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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Knock Once For The Father, Twice For The Son, Three Times For The Holy Ghost
listening to: west coast smoker-fall out boy
writing: nothing
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
emily: i tried to kiss somebody but he wasn't cooperating with me.
krissy: no wai. i know way bigger whores than you. i wanted to talk to you because you know how to accept it.
belinda: i wasn't drunk either. soooo i was just being a whore toooo! lawl. i love you too belinda and i don't think your comments are crappy and you do help me and you shouldn't feel bad. ily hxc!
jenny: first off, this is like the greatest comment ever. JENNY SAID YOU GOTTA SHOW THE WORLD YOUR THUNDER!!! lol at you saying titty sucking. it wasn't horribly awkward. LOOOOOOOOOOL THAT DOES SOUND LIKE ME! the banana part made me laugh so hard. i'm sorry last night didn't turn out like you wanted it to but it's not like it was your last chance. awww i like myotaku's sweethearts. suuuuuure, kidding. oh mah god, you have ruined that song foreverrrrrr. lol. i love you and your rambling.
megan: girls only call you a slut because you're hot and their boyfriends want to get in your pants. oh mah god, i can't play risk with you because we won't be friends anymore. lol. LOOK AT MEGAN RYHMING LIKE A MOFO.
taintedsanity: awww i missed you, glad you're back!
Happy 2009 people.
Did everyone have a good night?
Mine was...average? I don't really know how to describe it. An alright start I suppose.
Played risk again and I forfeited because fuck Risk, I hate that game.
Sydney ended up coming over with her boyfriend Paul, who is only 29 but looks 40. Her belly is so huge and she's super tall too so she's pretty disperportioned. Sydney also brought Mikey, who looks like he's a little kid but I didn't remember him but he claims the two of us have met before.
I tried so hard to have fun with Sydney, but I am not the person I was back then and I just couldn't relate. I think she got jealous of my relationship with Jenny.
Taylor and Paul showed up too and shortly after they arrived, Sydney and her companions left, which was okay because they were kinda buzzkills.
Paul was a nice guy and decided to share some booze with me so he got some kind of lemon and lime rum and he mixed it with sunny delight and it was waaaaay too strong.
We played Mui Mui Moose again but I had to have a different drink because I could not drink that.
Several embarresing pictures were taken, which will end up on myspace by tomorrow.
Greg was being severly moody. I don't really know what his problem was. I think he missed his ex-girlfriend because he spent last new years eve with her.
I tried to get him to kiss me at midnight but it did not work, he was being a bitch.
But I'm not worried about it. I'm done screwing around with him. He's still hung up on his ex and honestly, I am not attracted to him that way. When we kissed there was no passion, no spark, just a wet press of lips..whatever.
I don't regret it and I'm chalking it up to an experience, like the creepiest thing Greg said to me when we were making out was, "Think of this as me leveling you up."
Dude, no more making out with Final Fantasy fans.
Anyway, here's hoping that 2009 is half as good as the first half of 2008 and three times better than the second half.
I just want things to work out for her because god, does she deserve it.
Cassie |
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