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does it really matter?
ummm . . .
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i saw Spirited Away
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Trinity Blood, Fullmetal Alchemist, and anything by YuuWatase, and much much more
to write and publish a book
drawing, reading writing, daydreaming, hanging out with friends, playing my violin
umm . . . i play the violin?
Hello everyone i am RedTigress. Thank you for visiting my homepage. I love anime and manga and am glad to find a place where i can express that (sounds kinda cheesy, ne?) All right, truthfully, i might be just a tad bit obsessed, and i have also gotten many of friends interested, and of cousre, i've also gotten people obsessed with ramen...*drools while thinking of ramen*... The point is i'm happy to be here. Again thank you for visiting my site, feel free to look around, though 'tisd probably not that interesting. And i like people who sign guestbooks (hint hint)
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
I believe in Christ and I'm not ashamed to say it. If you do and are not afraid to say it then copy and paste this into your profile.

Friday, August 24, 2007
I'm Still (Partialy) Here!!!!!!
Wow, it has been such a long time since i have posted anything!!! in truth, i am sorry, i have just been extremely lazy. I've gotten on the site over the summer, but that has obly been to look (not even comment, i'm so horrible) at fan manga and cosplay. Yes, i am a lazy person! Well, now that i'm posting again hopefully i will make an effort to read other people's posts and you will read mine.
Okay, summer was pretty much unevetful, except for Hawaii. Yes, i went on a cruise to Hawaii this ummer, and that was pretty much it. A beautiful place though, and not unbearably humid as i expected, although my hair was extra poofy. Though when i got back we had no internet. As i have explained before, our internet has been very spastice because our internet provider went to a different complany and my house was undergoing a 5 month remodel. Well, the remodel is mostly done now, and our internet is fixed. yay! ^^
School started yesterday. Taking 7 classes this year, so the only break i get is about 45 minutes for luch o.O Never had that little off time at school before, but all the classes sounded so interesting!!! Period 1 i have AP English, which scares me, but i'll pull through! >.< Period 2 i have AP Art History (great way to start the day, college level classes in the morning) Period 3 i have Philosphy, like the class and the teacher, just i don't really know anybody in there, and most of the people i don't want to associate myself with. Period 4 is Physics which i have with Sam and Risa, though kind of scared of this class too. Perid 5 is Statistics with Casie and Katie, pretty interesting so far... Lunch!!!! Ah, break, really hungre/dizzy by this point. period 6 in Orchestra. I'm scared and excited. We have an actual Orchestra teacher this year, and the music rooms are new, except we have to use the chior room which was not at all desighned to hold a class that involves instruments, and one enitre wall is a mirror which bugs the crap out of me!!!!! Then, finally i have Psychology. I don't really knw anyone in theis class, but it really interests me.
So there you go, my life right now is school, and MUCC ^^ yes, another reason i havn't been on Otaku as much is because onver the summer i becam reobsesseed with Visual kei, and obsessed with cosplay, so i have been hunting other internet sites for those contents. I really really like the band MUCC, their sounds is amazing! Okay, done now...
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Gasp! She Lives!
That's right, i'm alive, though just barely *twitches*. Well, an explination for my absence. We're remodeling out house, a bug remodel. I'm serious, we're living out of our bedrooms right now. And we can only really set up the internet on the weekends, otherwise it gets in the way of construction. Even then, it doesn't always work. Grrr, unreiable internet is not a good thing. I've had to go over to Bunny's (Chaosassinity) house if i need it during the week. Also, i'm just lazy.
My Easter was nice. We went to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner, i had never sen it before, 'twas beautiful. And other than thta my life has just been normal, well, normal for me anyways, if that counts for anything. XP Yesterday my friend had her birthday party, even though her birthday is next week. my Courgae was born on earth day!!!! That's what i call her, my courage. 'Twas a BBQ, and i brought Bocha burgers. Yup, i'm a tree hugger, vegetarian. I did a research paper on animal slaughter, that made me want to go veagan, but i don't think my parents would like that, plus i couldn't go on without chocolate.
Although this thursday i'm leaving, woot!!!! Our orchestra and one of the chiors is going away for a music competition. 'Tis going to be so fun!!!! ^^ And then i get to stay up there an extra day with Rin. So i'll get to spend three nights away instead of two. But orchestra trips are always super fun, and... interesting. We get a lot of instide jokes and.... disturbing occurances.
Also, has anyone heard of the anime Ergo Proxy or Speed Grapher. We watched Ergo Proxy in anime club, and i liked it a lot, even though 'twas the fifth episode and i was utterly confused. the little robot girl was so cute!!! And Speed Grapher, 'tia addicting. I watched the first DVD (4 episodes) and i want to watch more, but i can't find it. T.T
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dir en Grey!!!!!!!
Yes!!!!! ^^ Friday night i went to the Dir en Grey concert!!!! *insert fangirlish squeal here* (actually, i just got back about an hour ago, but you'll all read this on saturday, and 'tis after midnight...) O my goodness 'twas aboslutely amazing!!!!! Miraculous! O my goodness, i want to buy all their albums now, and their new one is coming out soon ahhh!!!!! I think i found a new obsession. They were amazing live, so, ahhh!!!
Other than that, it has bene a pretty crazy week, although i only went to school two days. yup, sick. But we started rehearsals with the cast on tuesday for the musical (i'm in pit) so that's how i've been spending my afternoons. And i have to get up early tomorrow for rehearsal... so i should go to bed... but i'm not tired. We're doing the musical Anythin Goes, pretty dirty actually, but very funnny. And the music gets stuck in your head easy, but still, i'm in pit! ^^ that makes me ahppy, i've wanted to be in pit ever since i knew it existed. Well, yeah, my life right now. But... Dir en Grey!! Still can't get over it ^^
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
You all can just ignore this, i just need to type something out. Life is so hard, and i have no idea why. There's nothing really horrible happening that affects me directly... 'tis just... me. I swear, i'm depressed or bipolar or something. The world is blowing up in my face and all i can do is try to was away the reckage with my tears. but ugh, what is wring with me!? I almost cried in Bunny's car today as he was giving me a ried home, and lil' foamy was all sad for a little bit, but i didn't want her to be sad and... I talked to my mom on saturday, while we were on vacation no less she wants me to see someone, but i don't want to go tell a tranger my porblems. That's another thing. The two people i trust most have their own prblems to worry about, so i feel so guilty about talking to them. If i make all my emotions pblic than it'll seem like a ploy for attention. Sometimes i think i'm cursed with apathy... my friends go through hard times, they go see doctors, and suddenly i feel like this. I've gotten into these moods before, it started about a year ago, but not this bad and not for this long... i'm reallt sorry, i just need to get it out. And seeing that those who read this most likely don't know me personaly, our relationship won't really change. And my heaaches and dizzy spells are coming back with a vengence. They got better after i stopped eating meat, but they're back and worse. I can't go 24 hours without getting a headache, and i experience a whole new sensation with the dizzy spells along with those that i had before. And then there's school. I have no life, just homework. But what do you expect with 3 AP classes? Sigh. I feel like i'm being replaced with my friends. I'm withdrawn because i don't want to be annoying, but those i grew close with i'm now growing farther from, and they don't seem to notice. i swear if i just disapeared only a fraction of my "friends" would care. I have to g now, before i type a freaking 20 page essay on this. I just... neede to get it out...
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