Reina-zell Fma
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Happy early new year peoples!!!:P
I'm posting it now cause I'll be at a big party on new years eve WOOT!! For christmas i gotz 28 stiches in meh leg cause my little brother thought it would be fun to run with a knife -_-********** Must restain from killing him.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm so happy that my mom didn't catch me and Vicent today. You see some how or another he convinced me to help him look for where my mom hides the unwrapped presents. After hours of searching we just asked my uncle morris and he showed us --'
We ended up playing Kingdom Hearts 2, after our argument of who gets to play first, I won ^o^. We started over....again and he asked me if DiZ was a stalker, I then answered: Yes....yes he is. And now whenever we see DiZ in the game he hides behind the pillow in terror...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I personally think DiZ is pretty cool...just creepy. Very creepy.
Ahhhh I love snow days
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I'm extremly bored so I'll probably posting some drawings on here soon. If I can figure out how to use the stupid scanner ><' Anywho I'm happy that we only have 1 more week of school left till break!*dances* We have so many presents under the tree and my mom has to keep smacking my brother Jeremy and telling him he can't open any, he's such a dork.
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Friday, November 23, 2007
Sorry I haven't posted anything latly. I wanted to yesterday..but I couldn't. I was hiding under the stair way of my uncle Dyane's house. can I say we didn't have a very happy thanksgiving. We got a call in the middle of dinner from the hosptil. My cousin...cousin Braig was a car crash. And the guilt of knowing he was on his was to the house was overwhleming. I had looked forward to seeing him soooo much, just to see his smile.
I won't be posting much after this for a while. And if you go to my school just ingore me please?
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sorry I haven't been on lately. My brother from califorina moved home and he is staying with us. We've been helping him un pack and stuff, trust me, that boy has a lot a LOT of stuff. Including colthing, asscries, make up (don't ask)and a bunch of other crap. This is why I wasn't at school today if anyone i know is wondering. He woke me up a 2:30 jumping on my bed trying to wake me up to be greeted with a black eye. I said I was sorry. Oh well, i hope to be posting more often after everything settles down.
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

this would be kane or kyle
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and this is one of the other characters
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okay soaringfire!! i finally found a way to show you the pics!!
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sorry I havn't been on lately, I've been at the hosptatil. I had an astma (or however you spell it)attack. I've been stuck there since Monday night and I just got home ^_^ *dances and falls over* I spent my week watching Doctor Who on the telly with Mr. Smith (the person i had to share a room with) and his daughter. Both very nice people. I had a box of doodles i drew and some are funny and the others...are just plain random. I drew one with a random person poking my doctor with a needle because i hate them, and needles. And the werid thing is, the doctor was afraid of needles! How can he be a doctor when he's afraid of a needle himself?
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