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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Saturday, August 18, 2007
i'll be your number one with a bullet
mood: pleased
listening to: the soup- on the E! channel
currently: in love with mah new shoes
pimpage: shallow heart ( she thinks chicago is so two years ago), sayanachan (she's a regular decorated emergency), shadowme (cute is what she aims for), deadxonxarrival (she's writing you a chorus), tohmalover14 (she wears a red jumpsuit apparatus), knight edge (he'd like to thank you for the memories), slowness (she'd like to join the black parade), destinyssweetman (he'd like you to know that this ain't a scene)
avatar of the day:
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i'm glad you liked it! yes, i like that line too. ha you iz not a pansy.
jenny: my computer is teh suck and decided it doesn't want to cooperate with meh at all. lol i'll mail my mp3 player to you. XD ha ha i'm kinda stuck on the letter Q i mean i know what i wanna do but i can't get there! T-T
shadowme: unfortunately there is no more to that story. that's how it ends. it is up to the reader to decide what happened to pete. sowwy!
toh-toh: gosh it was a mistake! i iz sorry! i was being rushed by my mum. pete: hey toh-toh said she'd give meh a hug! *runs toward toh-toh*
ff 333: ah thanks for the compliments!
rapidxhopexloss: ah thanks! lol i'm sure you're a good writer as well!
tristan: well luckily i still have my trusty cd player without it i would be wacko. XD
angel zakuro: awwww thanks! i'm glad you liked it!
slowness: lol limewire is what my bro and our friends use but no one has the internet right now! T-T
hi guys,
i got a little surprise when i went to work last night. i turned out my twelve year old cousin brittany was spending the night as well. now brittney and i were closer when we were younger but i've barely seen her lately so i thought it would be really awkward and it kinda was for a while but then we talked about music and surprise she is a slight fob fan. more of a teenie i guess because she fawned over how incredibly hot pete was. the only thing was that later it sorta seemed like she was trying to undermine my authority as the babysitter. gah i hate when people do that.
hmmmm i did get paid today and i promptly went and spent all my money. gah how can a teenager spend $160 in one day. surprisingly easy. XD well i mean it wasn't all my fault because from the moment i told my mom i got paid she started her usual "loan me this. loan me that" and it sucked, but anyway i got some cool make-up and a new hairbrush that all came to five dollars. then i had to give my mom gas money and i went to a couple stores like fashion bug and payless <--yesh, i said payless and i no care. XD i got two shirts at the fashion bug, the one i totally fell in love with. i need to find some pics to show you guys. then i went to the shoe store and saw the most gorgeous pair of shoes the kind that make you go "I MUST HAVE THEM!" unfortunately for meh the store only had a size too big and a size too small so i went to a different store and found the perfect size. i also got a backpack. but i love the shoes they are the seckz.
like i said my mom was bumming money off me all day so it was super annoying, and i had to give my brother money and i know all he's gonna do is go and get wasted with it. blaaaaaah. i also went and bought jenny (shallow heart) a birthday present. i also stopped by my bestfriend sydneys house because i had seen her in forever and i wanted her to spend the night. sadly she was grounded for sneaking boys into the house so i couldn't hang with her. but i showed her my stuff and she liked it and she wanted my shoes and i was like "noooooo way" XD
oh my cat nana did have another baby. which would make it her third and it's the biggest and it seems to be doing well. both of them do but i am still worried about the first one.
here's a pic of my shoes!

man i love them.
ah frick, i just realized that my cell phone iz dead and i can't find mah charger! noooooooooooo i was gonna talk to teh jenniez! T-T
~casseh~ |
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