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Learing english, Reading, writing, giving my scince teacher the best nicname eva!!MR. TWIGGLES!! and become my history teachers most hated student XD
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Fma, Naruto, bleach, gundum wing,Blood , eruake 7, Ghost in The shell, Outlaw Star, Inuyasha
to become a manga artist, a scienctist, or even a doctor
writing poetry, reading, drawing, rock climbling,
Drawing, Writing, the awsome abillty to annoy people by saying one word*nods*
| Reina-zell Fma
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
I'm sorry mate's, that I havn't been on lately. You seee my town got hit with a torenado last night and they just relased me from the safty center. Luckly no one's hurt as far as I know, just a bunch of tree's are down and lot's of cop's. By the way if you know me personally, or are from my town pm me so I know your okay
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I hate it when I have writers block!!!It's so annoying! I'm half way done with my redone Fullmetal Alchemist one but on my inuyasha one I'm only on the 4th chapter >__< And on my Fma one I added some new characters and a semi-different plot. So now my character is Static or netrul. And I'm confused slightly T__T
If anyone has any idea's that could help please tell TT__TT
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Monday, August 20, 2007
I HATE YOU SOARINGFIRE!!!!He just had to bring up that stupid video and now I can't get it out of my head!!!!!*twitchs*It was horrible, it was with Itachi and that anoying SUPER STAR SONG!!OH GOD!!*bashs head* That thing is mind tearing!!T__T
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Hi guys ^_^' sorry I haven't been on lately, I've been busy. And now I'm really bored
I just got done shopping and the good thing about that is I got the Fullmetal Alchemist movie <3
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
I'm so happy today ^__^ I finally get to have the family airloom that's been passed on for 15 geneartions from mother to daughter. It's really nice, it's a silver bracelt with Shaphire jewel's and small different gems in between the shaphire. It's so pretty :3
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sorry I haven't been on lately you guys. I had to go to a wedding and I was the brides maid of honor so I had alot of stuff to do.
The after party was what I thought the funnyesit thing ever though ^__^.....ahhh good times. The only scarey thing is, is that my brother from Califronia came home for it and he wore a Pink Pin Striped Tux with a purple tie. The entire time my brother Jeremy and I have this look on our face's -___-' or this @__@. But anyway it was an okay weekend.
see ya
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
This is what S-rank crimnals do in they're past time. If that's the case....then I'm scared T___0

Who ever did this, is an aswome chibi's
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I find it cute and funny at the same time
I found this on photo bucket and It's not mine so good job to who ever the artist is ^__^

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Friday, July 27, 2007
Sorry I haven't been on lately. I've had alot of stuff to do. I never knew how hard teaching a cousin how to skate broad AND ride a bike, all in a small amount of time T__T
Anywho, how's everybody been hmmmmmmmm? Hopefuly not bored like me.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I'm bored. All I can do right now is flick pieces of paper at my brother.....which gives me some enjoyment cause one landed in his drink and he didn't think about it and sallowed it ^__^.
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