks nice when you run." patrick stated out of the blue. pete sighed thinking that maybe he perferred the silence.
"no-now's not really the time trick." pete stammed as he ran for his life. patrick continued to float along staring and in a flash he was running beside pete, patrick gave a grin as another flash happened and pete found himself being carried by patrick, in classic bride over the threshold fashion.
"what the hell?" pete asked as he noticed his arms wrapped around patrick's neck. patrick smiled at pete.
"i am saving you." patrick said as he continued running and pete peered over his shoulder at the crowd still chasing them.
"uh not that i don't appreciate the help trick, cause i do but i'm not a damsel in distress!" pete said.
"really cause that's all you've been since you got here." patrick said and pete looked down at himself to notice that he was now wearing a frilly pink dress and matching long triangular hat.
"oh what the crap?!" pete cried as he attempted to pull off the pink dress. "i'm not the cross dresser here! brendon is!" pete yelled.
"i heard that!" he heard queen brendon call back. pete still struggled with his horrendious dress and gave up minutes later unable to take off the dress in his current position.
"patrick get this thing off me!" pete begged.
"now look pete you just begged me to take your clothes off. and you say i'm the one hitting on you." patrick said with his permagrin. pete sighed and patrick snapped his fingers and instanly the dress was gone. patrick rounded a corner and pete saw them approaching what looked like a large door set out in the woods. as the duo grew closer pete realized what it was. it was the insulting doorknob from the beginning of his adventure.
they grew closer and patrick slowed down and let pete fall out of his arms and to the ground. pete scrambled back up and turned to the door, he grabbed the knob and attempted to open it but as he expected the door was locked. instantly the face of the doorknob materialized beneath his hand.
"geet yo haand ooof my face!" the doorknob cried muffled by pete's hand. pete quickly pulled his hand away as if afraid that the doorknob might bite him.
"listen doorknob! i don't like you and you don't like me but you gotta let me through!" pete pleaded.
the doorknob yawned as if he hadn't heard the urgency in pete's voice. "and why is that?" it asked.
"there's a mob of people chasing me!" pete insisted. pete turned and saw no one and he wondered how far away they were?
"i don't see anyone." the doorknob said
"they'll be here! just let me in before they get here!" pete cried as he went to the door and again pulled the doorknob. the door rattled but didn't open. pete bent down and peered into the keyhole of the doorknob. through the key hole pete could shockingly see himself!
he was laying in a green field surrounded by flowers and trees and a sleeping hemingway at his side. pete couldnt understand how he was on both sides of the door but he knew he was still in danger.
pete turned around to face patrick who looked calm and collected as ever. "can you help me trick?" pete asked and he realized how pathetic he sounded. patrick nodded.
"here." he said as he handed pete something. pete took it and realized that it was a simple playing card. "the ace of spades." patrick told pete as he watched pete survey the card.
"uh i don't get how this is suppose to help me." pete asked as he turned the card over in his hands.
"i wrote my number and address on there incase you wanna hook up later." patrick told him a sly smile playing on his face. pete sighed and noticed behind patrick that the group had caught up and were quickly approaching. pete turned to the door and grabbed it shaking it trying to force it open.
pete shook and shook but nothing happened and he could hear the mob growing closer and closer and he glanced back to see brendon a mere inch from his back and just when pete thought he was going to be caught, suddenly it was all gone. everything was gone and pete was falling through the darkness and back to his own body.
"pete? peter? pete. pete WAKE UP!" pete heard a voice yell too close to his ear. pete groggily opened his eyes which felt oddly heavy and looked around him. pete was not lying in a field like he had seen through the keyhole but he was on the band's tour bus.
andy stood beside him and pete guessed that it was he who had awaken him. pete lifted his head off his arms that rested on the small booth like table. joe sat on the other side of the table his back against the wall. the tv was on and the credits were rolling on some movie they had been watching. patrick sat on the edge of his bunk bed peering out at the others with a grin oddly reminiscent of the chesire pat.
"you ok pete?" andy asked at the odd look on pete's face. it took pete a moment to respond, he was making certain that this wasn't a trick.
"yeah, i-i think so. what movie were you watching?" pete asked, he wasn't sure why he asked but he felt as if he needed to.
"uh joe was watching alice in wonderland why?" patrick asked as he came up and stood by andy. pete's eyes widened "was it all just a dream?" pete thought.
"i-i have a weird dream, i dreamt i was in alice and wonderland." pete told his bandmates. they gave him the kind of look he expected the pete forgot to take his med's again look.
"a dream?" patrick asked. pete nodded
"yeah, and you were there, and you, and you." pete said as he pointed to each of his bandmates.
"uh pete that's the wizard of oz not alice in wonderland." patrick said and andy and joe laughed.
"yeah but you guys really were there! andy you were like god of the flowers! and joe you were a pot smoking caterpillar with a bad temper, and patrick were the cheshire pat and you kept hitting on me." pete watched his friends reactions as he told them the roles they played in his dream.
his friends laughed and wanted to hear more of his dream and pete told them. he figured he fell asleep and the movie entered his mind as joe watched it. yeah that had to be it. the only thing that freaked out pete was how real the dream felt. pete went to the bathroom to change his pants when something fell out of his pocket. pete bent down to pick up the fallen object and gasped when he picked up the ace of spades with a number and an address written on it.
"maybe it wasn't a dream." pete said to no one.
well that's it. i dunno does the ending seem weak to anyone else or is it just me?
pete wentz as alice:

ryan ross as the white rabbit:

hemingway as himself:

i want one!
gerard way as tweedledee:

mikey way as tweedleedum:

andy hurley as the master of the flowers:

joe trohman as the catapillar:

patrick stump as the cheshire cat:

spencer smith as the march hare:

jon walker as the mad hatter:

travis mccoy&gabe saporta as the card painters 1&2:

brendon urie as the queen of hearts:

william beckett as the king:

william is the one to the right.
ok well since it's so long i am ending this post so have a good day all!
~casseh~ |
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