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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Friday, November 28, 2008
If I Was Queen Would You Become My King?
listening to: nightingale-saves the day
writing: um...i dunno, perhaps slow motion after this.
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
Jenny: no, no, i definitly missed slash more than you but not krissy. lawl i'm kidding bby, you know i went through desperate length's to talk to you. sadly still not slashed up, i'm afraid to get on livejournal because of the epic slowness that's sure to occure. it's only weird if you make it that way! oh ho i just referenced myself but no one else is gonna get it, not even yew.
angel zakuro: i know! every time i watched antm i thought of you and i was so happy mckey won! though i was rooting for marjorie but oh well.
tony: i know, i know, begger's can't be choosers and all that shizz. kissing would improve that sport...hell, it would improve any sport.
megan: okay, but i get to be on top! belated birthday sex is the best kind of sex.
krissy: i missed you tooooooooooo! i must confess that i already know some of what happened to you because of dearest jenny-bean. but still yeah, i smell a threeway call here somewhere.
Gah, I'm rusty at posting now. I totally forgot that I usually put up an icon...oh, wait! I think I have one that I was gonna use... *searches documents*
Ha ha, I knew I had one and it's a Jon one at that. Glee!
So, yeah happy belated birthday to dearest Megan because I was not properly informed about her birthday.
Did everyone have a good turkey day? Mine was fine, little average. It was just my mom, my brother, and I. But that's fine. I made everyone eat at the table and I had to say grace and we said what we were thankful for and all that nice stuff. Good lord I got so full!
I was just muching on some leftover's and I barely ate any at all and I am full again. Stoopid turkey.
I watched the movie 'Click' and holy shit, so sad. I was not prepaired for that kind of epic sadness and I cried like the girl that I am.
My mom is making me watch a house marathon with her. I will not like house! Nooooo.
Jenny and I apparently need to set up a calling schedule because we don't do well with random calling. lawl.
Ugh, I need to change my theme. I'm skipping straight to a December theme but I am terrified to even try photobucket because my computer run's so slow now. Not to mention it freezes up at the drop of a hat. Myspace is being a huge bitch but that's alright because I don't want to see new picture's of him anyway, my status is kick ass though. In your face bitch!
Wanna get on my blogger but I doubt that will work either....I should read Jenny's...I need to make a list of thing's to do on the net because I seem to lost track when I'm on here.
Got Blender magazine and rocked out to the three fob pics inside of it. My second collage should be done in no time.
Expect new music soon too [If I can sweet talk a certain Jenny]
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