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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, September 3, 2007
the hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday
mood: irritated
listening to: dance, dance-fall out boy
currently: going to strangle my brother.
avatar of the day: 
it's one of the best kinds of patrick.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah well at least we do cool things in your dreams! XD lol i know i was like jenny is gonna worry about meh. ha ha/ lol yesh porsha was screaming like that because she thought you were patrick. my brother kinda pisses me off everyday! XD ha ha i used to buy so many teenie magazines. imma steal your pete hat. ha ha of course i missed teh jenniez! ha ha yesh we iz married and yesh you is popular. you iz lucky this is an open marriage. :p
sayanachan: ha ha surprisingly i think j-14 is cooler now. XD ha ha we had a simple ceramony you can come to the one we have later. XD
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: that's some good advice. i shall take it into consideration.
angel zakuro: ha ha yes, peterick is awesome! eh i am better now, not so stressed.
hi guys,
had a mini crisis a moment ago. i couldn't find one of my fall out boy cd's and i flipped out. i called my brother cause i knew he had something to do with it and sure enough he put it in a completely different cd case on the bottom of my cd pile. grrrrrrr why can't he leave my stuff alone?
anyway tomorrow=first day of school and cassie=*panic* XD ahhhh i really am quite nervous about school. i dunno i keep hoping that danny will be there though i am not getting my hopes up because really i know he won't be. i just wish he was. i also wish danielle was back but she's not going to be either. i'm sure i'll be okay i just pray that no one makes a fat girl joke at my expense. that's what i'm really worried about. *panic*
hmmmm i wanna keep this short since it is story day though i must say that today feels like saturday for me. ok well since it's monday. that means the newest freshest chapter of murder and lyrics. this is really one of my favorite chapters i dunno why, it just came to me really easily.
danielle got interesting facts about josiah and daniel from the fanatical fan girl belinda. the station was forced to let lexi go free much to the dissapointment of the detectives. timothy went to get lexi's phone records and danielle decided to pay daniel's old friend jake a visit.
murder and lyrics:
chapter fourteen: best friends till the end
danielle drove through the upperclass sections of L.A and through the suburban and middle class neighborhoods. she then drove down through one of the many shady ghetto's that marked the city's lower side. all in search of jake walker, the man in the photo with lexi and the man who was old friends with daniel. danielle knew it wasn't exactly the safest thing riding around in a marked police car without a partner in the dangerous part of town.
she read the adress to jake's apartment from her notepad which she had written down after her call with jenny. danielle glanced around the adresses at the tall brick apartment buildings and slowed as she neared her desired location. she stopped infront of a seedy apartment building tall and broke down. the outside adorned with people sitting and chatting animatedly on the stoop. she double checked the adress before getting out of the car not taking chances on being at the wrong place.
she also felt behind her to make sure she had her gun safely in it's holster. danielle approached the stoop and the group of people looked up at her approaching. she prayed that they remained civil and she wouldn't have to flash a badge or pull a gun. danielle stopped infront of the stoop and one of the many men sitting there looked up at her.
"what do you want bitch?" he asked and danielle sighed as her hope of civility flew out the window. danielle sighed and pointed to her badge that was pinned to her jacket.
"i'm looking for jake walker." she said. the men seemed to know who she was talking about as an instant chorus of laughs filled the air.
"ooooohhhh you looking for white boy!" one of the men who appeared to be the leader of this gang said as he stood from the stoop. "yeah, yeah, white boy! he lives in one of those down apartments." the man said as he laughed and pointed to a set of stairs to the left of the stoop.
danielle unsure wheter or not to believe the men went over to the stairs and peered down at the steps that lead down to a heavily bolted door. she glanced back at the group before heading down the stairs her hand ghosting over her holster.
danielle knocked on the door and it rattled as though it might fall off it's hinges. it took a few moments before anyone came to the door as danielle saw a curtain over the inside of the door was pulled aside and a blonde man peered out at her. danielle lifted her coat up showing him the badge pinned there. the man looked at her badge then back at her before she heard the clicking of locks being undone and the door swung open a bit.
