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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, May 11, 2009
I make them good boys go bad
listening to: the tv
writing: anon lovefest prompt
icon of the day: 
Warning, this is on the slightly long side and it's mostly very much about the concert so, yeah.
Alright so, dad drove me to Lansing to meet up with Jennifer, not my dear best frand but another girl named Jennifer who is actually a very nice person. It wasn't too long of a drive actually but I did wind up leaving my cell in her bathroom on accident so that's why no one got texts from me, jsyk. Jennifer was nice and god, she has some good luck because she wins things all the time, like tickets and meet and greets. She also goes to a fuckton of concerts, she's already met FOB before as well as Panic and TAI and Cobra Starship. Damn, she's a lucky girl.
The drive to ypsilanti [I think I murdered that spelling] wasn't too bad, we mostly just talked band stuff. Once we got to the venue we tried to get my ticket but she couldn't get it till after the meet and greet was over so I waited in line which was pretty long. I ended up waiting from 4:30 till 5:30, I apparently got sunburned while I was waiting because now I'm feeling it on my face. Jennifer found me and gave me my ticket and it winded up being a pit ticket, where you're on the floor and have no seat. I've never been in the pit before but it's fun and also kinda hellish.
As soon as I got in there I went down to the pit and found a nice spot and Hey Monday was playing first but their set up was taking too long so I went back up to go to the bathroom and buy some merch. The merch area was insane as was every other area in that place but I pushed through the side and got to the front. I bought the shirt I really, really, wanted. Lemme see if I can find a pic of it. 
It's the one that's circled obviously. I also bought something for Jenny and I'm currently wearing it but I don't think she'll mind. :D
So after the merch I went back and got a good spot and watched Hey Monday. They were really good except for Cassadee's voice is so high pitched when she talks it's almost annoying. They only played four songs but they did the song 'Candles' which is one of my favorites. Also, I never realized how the guys in that band were good looking. I must've been overheated and severly dehydrated because my vision went all blurry during their set and I had to go and buy a pop because I was dying. When I came back I felt better and I waited for Cobra Starship to set up.
Cobra was amazing! And again I had a good vantage point. Gabe was hilarious and sexy and Ryland was on my side and he's fifty million kinds of awesome. Their set was really good, I think Gabe was a little drunk and it seemed like he was hitting on Vicky-t a lot but it was still really good, I want to see them again soon. After Cobra I saw they were setting up for Metro Station and I really don't like Metro Station, they're pretty douchy and Trace is creepy as fuck. So, I left to go to the bathroom and I came back and still managed a good spot even though I didn't care.
Metro Station sucked btw, you couldn't understand them for one, Trace was trying to act badass for two, for three I think a majority of their popularity comes from the fact that he's related to Miley Cyrus.
I went back to the bathroom after Metro and came back and had a really good spot for All Time Low. I don't do so well in crowded areas I am thinking because I get overheated and feel sick so I managed to keep some space between myself and other people so I could breathe. All Time Low was awesome, Jack was hilarious and he's really hot and girls were throwing their bras on stage and someone threw a banana and Jack was like "Who throws a banana?" and he peeled it and took a bite of it before he threw it on stage. They played some older stuff that I didn't know but I still liked their set. They're really funny guys. Alex, their lead singer was like, "You're all so beautiful I want to have sex with all of you, not just sex but really awesome sex that'll make you want to come back to my house in the morning and cook me breakfast."
While they were setting up for Fall Out Boy everyone was pushing and rushing the stage and I didn't like it because it was so crowded but I stayed and I was really close and once FOB started I was about four rows back from the front. I was so close! I was closest to Joe, who is surprisingly sexy in real life, maybe it's just his hair cut. But I was super close to the stage and then as it went on more and more people were sliding around me and this huge sweaty guy was rubbing against my side and I elbowed him until he moved. Shorter people were also sliding in near me and uncomfortable like to the point where there is no space. Eventually I got too heated and moved back a bit but I still had an excellent view and I could breathe.
Fall Out Boy was amazing! They did the whole coming out in business suits and make up that made them look beat up for their first few songs but they went and changed. They also had these awesome screens that ran little videos. They played a good mix of their old and new stuff so that was cool. During Tiffany Blews Pete and Patrick did their waltz thing where they bow to one another and go around in a little circle like dance. Pete also had some funny quotes.
Pete: "We have a fondness for Michigan. If America were a body, well, to us Michigan would be the clitoris." Then he looked over at Patrick and was like. "I'm sorry, Patrick, I'm sorry for Patrick."
Patrick: "I'm sorry I'm here right now."
During their last song, Saturday, a fight broke out apparently and Pete stopped the song, we thought it was an act or something and it was real and Pete was yelling at them to just behave and he was like "It's our last song, we haven't stopped this song in two years!" It was still great nonetheless and I'm surprised that I still get fangirly when it comes to Pete, it's like seeing him in person is like seeing a fictional character I swear.
Afterwards the place was so crowded and Alex and Ryland from Cobra were out in the merch area signing stuff but I've met them before and the lines were too long and I needed to find Jennifer. I wandered around until I found her in the parking lot and we drove to a gas station where we bought drinks because we were dying.
We hit a possum on the way back to her place D:
I called my dad and he came to get me but I was in her room for awhile before he showed up and then he came and got me and I left to go home.
I left at 2:30 that afternoon and didn't get back until 1:00 that morning. I had been standing for around six hours straight and my feet, legs, back, abs are killing me. But I still had so much fun.
I know this was long, sorry, but thanks for reading any part of it if you did :D
Cassie |
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