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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, August 23, 2007
we're dropped and well concealed in secret places
mood: pessimistic
listening to: this ain't a scene it's an arms race- fall out boy
currently: possibly overdosing on peterick. ha ha
pimpage: shallow heart (she doesn't sound like a man), shadowme (the joe without the hobo beard), sayanachan (she panics! at the disco), deadxonxarrival (she has the sex parties with shadowme), slowness (spreading peace one hula hoop at a time), tohmalover14 (she's hitting on mah brother?!?), knight edge (aaaaah), destinyssweetman (my twizin), detectivedanielle (ha ha i should make her be william beckett), savestheday (check your text)
avatar of the day: 
that you did. ha ha
Redmoonchick Responds:
demonskiss: dang i knew someone asked but i couldn't remember who! sorry! well the pimpage started with just me using it to tell people when my friends danielle and danny would update but then i started putting people who i feel close to on there so in a way they are getting pimped.
sayanachan: ha ha well i'm glad you like being ryan! XD
shadowme: ha i don't need your sex parties cause i gotta molest jenny in public so people question our relationship. XD oh noes! for the love of all things good please no growing the hobo beard!
toh-toh: ha ha i know! i was like "well did you tell her that it's not me?" he was like "nooooooo" ha ha my brother is stupid. you had to look up spencer? ah bad panic! fan *hits yew with newspaper* ha ha j/k spencer is love.
capricorn-rocker: thanks for stopping by.
alphonse 13: ha ha no way! i iz the good one and jenny is teh evil! ha ha. lmao you should hear our conversations, they're the best things ever.
jenny: i know i was like "where's my jenny comment? jenny no love meh no more!" then i cried emo tears :p lol yesh, i was like "no dont't do that!" while i was one the phone. lol "HELLO TRICK!" ha ha we iz insane. lol yesh, jenny has advanced knowledge. XD
angel zakuro: ha ha well at least i educated you in fob. ha ha we must now begin the panic lessons. meet me every day at four sharp. :p
jasperxalice: ah it sucks cause now i do have to deal with needles. T-T
hi guys,
well work was alright i guess. i was kinda mad that again my cousin brittany was over there when i went to work because she is pretty annoying. and she was trying to wake porsha up. man it felt like i was babysitting a third kid. i hope she's not there tonight cause i don't think i can handle it.
i had to go to the doctor's today. i ended up taking the kids with me and the doctor scared the crap outta me because she said that if a problem i have continues i might have to end up having surgery and that the surgery would take out one of my overies. yikes i told my mom that i wasn't having the surgery no matter what. i also have to go and get blood drawn on friday i think and have an ultrasound. both are things i hate doing. ecspecially the blood drawing.
T-T the kids were good for my mom while i was inside for my appointment but when it was her turn they were bad. my gosh i hate that.
hooray! i got to talk to jenny on the phone today! ha ha it wasn't nearly as awkward as i expected because it's jenny and she iz mah clone. ha ha. i didn't get to talk to her for too long though because my cousin came home so hopefully when i get more minutes we can talk again.
oh joy i have decided on a new theme for next month. i was torn between two and i made my decision today. so huzzah! duuuuude there was a really bad storm here and my mom and i were right in the middle of it. i was sitting out in the car when it happened and i wasn't scared just like "man i don't wanna get wet!" ha ha it was lightining really bad as well but it was beautiful at the same time.
ok so it is thursday and that means the very first chapter of the fic that you guys voted for: Sixteen. ha ha i have yet to name it something different. so yeah sorry if the first chapter is boring. it's not too long though so i hope you guys enjoy it. poor story has big shoes to fill with wentz in wonderland.
chapter one: fight in the moonlight
a young girl, in her late teens walked down the moonlit streets of chicago. she walked alone despite the obvious dangers of a pretty girl alone at night. ecspecially since the recent attacks that had been taking place in the city. the girl either oblivious or uncaring to the potential danger continued her walk.
the moonlight caught her hair as she walked making her shine with an unnatural glow. as she rounded a corner and set off walking down a deserted street a large clatter was heard. the girl stopped and turned slowly to check the dark glistening street, but she saw no one the dark haired girl didn't seem scared of the noise but more curious as to where it had come from. the girl gave a small shrug before stuffing her hands into her black jacket and continuing her walk.
only a few moments later the noise was heard again louder and once again the girl stopped and looked around for any sign and again nothing, by now a small amused smile played on the corner of her lips, as she continued her journey. the girl now turned once again and left the safety of the lit streets and turned on to the dark and shadow filled streets.
the only noise now was the dull thudding of her shoes against the concrete. the girl passed a paticularly grimy building when it happened. suddenly she felt arms grab her from behind and pull her back into a hard body. the arms held her neck back and exposed. and a cool voice spoke to her.
