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Gothic. NOT Satanist. I just like to wear black, which is my faivorite colour. Thats it.
Real Name
Uh, dont have any.
Anime Fan Since
....When DBZ came up....?
Favorite Anime
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Naruto, Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Ranma ½, Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Vampire Princess Miyu, etc.
To have a life...
Anime, Drawing, writing, music, dreaming, making peoples mad...
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Friday, March 4, 2005
^^ Fun Fun Fun
Goooood Morning Americaaaaa!!!! (Or where ever you guys live....)
^^ Okay, today, I feel VERY fine! I dunno why it is (maybe because it is first day of my winter holiday ^^ And I dont have to look my ugly schoolmates fecaes ^_^) Okay well today will be nice day: our neighbours are gonna bring two Husky-puppie-doggies! ^___^ Yes! I love puppies! I LOVE! I mean theyre small and fluffy and aww!! ^///^ Yes! Im gonna dognap the other one!
Now, I just got two mangas: Conan number 6 and Dragonball number 19 ^^ They rock.Conan and DB rock!! Im gonna eat two chocolate bunnies in a minute (my dad brought me few from Rovaniemi). I love chocolate bunnies too ^^ Okay, do you think Im somekinda Hyper Active today?... Im gonna go to drink some coffee so this can go on....
Plus, Im planning few avatars (to me and my friends) but first my friend have to come back from holidays...
I have a new friend: Heidi!! SHes a girl from our class. quiet one as I am too. I and Heidi have been calling eachother the whole day ^^;; Like, all day! Tee Hee our saldo is almost over but so what?!
?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
Night? I LOVE night! ^0^ 'Cheer for you, my friend' I could say. ^^
Im making three Doujinshi in this moment: One of vampire named Cedric (^^ Made up by me and my bigsister, Adylia) One of five Bi-'guys' (four boys, one girl) and one just of girl named Hikaru who is in Ninja-school eith her bestfriend Ryu, and three other friends, Chiko and Cho (I havent make up the name to the third one -_-;;)
*sigh* Its hard to write with only one hand (thought I already had used to it) And the doctor said its not that bad and it will cure in week or two ^^ Im happy it was my left hand, because I would come insane if I couldnt draw anymore. I would be like "ARRGH!! Im going to die here!!! Im going to die!!" ^^;; I go insane if I cant draw. REALLY insane...
Hey now Im going, but do few things for me: Visit scage and Mahtiki (and Adylia) And PLEASE visit Ryoka-Chan (shes still moving guys!!!!) And I will miss her and I want her to konw I CARE!!!! So see you. ^^ Have a nice day!
Oh, by the way: I almost cutted my two fingers off today.... ;_; damn it hurts.... I was cutting onion and the knife slipped and aww.... Its two hours already gone of it and it still hurts like hell! >_< Oh well. It'll pass.
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Im calmed down. Mostly. I dont feel either good or sad. Or angry. I feel normal now *breathes* Husaaa..... ^^;; Eh. Well first, I didnt try to prove anything with those messages, I tried to make peoples understood difference. You get it now!? *looks around the room madness in her eyes* good *grins insanely, then laughs like mad* Okay well I have talked enough. Back to Neon Genesis Evangelion. *puts the tape on and starts to watch*
BTW.... Visit my bigsisters site: Adylia. Shes really a nice girl, and she means alot to me. PLEASE visit. ^^ Thank you! *hugs everyone*
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
C'MON peoples!!!!
Am I so bad?!?!?
Im trying to be Gothic, and peoples call me Satanist!!! Todaymorning, some 3 year old kids had pointed a finger on my friend, and yelled 'Hey, shes the satanist's friend!!' Like peoples c'mon!!! If you wear black, that means you are a satanist!? You fucking losers you fuck off you bitches!!! Now, I have kept two of my guyfriends like a brother to me, well the other told to hes cousin shit aboute me, and the other called me Satanist today, too!! You fucking losers what the HELL is wrong with you every guy I meet are LOSERS!!! JUST FUCKING LOSERS!!! Im gonna come someday and kick you fuckers ass if you dont stop calling me satanist Im a fucking Gothic not a satanist you assholes!! C'mon, I need a drink! Alcohol! ALCOHOL!!! I need something Alcoholic!! Then, I go kick someones ass! Here I come, world!
Plus, My moms drinking again, shes a perfect drunks, how cool is that, huh? She keeps saying that Im an useless brat, and it DEPRESSES me.... *sigh* Why me?
