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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, August 20, 2007
sugar, we're going down swinging
mood: glad
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world- fall out boy
currently: feeling better
pimpage: shallow heart (she's falling apart to half-time), shadowme (misery loves her), sayanachan (she's going down swinging), deadxonxarrival (she's watching you two from the closet), slowness (she well read and poised), knight edge (he'll keep singing this lie if you keep believing it), tohmalover14 (she's writing letters to adresses in a ghost town), destinyssweetman (he puts his ear to the speaker), detectivedanielle (she left her concious pressed in between the pages of the bible in the drawer), savestheday (he got your love letters corrected the grammar and sent them back)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: thanks so much alex you always have such kind words to say.
aaya: ah well we didn't lose touch i mean he stopped using the myo and then i was talking to him on myspace but that stopped too...but whatever that's not important anymore. lol you is not a cornball! XD
ninjalover: ah i hope i'm not jumping the gun but i think we might be friends again.
slowness: ah your comment wasn't horrible!
demonskiss: well the talking wasn't too grown up. insults were thrown.
danny: i know you're busy with life, i just wanna be a part of it that's all. thanks for stopping by.
shadowme: well acording to him he never really left so maybe he's not a ghost but a watcher? ha ha i dunno. no walking through teh ghost danny. XD
jenny: eh it's ok you and i already talked about this last night so thanks!
sayanachan: yeah, losing friends just sucks in general.
alphonse13: ah your comment was help enough!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: yes, that danny. the one i immortilized via my myo page. i dunno i think we're okay now.
hi guys,
well yeah thanks for all the support and everything yesterday you guys. i really appreciate it. well considering danny left me a comment i'm just going to assume that we're ok again. i dunno i certainly hope we are. i really should call him one of these days but i still am afraid and i still don't know why. am i afraid to hear him? or afraid that it won't be the same? gah i dunno.
anyway i was bored yesterday in between talking to jenny all night so i was going through my archives on here and it was funny. i did talk about him an awful lot. no wonder everyone thought i liked him. ha but i swear you guys sometimes i was reading it and i was like excited to know what happened next. like "oh my gosh what's gonna happen?????" then i'd be like "wait stupid you lived it. you know what happens." ha ha i r nerd. XD
ah my brother and our two friends matt and nate stopped by today. my brother came to get his xbox because he's gonna go and sell it tomorrow. well they were talking to me and i asked matt about my mp3 player and he said he got his internet back on so i asked him about putting music on it for me and he wanted to buy it from me and i was like no! so he said if i let him use it for a while he'll put music on it for me and stuff. so i dunno i let him take it and told him that if something happened he'd have to buy me a new one. also matt and nate were bashing fall out boy, panic!, gym class heroes, and the academy is. ha they all like the rap crap. so they left but then my bro and nate came back later and their spending the night. and their farting and being gross. blah.
hmmmmm back to work for me today. that sucks. the weekends go by too fast. oh well. oh bad news another of the babies died. the first born kitten died today when i woke up it was dead and hanging out of the box. the other one seems to be normal and doing fine. mom wants to name him patrick.
well it is monday and that means it's time for murder and lyrics! yesh, so i hope you all enjoy! i tried not too make it too long.
lexi and cassie came face to face at the police station and exchanged fists and words. the detectives found out that the man in the picture with lexi was daniel's old friend jake. cassie was released from the station and lexi was held for interrigation. the detectives suspected that lexi and jake were having an affair. and danielle wondered about the relationship between josiah and cassie.
murder and lyrics
chapter twelve: confessions of the twenty something dramaqueen
danielle headed to the room that held lexi and timothy. timothy was leaning against the wall looking frustrated and lexi was pouting as best she could with the fat lip that cassie had given her.
"get any info?" danielle asked as she closed the door behind herself. timothy shook his head.
"no, she's refusing to talk." he told her. danielle made a noise of annoyance before looking at lexi full on.
"well lexi, at least you'll be interested in knowing that cassie told us that the man in the photograph is not your hair stylist but in fact an old friend of daniel's named jake!" danielle annouced and timothy raised his eyebrows at hearing the news for the first time. lexi made a face.
"what? your going to take the word of that tramp over me?" lexi asked astonished.
"no-" danielle began "i'm going to take the word of the girl who didn't lie to us five times already!" she said cooly back. lexi huffed and turned away from the detectives. "so why were you holding hands with a friend of daniel's?" danielle asked. lexi looked at her with those sharp eyes.
