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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
not a million fights could make me hate you
mood: cold and hungry
listening to: "it's not a side effect of the cocaine, i am thinking it must be love-fall out boy
currently: need to refil my squirt gun
pimpage: shallow heart (one of the greatest people you'll ever meet), shadowme (she and i will most likely end up in a duel for danny's attention XD), sayanachan (she is the ryro ninja), deadxonxarrival (she ruined butter for meh), slowness (gerard way is her bestfriend), tohmalover14 (she texted mah brother), knight edge (the missing knight), destinyssweetman (he's such a caring person), detectivedanielle (i gotta hang out with her sooooon), savestheday (i wanna talk to him)
avatar of the day: 
ha that's freaken awesome.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: lol i wish i could dance in the rain. lol in that situation i wouldn't mind be held at gunpoint either.
jenny: i think we are equally nice people. lol it's not raining here either but it is chilly. i know it sucks! aaaaaand i gotta go in early tonight again. T-T ha ha yes, i was thinking that same thing "what if i buy a digital camera and the computer won't work it?" ha lol hemmy is a pimp on the myspace, he has all the ladies. XD lmao i love that seckz party pic cause pete does look like he's sad that he can't go. hooray! i get a jenny picture? i win!
omnimaster: well i mean i still know people but no one as close to me as danielle and danny were. ha ha they know almost all mah secrets.
sessy514: ha well thanks for not hating meh.
toh-toh: you can't hug the patrick for he is currently eating cookies and watching cartoons. pete still gives hugs though! *pete runs to hug the riku* lol kids have such abnormal sleeping habits. ah when i go back to school i lose mah job but my mom is set to take over. lol *grabs balloons* let's go! ha ha if those pics were of pete and patrick i would have died of too much goodness! XD ha ha if i found a peterick smexz pic it would become my wallpaper. lol
ninja lover: somedays it challenging.
alphonse 13: ha ha yesh, there is that saying that says with great power comes great responsibility. did i just quote spiderman? yes, yes i did. XD oh my gosh i wanna do that to someone! ha ha i must be evil too. hooray i am becoming the special! heh heh didn't you know that jenny and i are basically the same person? lol
silverdragongirl: ha ha no filling the balloons up is what got us wet. ha ha damn balloons.
shadowme: as far as i know he was going to be homeschooled i don't know if he still is. hooray glad you liked the chapter!
hi guys,
well yeah worked sucked last night. the kids sleep in the living room now so there is a greater chance of them waking up if i make too much noise. blah besides that they just wouldn't listen today. anything i told them to do they just fought all the way against it. it was so frustrating today. i eneded up putting porsha in time out in the bathroom. she's one of those kids that just refuse to take you seriously and maybe that's the most frustrating bit of all. again tonight i have to go in early which i hate because it is so boring over there. no cable and all kids movies that i've seen about 100 times a piece. T-T
ha ha last night jenny and i were talking about bands and we decided who would be which band member. the following are the results of that conversation:
cassie=pete wentz (compliment or insult? XD)
jenny=patrick stump(h)
megan=andy hurley
jenny's friend lauren=travis (from gym class heroes)
sayanachan=ryan ross
danny=brendon urie
toh-toh=spencer smith
my brother timmy= john walker (even though he said no)
slowness=mikey way
edge=gabe saporta
ha ha that's all we got so far. lol we should totally find the other members of panic! XD
man i feel like i wanna do something this weekend with my friends. but it so friggen hard getting everyone together. oh well i will still try, there are a few people i really wanna see.
ok know what's slightly upsetting? i really want some fall out boy t-shirts for school. i went to look on the fueled by ramen webstore and there are barely any in my size. T-T all i wanna do is show my love for the fall out boy. they should make bigger sizes.
oh dude, i just remembered i have to go to the doctor's tomorrow. for what? you might ask, well i think it's just a check-up but now i have to take the kids with me.
~red~ |
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