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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
i wanna stay home at the end of the world
listening to: XO-fall out boy
Cassie's Comments Corner:
belinda: well that thing i wrote was on the post for friday the 16th near the end of the post if you're interesting in reading it.
jenny: lol only you would leave me the same comment seven times ily.
school was great, i can honestly say. i got to be the first student in the school to meet allison vandiepen, the author who was visiting.
here's a picture of her: 
i didn't take this, it isn't even from our day, i just googled her. but i did get a photo but more on that later.
allison talked to us about the back story of her books and her life and the school she teaches at. she's really nice and funny. not at all like i imagined, i assumed she'd be more serious but she's pretty relaxed.
she took questions and i asked her about how to get into the authoring business. she also did autographs and my brother and i both got one.
my math teacher embaressed me in my second hour by asking me something she knew i didn't know. fuck math, i hate it so much.
went and listened to allison again third hour because my class went back down there. i heard the same speech but i didn't mind. allison asked me to think of some good questions for her so i was trying to do that mostly.
later we were leaving to go out for lunch and we had rented this huge double decker bus called the magic bus. so naturally everyone wanted to sit on the top part and we all fit for the most part.
lots of people stood and downstairs there was walkie talkie thing and this guy tyler and mark got on the talkie and they were being generally funny. the thing was that people outside the bus could hear what they were saying so we took to yelling at people in the streets, chaos insued.
at the lunch allison sat at the same table with taylor, brittany and myself. she sat next to me though and we talked about my passion for writing and she gave me tips and things like that.
she also told me that i'm her number one on myspace, mostly because she was coming to visit. lol but still i appreciate the gesture.
the waitress at the resturant screwed up the drinks though so me and this boy david got each other's drinks so we switched and he didn't switch straws so it was kinda like..eww. ha ha
back on the bus we were yelling at people from the windows and i guess when you see a lot of teens on a huge bright red bus with the horn blowing and a person on the walkie talkie, it's only natural to stare.
everyone really liked the bus, it was a lot of fun. at one point there was a group singing of 'wake me up when september ends' and we drove by the normal high school and middle school and got to see our old principal and we flaunted our cool busness to the other kids.
got back to school and taylor,brittany and i all took a picture with allison and then i took one on my own later. if i get those uploaded i'll show you guys.
oh we also got mardigrau (not even close to being spelt right) beads.
had a whole lot of fun and everyone else in the school was jealous! mwahahahahhaha.
everyone should go out and buy or read the books: 'snitch' and 'street pharm' do it! |
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