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i saw Spirited Away
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Trinity Blood, Fullmetal Alchemist, and anything by YuuWatase, and much much more
to write and publish a book
drawing, reading writing, daydreaming, hanging out with friends, playing my violin
umm . . . i play the violin?
Sunday, February 26, 2006
My Ramblings to the World
Hello all, how goes it? It goes alright for me.
Well, my weekend will consist of reaserah and writing. I have a 12 page term paper due on tuesday over the foreign and domesticc affaris of the Progressive Presidents. Now who can explain that to me right off the top of their heads!? anyone... no, i'm not that far behind, promise. I really helps having a dad who's a history teacher though, especailly when your current history teacher used to work with him. Oh, i also have English, although it won't tkae me near as long. I have already finishe Math and French, be pround everyone!
Ok, enough about schoolwork, n one here really cares. But that's practically my life right now, so i do. My friend (SilencetheDawn) and i have srmarized that those who do their homework have no social life (me), and those who blow it off are the ones with a social life. Yup, the only socailizing i really get to do is at dance and anime club... 2 out of 7 days everyone, whoo hoo! And then of course there's all my friends on Otaku **huggles all**. Thanks to those who stop by and comment and everything.
Now, my sad outlook on the human race. We were driving home tonight and my mom wanted to stop by Hollywood Video and get a movie. So we made our way to the shpping center about 3 miles away from our house. My mom remarked on how the shopping center used to ba all field and didn't even exist until just recently, although 'twas convenient how 'twas there now. But all the light pollution from the place is drowning out the stars, i miss the stars. And this convenience that my mom speaks of, we'll have to pay for it later, some are already paying for it now. Humans are such selfish creatures....
I guess i shall lighten up now with a story my friends and i wrote last weekend that makes no sense at all...
"La!" the glass cracked as she practiced her singing. "It is not a good thing if the glass creaks when you sing." her teacher said. "Yes, but i like making the glass creak, it makes the little people in my head dance and shout 'crakc'" But crack is bad for you! You should shott cocaine instead it's better for you! Yeah...that's true. But everything else is a lie and the color pink does not exsist. but then, what color are roses? The roses are the color of DEATH!! Which describes you after I'm done skinning you alive... "O! No!" she screamed as she ran away and was never heard from again. DUN DUN DUN!!!!
Now, don't we all feel a bit stupider form readng that? Keep in mind the process we used to write this story. Each person writes one or two sentances, then passes it onto the next. You can then only read what the person before you wrote, and the paper s folded over so you can't cheat. And there are plenty more where this one came from, some are very very scary though, coughbecauseofTikiacough.
Ummm, well, i'm almost out of pics to post. T.T Fay-chan scanned some in for me and i've posted most all of them, i think i shall post another soon.
Yesterday night, after i posted my mom and i went out for Chinese food. 'Twas just the two of us because my brother is camping and my dad was playing poker. Well, right as we're sitting down my aunt and cousins are leaving! (My uncle was playing poker with my dad). Odd that we would both go for Chinese on the same night at the same restaruant, ne? Well, 'twas good food.
O! guess what today is everyone... MY DEATH DAY!!! No, i'm not kidding. Truely, how many people can say that they have a death day? Only a handful that i can think of, and most don't remeber it... I was only dead for two days though, and i was in a purgatory like place in the form of a camp, reflection on my life. Now that i think of it, that's when my new views started happening... How i look at people, the world, life. 'Tis also around the time i met my new friends and my bf. We'll have been going out a year in March. That really makes me happy, especially with witnessing my friends' sometimes shorlived relationships. I appreciate what we have together, and o do i love him... Well, back to my death day... um, the 27th is my rebirthday. My friend, who also died, and i are going out to lunch to celebrate. Crap! i still need her preasent!!!!!! I think this history paper has turned my brain into mush....
Ah well, i think i have written enough for now... fi you did mangae to read all of this... **shove cookie down your throat** Enjoy, and have a good weekend!
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