"didn't anyone ever teach you not to walk alone at night?" the male voice told her mockingly. the girl said nothing but remained stiff in the man's arms. "come on girlie. don't ya wanna say anything? any final words?" he jeered at her. the girl still didn't speak, nor did she seem afraid. the man scoffed.
"heh too bad you're going to die now." the he told her after her refusal to speak. she turned her head a bit and saw a gleaming flash of white. quickly the girl drew back her elbow and slugged the man in the stomach with it. obviously the man wasn't expecting the girl to be as strong as she was and he quickly fell to the ground. the girl had whipped around to face her would be attacker.
"didn't anyone ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself?" she asked. a gleam of white caught in her grin. the man on the ground scoffed but made no attempt to get up.
"i see i underestimated you." he said as he clutched at his side. the man now stood and faced the girl. "you are one strong human, but nothing i can't handle." he said as he rushed towards her in a highly unhuman speed. in a split second the girl was to the side as the man rushed past and he turned angry, his fist raised to strike her. he charged forward and the girl barely managed to grab his fist before it connected with her jaw.
she now held the man's fist trapped within her own hand. she grabbed harder her nails digging into his pale flesh and twisting his arm until she heard a satisisfying 'crack'. the unhuman man dropped to his knee's howling in pain as she held his now broken arm still in the unatural position.
"you are quite possibly one of the weakest vampires i have ever met." she told him as he clutched at his own broken arm. a scowl formed on his face.
"who are you a human to call me a vampire weak?" he yelled at her. she laughed as the moonlight broke through the cloudy night sky, drowning them in the white light. the man looked up at the supposed human who had beat him. a grin on her face large enough for him to now see, he could see the long white canine fangs in her mouth.
"you-you can't be a vampire! you smell nothing like blood!" he protested refusing to believe the site before him.
"i owe you no explanation as to what i am." she told him as she frowned.
"what clan do you belong to then? if you're really a vampire then what clan are you from?" he asked as if he believed her to be lying. he peered at her, possibly trying to find any sort of familarality. the girl stared back at him, the anger and cockiness now long gone from her face. she turned her back on him and again stuffed her hands into her long black jacket.
"beckett." was all she said and she didn't wait around to hear his response. "don't follow me. i don't want to have to hurt you more." she said as she walked away from the injured vampire. the girl started back on her walk though she was more heavy hearted then before. the man had succeeded in reminding her of where she was heading. where she didn't want to go.
the girl made her way down the winding streets of chicago before long she ended up in a middle class neighborhood, the kind of place where all the houses looked the same. she walked down the nearly empty street as she ventured further along the street she noticed more and more 'people' outside and they noticed her.
"ah look who came back!" one of the men on the sidewalk said loudly as he nudged his friend. the girl ignored them and kept her pace. she was having a hard enough time coming back here on her own. she didn't need their taunts to dissuade her from continuing. finally she saw it in the distance, the largest house on the block as well as the most livliest. it took every ounce of will power the girl had to force herself up to the front lawn of the house.
it was a large two-story plus home. fine and slightly fancy looking, painted a fine shade of dark brown. it's many windows covered as to not let one ounce of light in. the girl moved up the path way and across the fresh green yard up to the white heavy front door. she gave one quick knock and stood there knowing she had been gone too long to just enter like she used to. the girl wondered who was going to anwser the door and she prayed it wasn't beckett...or him.
the door opened and a short man appeared. the girl was relived that it wasn't the people she didn't want to see. the man took one look at the girl before his mouth dropped.
"you." he said and the girl nodded.
"yeah." was all she said as if that gave an explanation to everything. the girl was desperate to get in the house before she gained any unwanted attention. as long as she didn't run into him she'd be fine.
"who is it david?" an all too familar voice asked from within the house and the girl's insides froze as she knew who was coming and it was too late to run before the other man showed up at the door, the one man she didn't want to run into. the man looked at her and for a split second shock took his handsome face before he regained his composure and he grinned at her.
"ada, welcome home" he said as if she had only been gone for a few hours or a day at the most. the man took her hand and lead her inside the house.
well i hope you guys liked that, like i said if it's boring now don't worry it picks up in the next few chapters. hmmmmmm i wonder why i'm so nervous that no one will like it? ha maybe it's because i really like the characters.
~red~ |
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