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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
i've seen ships go down with more grace then you
mood: slightly upset
listening to: chicago is so two years ago- fall out boy (best song evah!)
currently: wishing it was friday
pimpage: shallow heart (she yells at people at wal-mart), shadowme (she likes the dead scene kid), sayanachan (she kills panic! bashers), deadxonxarrival (she doesn't like guys named daniel), slowness (she throws foods at people), tohmalover14 (she wants to hug mah patrick!), knight edge (dunno what's happened to him), destinyssweetman (alex), detectivedanielle (she misses jessica), savestheday (he humps bunnies)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: awww thanks jenny. i agree we should both be happy because we are both teh awesome! heh heh i had to make lexi seem a little human! ha ha yeah, i totally nailed your personality. fic jenny and real jenny are the same.
omnimaster: yeeeeeah, i did like him. but i'm over it now, so it doesn't matter anymore. but yeah we're friends.
toh-toh: awwwww that sucks! i don't want the toh-toh to start school! she must slack off with meh! actually it was longer but i had to cut it short. ha ha patrick is scared of giving people hugs. patrick: *hides*
roseeyes: well i'm glad you stopped by!
alphonse 13: lol you must be careful not to abuse your commenting power! XD lol why thank you! i think yew iz cool too.
sayanachan: hooray! i'm helping the ozone layer! XD
hi guys,
ahah first off myo wasn't working earlier, and i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ha ha
ah well work was stupid today. it was raining really bad when we left so i was late and then my cousin decides that she's going to go into work an hour late so i was sitting there a whole hour i didn't have to be. gahhh. then she told me that she'd be late coming home so i was doing two hours overtime. also the six year old porsha was up when i got there so it took me until seven to get her back to sleep. got not so much sleep but whatever i managed.
i found some water balloons and it was my own brilliant idea to fill them up. unfortunately the water balloons were less then cooperative so in the end they kept coming untied and gushing water everywhere. the entire kitchen floor and counters were wet, along with the kids and i. when we got the water balloon's filled we went out on the front covered porch and played a game where we tossed it back and forth until it popped. porsha got more wet then i did. no worries though i changed their clothes and then took a blow dryer to myself. XD when my cousin got home from work she was in a bad mood as was her husband. the kids were yelled at a lot.
oh also i am going in early tonight and i think tomorrow and the next day as well. which sucks. it's so boring over there. and then i don't get to play on the internet and bother jenny all night. XD duuuuuuude i just realized that school is starting really soon! okay offically time to panic! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. alright i know i'm only freaking cause i'll basically be alone this year, what with danielle moved to a different school, torri dropping out, my senior friends graduated, and danny being homeschool. i am screwed. and scared and expecting the fat kid teases to happen already. -_-
i think i'm gonna buy a digital camera this weekend. there is one on sale for like $85 bucks. so i figure that's a good deal. i also have to buy a few pairs of jeans, some undies, some tennis shoes, aaaaaaaand i think that's it. maybe i few more shirts and a hoodie.
oh dude i added pete wentz's dog hemingway as a friend on myspace today, heh yeah he totally has a myspace. he's a pimp after all. now pictah time for i am boreeeddddd.

this one's dedicated to jenny, just cause it seems like something she'd say.

um yeah, this is gabe from cobra starship and dear mr. beckett from the academy is....and they is making out!

ha ha patrick is oblivious to the gayness that surroundes him.

patrick is teh angry.

oh yeah, i totally believe that their not gay together, XD

yup, that's love.
XD ok i am fairly certain that all the guys who visit meh now hate meh. but i no care. ha ha hahahahahahah. later
~red~ |
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