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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, August 9, 2007
i'm addicted to the way i feel when i think of you
mood: lively
listening to: thnks fr th mmrs- fall out boy
currently: pissed off at my cats
pimpage: shallow heart (when she's home she just can't stop herself), deadxonxarrival (she's a stitch away from making it), shadowme (tell the boys where to find her body), knight edge (do you remember the way he held your hand?), tohmalover14 (she's not a shoulder to cry on), sayanachan (she wrote the gospel on giving up), destinyssweetman (he crashes not like hips or cars, no more like parties)
*all lines from fall out boy songs. no one get offended!
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i will fully support you in your cannibalism. too late jenny already went blind from the hobo joe. XD
alex: yesh, alex is a good name. it's my bro's middle name and one of my cousins names.
jenny: lol i am the fob. i'll have my mini fob band in no time. XD awww only the best picture dedications for dear jenny. lol
shadowme: no, i'm obsessed with him. i miss him that's all and in my defense i was actually face-to-face with him for he is a great deal more charming in person.
rapidxhopexloss: i agree. no member in fall out boy should have a beard. ecspecially joe. i like names too! i like knowing what they mean.
doose-doe: yeah, i still can't decide which spelling of the name i like better.
demonkiss: sorry joe gave you a beard induced heart attack. ok a wallowing we shall go. XD
keba-kun: i meet lots of people with D names. lol joe's beard is mind punching bad! XD
hi guys,
well i am happy to say that i am no where near as emo or grumpy/pissed off as i was yesterday. i'm thinking it was the lack of sleep that had me on such a short fuse. i managed to get some sleep but not alot. i had to go shopping with my mom last night and it took forever! ha ha i had my camera phone with me though so i was running around the store snapping pictures. i found a patrick hat a.k.a a hat that looks like the kind that patrick wears so i put it on a took a whole bunch of pics. i didn't have enough to buy it but i'm going to after i get paid.
work was almost kinda okay today. the mom went shopping so the kids had pleanty of food and i brought over a bunch of kids movies and thank you to whoever invented the vcr because that kept them mostly entertained. not so much the little boy jordan though. nope he ran around the house making messes that i had to clean and i now have to start hiding things where he can't reach them.
well yesterday i said i had some semi important news and i do. as you know on thursdays i would post the story "wentz in wonderland" well that fic was finished last week so now i have an open space for a new fic so i am going to let you guys, the readers decide what you would like to see up on thursdays. there are quite a few options so pay attention:
the list of possible thursday fics:
1. the wentz of oz: following in the tradition of wentz in wonderland it will be the wizard of oz staring everyone's favorite emo king.
2. star wentz: star wars with pete wentz
3. wild wild wentz: the movie wild, wild, west pete wentz style.
4. snow wentz: snow white with the wentz
5. 10 things i hate about wentz: the teen movie ten things i hate about you except for wentz is in it.
6. sixteen: a fic about vampires.
7. a fic about clones kinda along the lines of murder and lyrics only different.
8. the last option is actually a series of short one shots that star the pairing of pete and patrick and go from a-z.
ok so that's the eight options. my summarys suck i know but if you would please just vote in your comment for which one you would be interested in reading i would very much appreciate it. oh and please only vote once and this will be up all week for people who missed it. any participation is appreciated.
well that's all for now so i will chat with you all later!
~red~ |
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