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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, January 26, 2009
You Say You Got My Baby But I Know It Ain't True
listening to: baby, i got your money-say anything
writing: the baby story
icon of the day: 
pimpage: jenny-[forever the sickest kid], krissy-[dance, krissy, dance], megan-[megan at the disco], belinda-[the belinda is...], emily-[gym class emily]
At least I finally caught myself up on my reading for one out of four of my classes. Cause I'm awesome like that.
What I learned about myself today; I cannot concentrait.
Dad came over not much happened but I told him I appreciated him. Annnd he yelled at me but I totally pulled the pouty face and he cannot resist the pouty face.
Greg owes meh money now.
I think I have a quiz at school today..but I can't remember if it was today or Wednesday. *shrugs*
Enjoy this plz:
1. Is it cruel to keep a dog in a cage or tied up most of the time?
i really think it is, animals shouldn't be kept just to be tied up and only able to go around in a tiny circle.
2. About what things are you most selfish?
myself, maybe about things i want.
3. Do you have a dream that repeats again and again? What is it?
i have a repeating dream about zombies a lot. but it scares the crap out of me.
4. What makes you feel secure and safe?
music, jenny, megan, krissy.
5. Are you able to keep secrets? Is it hard for you?
if it's a really bad secret i tend to think about it too much and i have to tell someone.
6. Is there anything you constantly worry about?
i worry too much at times. i'm definitly a worrier.
7. What makes you feel important?
um...i dunno. when someone likes my writing.
8. Why do you feel that you are trustworthy?
because i don't really do shady things.
9. Are there any rituals you do everyday? What are they?
check my myo, write.
10. What makes life worth living?
my friends, my passion, music
11. Are you camera shy? Why/why not?
not really. but i think i analyze myself too harshly.
12. Do you/would you allow your pet on your bed? Even if they shed?
Not Patrick cause he does gross things but Jonnie is alright.
13. Do you fear looking older? Why/why not?
i doubt i'll ever look old. i mean i'm twenty and i look like i'm sixteen.
14. Live to eat or eat to live?
way to call people fat survey.
15. Do you have any allergies? If yes, what are they?
i do not
16. Have you ever been hospitalized? If yes, what for?
a really terrible case of bronchitis and the flu at the same time.
17. Have you ever traveled out of the country? Where/why not?
18. What do you think about pornography?
does slash count as porn? i don't know but if it's great!
19. How do you feel about people who wear (real) fur coats?
imma throw teh paint on yew.
20. Do you believe that most people are trustworthy and honest?
not really.
21. Do you believe in ghosts, angels or aliens?
i seriously do because our old house was haunted and the ghost used to hurt me.
22. Were you ever teased when you were younger? (How did that make you feel?)
yeah, i think that's what has made me so self-concious and awkward now.
23. What are your top five goals for your lifetime?
1. get something published. i only need the one goal as of right now.
24. Are you ever able to fall asleep with the lights/TV/radio on?
i can only sleep with lights on if i am really fucking tired. usually i need complete silence and darkness to sleep but i guess i was tired last night because i slept with my mp3 player on.
25. What color is your toothbrush? Did you get to pick the color?
white and green. no, the dentist gave it to me.
26. What chore do you detest the most? Why?
changing the kitty litter..maybe the dishes.
27. Do you think you read too much or too little?
i think i read an average amount..maybe a little above average.
27. What role does art play in your life?
musically speaking, a huge role
28. What are your three favorite board/card games?
bullshit, life, uno
29. What crazy thing have you done in the name of "love," if any?
um...i did some stupid shit back when i was a sophmore. bitching at a teacher lol, skipping classes.
30. Do you like it when friends are comfortable with dropping by unexpectedly?
i don't mind it all that much. Taylor is pretty much the only one who does.
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