"can i help you?" he asked as he peered out the doorway.
"are you jake walker?" she asked and the man nodded. "yeah, why? did something happen?" jake asked and danielle shook her head.
"no, well i mean this is about your friend daniel." she told him and for just a split second his eyes flickered and his face went blank, he recovered instantly but said nothing. "um do you mind if i come in and have a word with you?" she asked when he said nothing. jake seemed to finally come out of it and nodded.
"of course, of course." he said as he opened the door all the way allowing her to come into the small apartment. jake's appartment was shabby and run down but danielle had already suspected that by the neighborhood that jake lived in. the kitchen was straight ahead from the door and to the right was the small living room, to the back of that lie to doors. one danielle could see was the bathroom so she only assumed that the other was a bedroom.
jake himself was heading towards the kitchen.
"do you want something to drink?" he asked danielle who shook her head.
"no, i'm fine." she said as she waited for him to come out of the kitchen.
"oh please have a seat in the living room." jake said and danielle appluaded his manners as she went into the living room and chose a seat on the sofa. danielle noticed that the furniture in the room was a shade of horrid yellow plaid with dark blue lining and looked more like it belong in the home of a old woman opposed to that of a twenty something man.
moments later jake came out carrying two chipped tea cups and setting them down on the marred coffee table that sat infront of the couch. jake sat across from danielle in a plaid sitting chair whose stuffing was spilling from the arm rest.
"so detective what can i do for you?" jake asked as he took his cup and sipped from it.
"well, i wanted to talk to you about daniel." danielle said, she remembered that cassie had said that jake was one of daniel's oldest and closest friends but he didn't seem nearly as sad as cassie had.
"ah yes, i still can't believe it." jake said as he brushed his blonde bangs out of his face. he too looked like he listened to daniel's music seeing as his hair was almost the same as daniel's except shorter and blonder. he wasn't horrible looking with his pale skin and crooked smile.
"yes, but i wanted to know if you had been around daniel the day he died?" danielle asked.
"yeah, i had seen him. he was only in town for a few days so i made sure i saw him." jake said in a tone that wasn't quite happy or sad.
"so did you hang around his friends as well?" danielle asked as she began to approach the topic of lexi. jake nodded.
"yeah, well i mean i was introduced to them if i was around." jake said as he took another sip from his cup.
"so you know cassie?" danielle began as casual as she could be. jake also seemed to be keeping things casual and was increasingly calm. the calmest suspect danielle had seen so far.
"mmmm yeah, i know cassie. why is something wrong with her now too?" he asked as he set his cup down and studied danielle's face.
"no, no i was just wondering." danielle told him. jake nodded but remained quiet as if waiting for her to continue. "what about josiah hardwick? you know him?" she asked as she decided to save lexi for last. again jake nodded.
"yeah, i met him once or twice. i dunno i was never a big fan of his music or him, neither was daniel." jake said and this time his tone was a little colder.
"wait? daniel didn't like josiah? but i was told the two were friends." danielle said.
"well, daniel hated him all throughout high school. he used to bash him all the time. even after he got famous he didn't really like him. he only met him because he wanted to introduce cassie to him. then i guess after that they really hit it off." jake said though his tone was no longer pleasant nor casual and danielle wondered if something had happened between josiah and jake.
"so you don't like josiah then?" danielle asked wondering if jake would anwser.
"oh no i mean i don't love him and i don't hate him. i'm just neutral you know?" he said and danielle nodded. she decided to leave the josiah topic behind and focus on what she really wanted to ask him all along.
"so do you know daniel's girlfriend lexi?" she asked. upon hearing this question jake remained still as if suddenly frozen and danielle was half tempted to wave her hand in front of his face.
"mmmm yeah, i've met her as well." jake said simply. danielle nodded once again.
"are you...close with her?" danielle asked and jake made a odd half cough half snort type of noise.
"excuse me?" he began "what do you mean 'close'?" he asked.
