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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, January 8, 2009
You'll Never Remember, Your head Is Far Too Blurry
listening to: disloyal order of the water buffaloes-fall out boy
writing: the baby story
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: see, i watch the dvds and listen to the cds and then i go and take tests about what i learned. or something like that.
I guess my cousin has the same music appreciation class that i do so, she's picking me up on Saturday so we can both go to the introduction class. Might be a little awkward because I am no good at small talk.
Dad stopped by because he has this week and next week off from work. Which is actually a bad thing because that screws with the money we get from him.
Sometimes I feel like life is toying with me.
Good and then bad.
Dad also has to get rid of his dog Jake. I think he was taking him to a shelter yesterday which is sad because he's had him for nine years now.
Because I have nothing else to talk about. Please to be enjoying this:
50 Questions You've Probably Never Been Asked!
Are you ready?: yesh
First thing you wash in the shower?: my hair because that takes the longest.
What color is your favorite hoodie?: it's black with white and red on it because it's my senior hoodie.
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: no, greg, no. we're not doing that again.
Do you plan outfits?: i plan what i want to wear.
How are you feeling RIGHT now?: annoyed because my neighbor is bugging me.
What's the closest red thing to you?: my pants lol
Do you say Aim or A-I-M?: i do both often.
Tell me about the last dream you remember having?: um...i keep dreaming about my dad and greg..i don't like it.
Did you meet anybody new today?: yes, several people at college. HI RANDOM BOOKSTORE GURL.
What are you craving right now?: a muffin.
Do you floss?: no. i know. i'm disgusting. i can never get in there well...small mouth ftl.
What comes to mind when i say cabbage?: those cabbage rolls that my family always makes for christmas, i always peel off the cabbage though.
When was the last time you talked on aim?: when i was at jenny's house so...august?
Are you emotional?(Not emo): yes, i'm seriously a huge pussy.
Would you dance to the taco song?: i don't know the taco song but i do dance oddly to fall out boy
Have you ever counted to 1,000?: no, i mean i can but i wouldn't sit there and just count cause that's boring.
Do you bite your ice cream or just lick it?: lick it cause the fella's love it. lawl.
Do you like your hair?: eh, it's getting a little long and i wish it was a bit straighter.
Do you like yourself?: most of the time because on a scale of one to awesome, i'm the shit.
Have you ever met a celebrity?: oh yah, andy hurley and cobra starship ftw.
Do you like cottage cheese?: mmhmm but i haven't had it in awhile.
What are you listening to right now?: catching my breath by this providence...i never remember that this song is on here.
How many countries have you visited?: america.
Are your parents strict?: hell no, i get away with murder.
Would you go skydiving?: um..i honestly don't know.
Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?: i suppose but i'd be asking him about all the celebrities that he's met and i'd be like YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT FALL OUT BOY G?
Would you throw potatoes at him?: um no, because i'm not that mean.
Is there anything sparkly in the room your in?: me!
Have you ever voted for an American Idol?: no, but i have voted on dancing with the stars and last comic standing.
Have you ever been in a castle?: plastic castle
Do you rent movies often?: more as of late than before.
Who sits behind you in your math class?: i don't have a math class anymore.
Have you made a prank phone call?: sometimes but i don't like to talk to random people on the phone.
Do you own a gun?: just my shiny yellow squirt gun. *squirt*
Can you count backwards from 74?: yupp
Who are you going to be with tonight?: family but i did talk to jenny and megan.
Brown or white eggs?: i don't care but i eat the white one's mostly. egg's weird me out when i think of the aborted chickens that i'm eating.
Do you own something from hot topic?: my wallet is from hot topic as are my shoe laces and hair accessories.
Ever been on a train?: yup.
Ever been in love?: yeah, but it was extreamly painful for me.
Do you have a cell phone?: yes, but i want a better one.
Are you too forgiving?: hell yes, i can be a fucking doormat at times.
Do you use Chop Sticks?: i'm not great with them so no.
What is your best friend doing tomorrow?: going to school like the good girl that she is.
Do you use ChapStick?: cherry, no, i don't.
Ever have cream puffs?: i like them when they're frozen.
Have you seen the Butterfly Effect?: it deeply disturbed me.
What was the last question you asked?: "Did you get me a muffin?"
What was the first CD you ever bought?: uh..nsync.
Boys or Girls?: I like boys but most of my friends are girls.
What is your bus # for school?: no buses in college. Ha.
Yes, I did steal that from Jenny.
Cassie |
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