"i already told you! we're good friends." lexi said through gritted teeth.
"oh really? because cassandra told us that she thought you two had never met." danielle said as she rested her hands on the table.
"well, i guess that's one thing cassie didn't know." lexi said. as though she had won the argument.
"well cassie was with daniel a good amount of the time and if she never saw you two together does that mean daniel didn't know either?" danielle asked and lexi looked upset that the matter was not yet resolved.
"i-i well she wasn't with him 24-7!" lexi shouted and went back to huffing and pouting.
"and neither were you. that left you pleanty of time to be with jake alone." timothy interjected, speaking for the first time since danielle had entered the room. lexi shot him a glare but he blew it off and continued. "and i recall that you arrived late at daniel's show on the night of his death."
"so?" lexi commanded as if it meant nothing.
"so, he was only in town for two days and cassie told us you barely saw him." timothy said
"i still don't see your point." lexi said as she looked at timothy.
"my point is, why would a loving and loyal girlfriend not bother to see her busy boyfriend when he was in town for such a short time?" timothy asked now sounding as if he were dealing with a child.
lexi said nothing and danielle was become more frustrated with the girl. she wasn't giving real anwsers she was lying almost constantly. she knew celebrities were difficult but this was getting down right impossible. before danielle or timothy could start again lexi looked up eyes wide and for the first time they looked real.
"she was right." lexi said quietly
"what?" danielle asked
"cassie, she was right before. i didn't mean anything to daniel, you know i was the 'it was fun while it lasted' girl. that's why i didn't come around. do you even for one second know what that feels like?" lexi asked but as if she didn't expect an anwser.
"so you were feeling like daniel didn't love you so you found someone who would?" timothy asked and danielle was sastisfied that he was back to his usual self. again lexi offered no anwser and it seemed her moment of being a real person was long gone.
"why didn't you go to the funeral lexi?" danielle asked the question that had been on her mind for some time. she didn't expect an anwser from lexi so it was mildly surprising when she got one.
"i-i didn't want to take the focus away from him. i wanted it to just be about him." lexi said and danielle noticed that the real side of her seemed to come back but due to lexi's lack of honesty she couldn't help but wonder if this was something she could turn on and off.
"then why show up at the reading?" timothy asked as he moved from his spot against the wall.
"the same reason any one goes to those things. to see what they were left." she told them simply.
"and what were you expecting to get?" danielle asked
"i wasn't expecting anything!" lexi proclaimed.
"really? cause you looked awfully upset after you heard cassie got the money." timothy said as he pulled up a seat across from lexi.
"which doesn't really make sense because it's not like you're in dire need of cash." danielle added as she paced the room. lexi huffed upset that she would have to explain herself again.
"i thought that maybe him leaving me the money meant that he really did care about me, but it was fairly obvious i was worthy of nothing but a party jet." lexi said as the real human lexi once again made an apperance.
the two detectives spent the next hour and a half trying to pry information out of lexi but were unable to get anything useful. danielle sat frustrated against the cold wall of the room while timothy was pacing around lexi still attempting to get info, but lexi was less then forthcoming. eventually timothy turned around to face danielle.
"hey, we missed lunch. why don't you go and get some if you want. i'll handle things with her." he told her. danielle thought it was a great idea seeing as her body was growling with hunger and her mind felt tired. danielle nodded as she stood from her place on the floor and glanced at the clock. indeed it was now one thirty in the afternoon the duo had worked through their lunch.
"you want me to get you something?" she asked. timothy shook his head.
"nah, not too hungry." danielle shrugged and left the room. she wondered as she left if timothy would actually get anything from lexi. as danielle walked towards the exit she saw jenny sat at her desk taping away on the key board infront of her.
"jenny you take ms. smith back to her car?" danielle asked as she stopped infront of jenny's desk. jenny looked up surprised and danielle knew that she was most likely playing on the internet again.
"oh yeah," she began as she looked from danielle to her computer screen and back again. "we got to talking. she's really nice! i like her." jenny said as she grinned. danielle nodded and agreed. she knew full well that cassie had that way about her, she was a likeable person, she seemed to have few if no eniemies besides lexi, but maybe that's what made danielle slightly suspicious. that cassie was too nice and too good. it was something that people said that the good ones always snapped. she hoped that wasn't the case and continued on to get her lunch.
is lexi telling the truth? or is it all an act? did she really love daniel? was she secretly seeing jake? find out next time!
~red~ |
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