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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Sunday, September 16, 2007
your make-up looks so great next to his teeth
just an update to let you all know that i am alive.
.i missed school on friday but i did help my mom babysit.
.i saw fall out boy on tv so much this weekend that i was basically in heaven. it was so awesome. i also saw the new video for their song 'i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off' it is so sad and so good, sad enough to make patrick cry after seeing it, i also saw joe on cribs and much fob videos. i looooooveeee it!
. my fall out boy t-shirt came in the mail on friday i am so happy. i love it sooo much. i'll see if i can find a pic later, but the shirt comes in good timing because monday kicks off spirit week at school and monday happens to be groupie day where you wear a band t-shirt.
.the other spirit days include: favorite animal day (where you dress up like your favorite animal), face painting day (details are skechy on that one), decade day (imma dress like a hippie), disney day (wooo i get to be a disney princess, i want mah crown now please.)
. my dad called me the other day and we talked nicely. he made fun of meh by calling danny my boyfriend and saying that i use the word 'like' far too much. he also told my brother that he may have colon cancer....something he didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to worry but i mean come on! that's something i should know regardless of how upset i would get. i only know now because my brother told me but he wasn't supposed to because my dad said not too. needless to say i am very worried.
for the last two months my mom has been wanting us to move into a nice house with my grandma. i always viewed this as a empty suggestion but today we went looking for houses and found a nice one ironiclly right next door to where my grandparents lived when i was a kid. my mom is very excitied and wants to move badly. i wouldn't mind moving cause then i'd get my own room and things like that.
.mtv was comparing food to celebrities and they named one thing 'pizza wentz' ala pete wentz and 'pancake at the disco' ala panic at the disco, ha ha i lurve it.
. oh yeah that kid from my school who i thought died actually it was all some weird ass coincidence. the guy had the same name and lived in the same place but he was older so yeah good that he didn't die.
.uh i made this cool thing with a pic of danny because as always he is my perpetual muse, something like my mona lisa. ha ha sooo yeah here it is, let the eye humping begin.

not only does he have mad guitar skills he looks good holding one, some people have all the luck :]
also found this gem of a pic that i made and felt the need to reshare even though it's in my arcives.

words shall never express how funny i find this pic, ha ha i feel bad because he hates this. oh well there's like a 45% chance he'll read that anyway so i'm not too worried.
well my head kinda hurts so i shall be going now but i promise i will update regularly soon and update too.
~cassie~ |
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