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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, September 6, 2007
while the city sleeps we rule the streets
mood: dred
listening to: lying is the most fun a girl can have- panic! at the disco
currently: i just ate some soup and now mah belly hurts =/
avatar of the day: 
that's true.
Redmoonchick Responds:
savestheday: hey you got first comment. heh feels like old times. yeaaah i was like "wth? did he anwser or not?" ha i'm glad you told me or i would've thought that you hated me.
ff 333: yeah, well let's hope that i can survive this year without losing my mind! XD
alex: yeah, but it's okay because english is mah favorite!
omnimaster: well i hope your first day went well also!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well i'll be alright. don't worry!
jenny: haaaaaa but it's gonna be more work for meh in the end. i'm stressed already. goverment is almost as bad as asslee. XD
sayanachan: i was being unbelivably pessimistic on mah first day but i am better now.
hi guys,
ah well today wasn't as nearly as bad as it was in my imagination. i swear sometimes i can be my own worst enemy. well my mom was in a really bad mood this morning and was just bitching like crazy! she and my brother woke me up at least an hour and a half before i was supposed to be up. grrrrr i was mad. and remember i am a senior now? and that i am supposed to be at school at 7:00? well i couldn't go today because of ride problems. but my mom did call my teacher and told her i wouldn't be in. we got the problem worked out. supposedly so i hope all things work out but it sucks because then i'll have to get up at like six thirty or six. T-T
mmm well the your ride driver today made us late. but here was my day:
1st hour: we played the name game so we could all be introduced to one another. the name game is where you choose a word that starts with the same letter of your name. my teacher was jackie japan. my friend kyle was kyle kangaroo and what did i choose? clandestine cassandra. ha ha i fucked everyone up! no one could pronounce the word and some of them thought i made it up. XD
2nd hour: math blaaaaaaaah. oh also at breakfast it was so crowded i elbowed someone in the head but i apologized and he didn't seem too upset. anyway back to math we went over rules and procedures and i sat next to one of the most annoying kids ever! blah thank god for fall out boy on my mp3 player.
3rd hour: english 11. we did this paper and then we did a crossword and i was the only one who finished it though i did help people.
4th hour: goverment. my least favorite class. i was late due to a class mix up and then my bro made a stupid comment when i entered the room. the teacher also had me sitting at a table in the corner and i was seated next to the stupidest girls alive. one of them thought that thomas jefferson was the main character of the show the jeffersons! I AM NOT KIDDING! i really hate goverment.
lunch: the longest line ever! due to closed campus no one can leave. i heard this while waiting in the line.
boy to girl: are you single?
girl to boy: depends on how drunk i am.
dear god.
5th hour: went over rules and proceedures and talked credits. also convinced people that i burned my arm in a fire when i was three.
6th hour: we went through our yearbooks from last year and i realized that i am the only in the new yearbook class that was in the one from last year. that gives meh senority. anyway yearbook made me kinda sad because i saw pics of me and my friends from last year and it just made me miss them so much.
speaking of people keep asking me where the hell danny went. all day i get that. i keep telling them the same thing. "danny is gone and he ain't coming back." maybe i'm trying to convince myself? haaaa i felt like the murder and lyrics cassie for a brief moment except you know...he's not dead. XD oh also horribly ironic. danny left and now we have like six scene kids in our of them really reminds me of him but you know there can be only one danny.
anyway i know this is long but it is thursday and that means that it's time for the newest chapter of "sixteen" heh heh half the people aren't gonna read this but imma post it anyway.
chapter three: you said you'd keep me honest
ada now stood face to face with her clan leader beckett. she closed the door behind her shuting out caiden and leaving just the two of them in the room. ada looked anywhere but at beckett she was far too nervous to see him again. her eyes scanned the large room, the largest in the house. with it's golden walls and black carpeted floor. the king sized bed's headboard was pressed against the wall leaving the bed to jutt out into the middle of the room.
beckett was sat in a leather chair somewhere between the door and the bed. he sat there looking as proud as ever, and a small crooked smile on his face. his fingertips were touching their mates as he watched her in silence. beckett was a gorgeous man. he had thick wavy chocolate colored hair that fell just past his shoulders, and large brown eyes that held so much expression. not to mention the aformentioned crooked smile.
"hello beckett." ada said when she could no longer take the silence between them. beckett smirked at her before speaking.
