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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Friday, August 17, 2007
new friends are golden
mood: well rested
listening to: golden- fall out boy
currently: need to get a writing.
pimpage: shallow heart (she's a salesmen selling you hooks and plans), shadowme (she's just a painter and she's drawing a blank), sayanachan (she's a canary you're a colemine), deadxonxarrival (she only wants to sing you to sleep), knight edge (he has a car crash heart), tohmalover14 (
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: lol imma start calling you yenny. XD lol yesh that's my plan inflitrate the minds of the youth with fall out boy. any banner you make will be perfect!
sayanachan: lol you can have some of my girl cats. they iz hoes.
slowness: lol jenny and i have come up with pete is not really dating asslee but helping learn how to put on eyeliner. XD
hi guys,
my brother made me about ten minutes late for work yesterday. blah i hate being late it always makes me feel bad. oh and big surprise i actually got some sleep! ha even though porsha woke up at six o' clock. i made her lay back down and she fell asleep. i watched the movie wild hogs and thought it was pretty funny but only the first time. we ended up watching it about four times in a row. oh and i didn't get paid yesterday like i usually do. i dunno i will probably get paid today.
some unfortunate news. my brother talked to our friend matt about putting music on my mp3 player for me and it turns out that matt no longer has the internet. neither does our friend nate who was my second option. this sucks so i basically have a mp3 player but no way to put music on it. i could go to my dad's house and do it there or possibly ask my cousin to do it. but i dunno.
our cat nana had another baby. at first i thought she killed the first baby but my brother told me it was a second one.sadly the second baby died shortly after it was born. i knew this was going to happen but still it's a sad thing. she doesn't know how to take care of it, she won't stay with it. i am fairly sure that the first baby is going to die. which is sad because it's not the babies fault.
well i have not a lot to say so i shall put up something for you guys to read. this was actually one of the thursday options. it's one of the a-z so yeah enjoy. oh jenny has already read this. sowwy jenny!
j is for jump
pete had thought of killing himself before, or course he had by now everyone knew about the infamous 'best buy' incident. pete always thought that was the best way to kill one's self, by overdosing on pills that after too long all felt the same. pete never thought about shooting himself even though he imagined that a bullet hole would look awfully pretty in his head. he never thought about slitting his wrists, he didn't want to stain his clothes. pete never imagined jumping off a building, he didn't want to be know as a stain on the city. after the best buy incident pete never again thought about killing himself. that was until patrick died.
pete stood on a chilly fall chicago night at the top of the tallest building he could find. it was three days ago that patrick died in a car accident. joe and andy said pete would eventually be ok but he knew before he even knew patrick was dead, he knew he would never be alright. yesterday was the funeral and pete attended because he would never miss his chance to say goodbye to the only person who made him feel like he would never be hurt. andy and joe had been keeping a watchful eye on pete to make sure he didn't do anything to hurt himself, the only reason pete was here now was because he had snuck out of the house while they were asleep.
pete wrote a note of course because when your career is writing poetic words why not end it on one. he was sure that if he did jump the note would be plastered on every tv, radio, and internet blog. he didn't care because the last good thing in his life was gone and he never got a chance to say goodbye to patrick, because patrick was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.
pete stood at the top of the building he looked up at the black night and ever since patrick died it never seemed blacker. pete was looking at the stars and wondering which one was patrick's and if he did jump would he see patrick again? according to everyone killing yourself was a sin and sinners like pete didn't get to see angels like patrick.
pete looked down at the busy streets of the cars with people with things to do and places to go and people they cared about and pete wished that he was one of those people. pete looked down at his converse shoes and wondered about how much the impact of the sidewalk to his body would really hurt.
"patrick when i fall will you catch me?" pete remembered asking patrick that a long time ago. patrick smiled sweetly and ran a hand through pete's hair.
"i'll always catch you pete" he whispered in pete's ear.
pete was crying now wet tears falling down his face as he pulled his hands from his jacket pockets.
"you better keep your promise" pete whispered as he jumped.
yeah that one is one of my favorites. i may put more up but only if you guys want.
~red~ |
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