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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
too afraid of anything you may not seen before
mood: curious
listening to: grand theft autum- fall out boy
currently: want some cereal
pimpage: shallow heart (one of the awesomest people evah!), shadowme (i'm addicted to her story), sayanachan (the panic! whore :p), deadxonxarrival (she has seckz in her mind), knight edge (the perv), tohmalover14 (my texting buddy), destinyssweetman (amazing alex)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah you totally put me in a better mood yesterday! *huggles*
toh-toh: lol that's the same way i lose to a grasshopper! XD
effie-san: *listens for the island breeze* ah it's ok that you didn't comment.
ff 333: i'm feeling a lot better now.
shadowme: hooray! i hope i get to read it soon.
sayanachan: lol thanks for the rest even though i was unconcious through most of it. XD
jd person: lol yeah, it's hard to lose to a insect. lol
hi guys,
lol i know yesterday was a weird post but let's be honest. at least one of you was glad it was a short one. XD anyway the reason for the odd post was that my computer was being a idiot and i had typed a real post then lost it so i just did that one. for the record i did do battle with a grasshopper. it got into the house i was babysitting and i spent a good hour and a half trying to get it out, and i failed and ended up locking it in the bathroom until my cousin got home. -_- ha ha.
meh work was alright today. i got a fair amount of sleep but it never seems to be enough. i always feel tired when i come home and take a nap. lol i found out that i have to go into work early wednesday, thursday, and friday. so thatr sucks but at least it will be some extra cash, it will even make up for the short day i did on monday. the only thing is that it makes the night feel so much longer and i lose my patience quicker. ah but sometimes it's nice like today when jordan wanted hugs an kept kissing my cheek. it's too cut to resist.
still didn't put my poster up. grrrrrrr i need to do that. i just didn't want to poke hole in it but i guess i will have to. hmmmmmmmm i am thinking of forming an anti-ashlee simpson club. ha ha if i did i know at least one person who would support meh! XD
oh yeah, tomorrow the annoucment of which story won will be made so look forward to that.
hmmmm incase anyone was wondering here's a pic of what my poster looks like:

ah must put up poster! *runs away*
oh i stole this quiz from shadowme but i thought it was good enough to pass on.
What do Greenday ---- My chemical Romance ----- Fall out Boys ------Simple Plan} Think of you?{ TAKE IT!!! ^-^plz\for girls )

   You are the Sweet girl, and have the most Beautiful smile that can melt every boy's heart!!! Who extremely Likes you: Billie Joe Armstrong, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Pierre Bouvier, David Decrosiers!!! Your best friends: Sebastian Lefebvre, Frank Iero, Bob Bryar, Andrew Hurley, Joe Trohman, Mike Dirnt, Tre cool~*~*~What do Greenday Think of you~*~*~  Tre Cool:She is adorable! i kinda fancy her! ^^ Mike Dirnt:well...shes like candy!!! yeah thats right she's so sweet! Billie Joe Armstrong: She's a cutie!!!! a very hot cutie!~*~*~What do MCR think of you~*~*~  Gerard Way:Whenever i see her... i was lost in those dazzling eyes... Ray Toro:Gerard reaaaallly like her!!! Frank Iero:Mikey likes her too!!! SO MUCH!!!"gets hit by MikeY" MikeY Way:She's hot, she's pretty! whats not to like? Bob Bryar:Met her once...she was extremely nice!~*~*~What do Fall oUt BoYS think of you?~*~*~  Pete Wentz:Really like her too!!!I mean look at her!she is so gorgeous! Patrick Stump:I call her Eye candy!!! ^^ Andrew Hurley: Yeah! i wonder what happened in the closet during the dare!? anyway... she's cool with me! Joe Trohman:She's plain Adorable!~*~*~What do Simple PLan tHINK of you?~*~*~  Pierre Bouvier:Have you seen her smile!!! its so kawaii!!! Charles "Chuck" Comeau: Pierre and David like her! they just wont admit it!!! Jeff Stinco:She's the hottest girl i've seen! plus she's prettyyyyyyy!!!! David Desrosiers: She's the cutest, sweetest and coolest girl i've ever met! Sebastian "Seb" Lefebvre: My best friend! Take this quiz!

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*edit: the poster is now up.
~red~ |
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