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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Before My Face Hits The Floor, There's Just One Thing You Should Know
listening to: this is for real-motion city soundtrack
writing: editing hell or glory
icon of the day: 
they're the male jenny and cassie...jenny gets to be ryland.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: my face is round but i'm not worried about it too much.
emily: ha, my myspace pics are old! except for my new tagged photos. hmmm i can't quite recall what cassadee's hair looks like...*needs to google photo of her* yeah, it's pretty much like that.
jenny: think spencer smith round, patrick stump round, cassie round, we were all blessed with the baby faces. JON WALKER COULD NEVER BE THE HARBRINGER OF SUCH HORRIBLE DISEASES! ryro is scary, ryro makes people get sick from fermaldahyde and nitroglycerin. no rydon...JONDON...OR JONDONASSIE. HA. i have had bangs before but they were laaaaame. I'M GOING TO IGNORE HOW MUCH I LOLED AT THAT AND CONTINUE MY SEKRET PLOT TO CONVERT YOU ALL INTO JONANITES. ily bby. i think i remember that one pretty well, we might have to rehash it next time we talk. world war 2 i cannot recall for some strange reason. maybe i wasn't directly involved. danny and i had a mini like...civil myo war. lawl. i know i started singing and then i was like wtf? and the phone was all like 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, IF YOU'D LIKE TO MAKE A CALL PLEASE HANG UP AND TRY AGAIN.' i saw the all american rejects on ellen today and it made me think of you.
angel z: it's okay, i've been a lazy commenter too. college has made me tirrred.
belinda: i think i'd look good in bangs too.
I got the bangs.
And not to sound conceited but I'm fucking adorable now. Ask Jenny, I sent her the pic of me.
I actually got a lot of my hair cut off too. It was only supposed to be three inches but it ended up being more like six. Before my hair was down to my lower back but now it barely falls past my shoulders.
And the bangs are only on the left and they're nice and swooped and I look cute.
Wow, having self-esteem feels strange.
Ha. That sounds more depressing then I mean.
Went to the bank to cash my scholarship check from my high school. Had to keep my $250 in the bank for two days but the woman did give me $100.
Really, that came in handy because turns out our back tire on our van was totally flat! We went and filled it up and called around for a tire and we were gonna change it but it was so cold out that we just went and bought some flat fixer stuff to hold it over until tomorrow.
Went to the mall.
Spent a shit load of money at hot topic.
I got the Panic At The Disco 'Reinvent love' bag. Here be a pic of the one side: 
The other side has the band name on it with a little heart in the name. I love it. That's totally the bag I'm taking to Warped Tour 09.
I also got this awesome little billfold [as my grandma calls it] Lemme try to find a pic of it...nope, no pic.
Oh! Our Hot Topic finally got a guy worker! He's awesome, all halfed shaved pink and red hair, uberly eyelinered and smudged eyes, fingerless gloves and painted nails, buttons about pirates and edward cullen. I love him. The other girl worker is like someone you'd see as a glamour goth girl, like a 20's pin-up goth model. Like a vampire kinda. She's very interesting. I feel like Jenny would like her.
I got new eyeliner too and I bought my brother a Bob Marley 2009 calendar...don't know why he even needs a calendar, he doesn't need one. Which reminds me, I got myself a Skeleanimals planner for college....I'm pretty much turning into a stereotype.
Oh I got eyeliner too.
Like I said, got my hair cut and I need to put pics up so you all can see. I wonder if Jenny can somehow do it? Ha. I rely on her too much.
Bought Blender magazine because Fall Out Boy was on the cover but the artical kind of made me sad.
We rented the movie Pineapple Express which oh mah god is so, so funny! It had me laughing so hard and James Franco is so hot in that movie.
I swear to god I am going to do my college reading today.
cassie |
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