"ada, my dearest child. my favorite daughter." beckett said as he stood from his chair. ada wished he wouldn't say such things. picking favorites did nothing but ignite jealousy in the others. ada smiled none the less and beckett came over to her slowly stopping in front of her. beckett brought his hand up to rest oh her cheek and she felt the cool caress of his hand over her flushed cheeks.
"you have come home." he said. ada nodded.
"yes, father beckett. i have returned." ada said and despite his warm demenor she didn't calm down. she knew beckett well enough to know that there was no way he had completely forgiven her. beckett smiled again large and closed lipped and he embraced her pressing his mouth to her ear.
"so tell me my child. where is it that you've been?" he whispered and ada's heart stopped because she was afraid, afraid that he knew exactly where she had been.
"i've been here father. here in chicago." she told him and he looked down at her and released her suddenly.
"really ada? because a very reliable contact had mentioned that he thought he saw you heading through michigan. just where were you going ada?" beckett asked as he sauntered away and reclaimed his seat. ada's heart beat quick, she had been so careful, so sure! how could anyone connected to beckett have seen her?
"i'm sorry father, but i'm afraid your contact must've been wrong. i've been here all along." ada lied through her teeth to beckett. an incredibly dangerous move that many lower level vampires wouldn't be able to get away with. beckett looked slightly skeptical and ada worried that perhaps she had pushed her luck too far.
"really now ada, one would think that if you were here in chicago that someone would've spotted you before today." beckett said and ada cursed the fact that beckett was so smart.
"i've been laying low father. i-i didn't want to be found." she admitted to beckett. this time beckett nodded and seemed to accept her excuse but she knew she wasn't out of the woods yet. she knew he'd still want to know where she was and why she had left and as though he read her mind beckett asked the question.
"why did you leave the clan to begin with ada? why couldn't you tell me that you wanted to leave?" beckett was speaking honestly but his voice remained still without emotion. ada knew that he was being honest with her and half of her wished she could give him back the same honesty.
"i-i just needed to get away from it all father. i needed a break..." she told him and beckett nodded as if he understood her feelings and maybe he did, after all he was their leader he more then anyone should want a break.
"my dear, i'm just curious. was it something caiden did?" he asked his eyes shining with something ada couldn't place. nor could ada help her self from wondering if caiden had asked beckett to squeeze this question into the conversation.
"no, father. it had nothing to do with caiden." and for once that was partaily the truth. it wasn't exactly caiden's fault that she left, but he also didn't make her want to stay. beckett smiled and stood from his chair.
"very well, regardless of the reasons you left ada, i am so very glad that you came back." beckett told her as he strode to the door and pulled it open. instantly the light poured out into the closed off hallway and the blinded caiden moved away from the door. ada nodded and gave beckett a sincere smile before she attempted to make her way out the door. beckett stopped her just before she left and she turned back puzzled to look at him.
"i'm afraid that you will have to be punished though ada."beckett said calmly, and ada froze. that had been what she feared since stepping foot into the room. she knew of beckett's ill temper and she could only wonder what kind of punishment she'd recieve. perhaps beckett would beat her until she would know better then to leave. she knew if that happened nobody, not even caiden could help her.
"what-what will my punishment be father?" ada said trying to sound calm opposed to frightened. caiden who still stood outside the door looked like he wanted to say something but they both knew that he knew better.
"your punishment ada, will be that you are not allowed to spend the night with caiden." ada's face went blank in surprise while caiden's face dropped. beckett smiled like he had succeeded in punishing her and proceeded to let her leave. what beckett didn't know was that ada had no intention of spending the night with caiden anyway.
as the two of them left caiden looked positively crestfallen, as if he had every intention of keeping ada in his room tonight.
"that's rather dissapointing. i was hoping to get reaquainted with you tonight." caiden told her as they moved through the now nearly empty kitchen. ada let a frown show on her face.
"really caiden next time do tell a girl ahead of time." she told him and he could tell that he had used the wrong words.
"ada, you say that like you don't wanna be with me. when you left we were-" caiden began but a voice cut the conversation off.
"ada!" they heard a voice say and the duo looked up to see a young teenaged boy standing in the doorway. upon seeing ada the boy ran forwards and threw himself at her, his arms wrapping around her waist and the duo fell to the ground.
i kinda like beckett. though i'm still on the fence with caiden. lol. one of my favorite characters shall be introduced next chapter. thanks to those who read.
~red~ |
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