"well-" danielle began as she tried to think of the best way to choose her words. "i mean did you two hang out a lot? get along? see a lot of each other?" she asked. jake seemed significantly less casual then he had moments ago and danielle noticed that his eyes seemed to narrow a bit.
"yes, we got a long. she's a nice girl." he said as if he wanted nothing more then to get off the subject of lexi hartford.
"oh yes, she seemed like a real joy when we met her." danielle said as she grinned and reached into her pocket. "so she was nice. was she nice to you? maybe a little too nice? maybe you accidently fall for your best friend's girl?" danielle asked jake.
jake prickled in his chair and crossed his legs uncomfortably.
"i would never do that to daniel." jake said as he now crossed his arms.
"are you sure about that?" danielle asked as she pulled the folded up picture out of her pocket and slapped it down in front of jake on the coffee table. jake looked skeptically at the photo before cautiously leaning forward as if the photo might strike out at him. jake's eyes widened at the photo and he looked up into the face of danielle.
"how? where'd you get this?" he asked his face holding slack astonishment.
"a friend." danielle told him as she took the photo back. "so you gonna start telling me the truth?" danielle asked and jake flopped back in his seat and sighed.
"fine, yeah it was more then friendship but it was all lexi!" she was the one who started it!" jake said as she sat up straight once again.
"lexi started the affair? but why?" danielle asked. jake shot her a look as if he had been insulted.
"she was lonely. daniel was never around. she was convinced that he was cheating on her with groupies and other artist and cassie." jake said and danielle nodded as she wanted to hear more from the man. "she came to me one night. said she wanted to be with someone...and i guess that someone was me." jake said and it sounded as if he might laugh. but he never did.
"daniel never knew? no one ever said anything?" danielle asked and jake shook his head.
"no, i know now i should've told might've saved his life." jake said and danielle's eyes widened.
"what do you mean jake?" danielle demanded, her own casual tone gone replaced by a harder voice.
"well, i mean lexi when we used to be together she'd complain about daniel all the time. about how he was a bad boyfriend, and how he never paid her enough attention or bought her enough gifts. she said she was getting sick of him. i told her to break up with him but she said no, she said that he'd be back with another bimbo within a week. detective, she told me she wanted to hurt him!" jake revealed and danielle's mouth dropped open and her heart stopped a bit. for some reason it all seemed likely it all seemed so possible.
"i stopped seeing her after that...or at least i tried. i mean i stopped calling her but she kept calling me...i had to get my cell number changed." jake went on. "then after i began ignoring her daniel winds up dead. i-i knew i should've said something but i couldn't be sure it was lexi who did it and i was afraid that i'd be next!" jake practically pleaded and it was as if danielle could see pieces falling into place.
cassie had said that lexi was seated next to the water bottles that night, and she had left to take the phone call. with all that commotion it would've been easy to slip the poison. but even if danielle had gained a piece there were still many that didn't fit.
"you wouldn't happen to have any phone messages or letters, emails anything saved from when you and lexi talked?" danielle asked and jake shook his head.
"no nothing like that. i'm afraid i deleted all my things when i switched phones." jake told her. danielle felt her heart beating out of excitiment and the new information. it seemed all signs pointed to lexi, after all jake seemed trust-worthy and what reason would he have to lie? danielle knew that she had to tell timothy about this new break in the case so she stood with jake qucikly following suit.
"jake, thank you so much. you've been a tremendous help." danielle told him as she shook his hand. jake nodded.
"anything to help find who killed my best friend." jake said with a warm smile. danielle returned the smile and headed towards the door.
"i'll be keeping in touch for sure." she told him and he nodded in agreement. danielle left rushing to her car to call timothy. jake watched her leave from the window in his living room. as she rounded the corner he fished his cell phone out of his pocket. he hit a button and a number was instantly dialed. it was only seconds before someone picked up.
"hey, it's jake. i need to meet with you." jake said as he stared out the window.
who is jake meeting with? why didn't jake warn anyone about lexi's threats? did something happen between him and josiah? find out next time!
oh yeah total cliffhanger...sorry!
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