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uhhhh jobless now lol...waiting for summer. Freshman in Highschool???
Real Name
Chelsie ( Chels)
School's select choir, honor roll, athletics ect...
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
To be either a Vet, or a singer, actress, or voice actress
Anime, drawing, writing fanfiction, caring for animals, going to the mall/movies, video games, sports, hanging with my friends, chatting with friends online
singing, acting, dancing, basketball, football, animal care, school
| ReikaiPrincess
Hey! What's poppin? Not much here, I'm just chillin! Hey You all can call me Chelz because that's what everyone calls me! Well a little bit about me:
I like for anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, .Hack//, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Pilot Candidate, Escaflowne( from what I've seen so far), Card Captor Sakura,Gundam( pretty much any of them) Rurouni Kenshin and many others. My favorite Mangas are Card Captor Sakura, Kare Kano ( his or her circumstances), Fushigi Yugi, and I'm just getting into X/1999.
Outside of anime I like Football, Basketball, watching MTV ( the osbournes ect....) Final Fantasy X ( that is a cool game for PS2), Zelda games, talking and hanging out with friends, drawing, writing fanfiction, reading ( The Daughters of The Moon is my favorite Series right now) and working at vet clinics and playin with my 3 dogs. Oh yes and when it is on I love American Idol!!!!! And to sing too!!!!!
(edit: don't know how I could've forgotten this but I totally worship John Mayer. If ya know me then ya.... lol he rocks my socks off. Woot! I love you John Mayer!!!!!!!!!)
Well I got to stop this now but I'll write more later!
Forever and Fornever,
Friday, September 10, 2004
new blog
not sure if i said this but if you REALLY wanna keep tabs with me check out
 Robin: You are the undoubted leader of Teen Titans. You are determined and perservering. You will never give up or say no to a challenge. You rely on your sheer strength and quick decisions.
Which character from Teen Titans are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You are Beast Boy.You love to laugh and make your friends laugh.The best thing about you is that your funny.The worst thing,your kinda immature.
Yet another Teen Titans character quiz(now 18 results) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Beast Boy! You love animals and video games. You can turn into animals. You enjoy pulling pranks, but have a tendancy to tick people off with them. You aren't the most normal character, but atleast you provide comic relief. Go you!
What Teen Titans Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
wow life has been crazy
I slept over a friends house yesterday so we were up all night, had a blast too. Now back to school work. I get out on June 16th. ( the 17th is our last day but its make up day for finals so I don't have to go) Which is coming closer. My birthday is on tuesday which is really scary. I'm gonna be 15 finally! YAY! Well hmm what have I been up to? Not much besides school work, they really know how to keep you busy there. But here's some links to some forums I'm a member at:
Oh and I almost forgot I'm also a member on
My username is Londe so PM me if you wanna talk. Well thats all I have for now. Going back to homework. Happy early mother's day! Before I Oooo I just found out my brother is coming home from college today as in RIGHT NOW what fun! Yippie!
Forever and Fornever,
(0) |
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Woohoo welcome spring!
well spring has sprung and I'm happy. the play is over ( we did 42nd street and it went great) and the quarter ended today. i think I did well. No school tomorrow for me. This sunday I have a girl scout meeting for my silver award and a b-day party. Monday I'm going rock climbing with my troup wed I have to go to a leaders meeting. Ack.... CAPT testing next week. I'm not with any of my friends ( they assign rooms) so it'll just be grand! I can't beleive its 4th quarter, freshman year is really going by fast! Its been lots of fun too. Another note I have to say that you guys need to check out its a really cool site that most people like. My dog had surgery monday he tore a ligament in his knee. He needs 2hrs of therapy a day done by us for 6 months! Oh well I luv him he's a good dog anyways. Well I've got to go hw.
Forever and Fornever,
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Thursday, October 23, 2003
Bored so i took some quizes, enjoy! Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Heart is Grey
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
(0) |
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
God damn it! Stupid Yankees! I HATE YOU!
Sana (my muse): she's a red sox fan..... if you couldn't already tell.
Chelz:COME ON RED SOX! YOU GOTTA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sana: here we go again..... to think the girl's more of a football fan, I wonder what happens on the weekend and monday night........
Chelz: well I have a little thing to say to everyone.... jsut for a little humor.... ( courtesy of my big bro @ UCONN, Go UCONN HUSKIES!)
Pegging a Yankee: $50,000
Charging Roger Clemens: $25,000
Knowing that The Yanks are gonna get beat as bad as Zimmer: Priceless...
Sana: he he he.... if you know what happened in game 3 or watched it you'll get this little piece....
Chelz: ok...well stuff is ok, I should get my laptop back tomorrow ( was supposed to today but my mom forgot the MOM!)I can't update my fan fic if I don't have the laptop b/c half of the next chapter is on there with all of my notes and everything! I'm almost finished with my Tidus sketch, its comin out good, I'm gonna scan it in at school ( with my other fan arts) e-mail it to myself and then post them so keep an eye out for them when I do. I hope you like um! I think I have to stay after tomorrow....not sure.... lol.... bored..... I got nothin to do...and I'm bored....actually I have he he he maybe I should do that? lol. Well I g2g!
Forever and Fornever,
Reikai Princess
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