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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Sunday, August 12, 2007
dance till we die
mood: happy yet just a little sad.
listening to: say this sooner-the almost
currently: hating my computer
pimpage: shallow heart (the female patrick),
avatar of the day: 
ha ha happy tree friends fall out boy
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i saw a panic! at the disco poster today and thought of yew. ^-^
slowness: ha ha yes, i got lot's of sleep! *joy*
jenny: lol stop making me wanna write porn! lol i totally wanna make pizza's with yew, and yesh i agree no butter we will use.
xxtristanxx: yeah, i made pizza and i can't even cook XD yeah it was a good deal so i bought it. lol for a second there i thought you mean you had kids. XD babysitting is rough ain't it?
toh-toh: yup i avoided myspace, i no really wanted to be on it. lol you is saturday because it iz a good song. ah i hope you get a job! lol i tried to do that my stupid computer is being a bitch.
demonskiss: lol i love the zombie fish! XD he iz cute.
doose-doe: yesh, myspace is overrated.
hi guys,
ah well i went shopping today. my mom and i went to pick up my grandma and then we went to the toys R us. lol i felt slightly foolish as i was the only teenager in the place -_- but i went and got the pink mp3 player for twenty bucks. really good deal considering it's $40 regular. so then i was fiddling around with it and it has a voice recorder so i recorded my voice and listened and i was like ha ha i have such a light voice! XD
then we went to walmart where i took off to the cd section. you know those little scanner thingies that you scan the cd and it will play some music? i was just standing in the cd section and playing music like "the used" and fall out boy and things like that. i was surprised to find the very first fall out boy cd "fall out boy's evening out with your girlfriend." i didn't buy it. i know you're shocked right? well i didn't buy it because i wasn't sure if it was good enough, i mean pete himself said it was total crap and i didn't want to buy it just because it was a fall out boy cd ecspecially because it was rereleased without fob's consent. i dunno i might go back to get it. i'm not sure. i also saw a fully orchestra cd full of all orchestra fob songs and i liked that but i didn't buy that either though i think i will.
i did end up buying a cd though. i bought the band "the almost" new cd "southern weather" ah so far i love it! say this sooner is awesome but all the other songs are good too, i can already tell that i'll like this cd. here's a pic of the band: 
oh i also went all teenie at the walmart and bought a fall out boy poster! XD it was the one of their rolling stone cover where pete is shirtless. i saw a panic! one but didn't buy it. i showed my grandma my poster and i have successfully converted her to a pete wentz fan. lol
talked to my brother and he was none too pleased to find out that i had to bring the kids with me to the airport to see him when he gets back.
like yesterday again i am going to put up the list of possible new fics to be posted on thursdays. if you already voted you need not vote again. if you haven't voted PLEASE DO IT!!!!! it helps me in the end. the voting will be up till thursday.
the list of possible thursday fics:
1. the wentz of oz: following in the tradition of wentz in wonderland it will be the wizard of oz staring everyone's favorite emo king.
2. star wentz: star wars with pete wentz
3. wild wild wentz: the movie wild, wild, west pete wentz style.
4. snow wentz: snow white with the wentz
5. 10 things i hate about wentz: the teen movie ten things i hate about you except for wentz is in it.
6. sixteen: a fic about vampires.
7. a fic about clones kinda along the lines of murder and lyrics only different.
8. the last option is actually a series of short one shots that star the pairing of pete and patrick and go from a-z.
ok so that's the eight options. my summarys suck i know but if you would please just vote in your comment for which one you would be interested in reading i would very much appreciate it. oh and please only vote once and this will be up all week for people who missed it. any participation is appreciated.
right now it's a tie. PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!!!
~red~ |
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