Oh, plus, visit my very very good friends and bigsisters site; Adylia
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
I am SO pissed off! So pissed off!
Okay, well first, I dont even love that guy who dumbed me like 'I leave from MyO, lets not tell to Sakura *giggle*' But I still am hurted! That goddamn guy came back without even telling me where he have been or something, ans STILL my name is on hes friends list!!!! ARGH!! Then second, my parents keep barking my best friend, blah blah blah!
Third: WHY do you peoples call someone massteens: Im not one, but think aboute it: Why they dress like others, is beacause they are afraid that others will call 'em names and things if they wont! And - if someone is even a little more fatter than the other prostitutes, why do you keep barking them!? When I was 11, I was just this round kid who everyone was bullying, and still Im not like supermodel prostitute, but Im Thinner, and they keep barking me still! Then - because Im gothic we make this convertations like 'your weird' and 'you dress oddly' and 'your a satanist' Well its not my fault I like to keep skirt ans trousers at the same time, IM DIFFERENT, PEOPLES!! This is what pisses me off too: My mom keeps on saying like 'Gays and Bi's have to be some kinda sick' Well gess what mom, I am bi! Yes I am, woo woot, now ya know! I wanna be honest with you guys, so thats it: Im bi, and dont start to call me names because of it, I hope you dont. No guys, I dont think aboute other girls while Im kissing you! Then mom says 'Back peoples are like apes' *Growls* I so hate her! I hate hate hate her!!! C'mon you fucking 'gods child' as you think you are, think aboute it this way: God har create gays and bis and black peeps too!! WHY?! then all my friends bark each other and thats annoying and I know I am being annoying now, but it just disgusts me that peoples dont understood difference! If any of you, my friends, DARE to bark peoples who are different, I say just one thing: I HATE YOU TOO. There. all said. I think. Damn it feels good now. Now - Im gonna get kick some ass. Bye...
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Hello guys. You know, in a long long time, I feel very, VERY good. Like, I just buyed 6 Inuyashas in english - 12,13,14,15,16 and 18. ^^ Theyre good. Then I have Dragonballs 4-18 and Conan 1-5 and Ranma½ 1-15 ^^ That makes 44! ^^ And I just got new DragonLance book, I just realized that one guy loves me - dont ask me who - And in few days, I will be avaible to post a pic - made by hands, not computer ^^ Yay. O'well. I gotta go now so see you!
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Saturday, February 12, 2005
Well, I decided to put up quiz. so answer:
1.Who are you?
2.Your faivorite book/magazine/manga?
3.Your faivorite Manga/Anime?
4.Your faivorite colour?
5.What do YOU think that is the mention of life?
6.Ask me something.... I like answering....
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Damn peoples. I cant belive these things happen to me. Our school is like, there is 6 different buildings. Well, my class were on 6th of them, and thing that I the most least waited to happen came true - 'Fires wild' can mostly told you what I mean. The whole fucking building burned down, and only one that cared again was my best friend... surprise. If mom dares to say she manipulates me just once more, moms dead. Well I can say that no-one didnt get hurt, but it was tratical when the whole building suddenly was covered by smoke and one girl in ours class started to panic like 'we will die we will die I dont wanna die' But I made her calm down..... *sigh* That was so stressing.... And I wasnt even scared! I start feel like I really wanna die... Well I do but not now! I dowanna leave you! >_< O' well. Heres few pics...
The fire started here.... Place of my nightmares... -_-;;; Oooomg
Well I gotta go, I have an headache.... So see you guys...
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Well HELLO!!
O K this week has been ALOT more stressing than the last (*growls*) So my mom keeps yelling at me how I have failed (Like, 'You failed! You failed! Craak, Polly wants a biskuit' XD) And she keeps saying my best friend is a fucker that manipulates me (if someone manipulates here, its me!) And she keeps saying I should get new friend (I dont! Everyone thinks Im a satanist, I AM NOT!!!!) But you know what cheered me up, peoples? You! XD Okay well it wasnt only you. I slapped him!!! Gahaha!!! One gyu at our glass has been ANNOYING very long time, and today, I slapped that bitch, and he almost started to cry!!! He eyes were like red and he like cursed and I almost pityed him, hey, ALMOST!! God, it was so fucking awesome! *laughs hysterically* O' well ^^ Adylia, You know this guy Im talking about. You know, Robert, short guy, the most annoying guy in our class... Ya know? ^^;; Well You guys really mean alot to me, AND specially you, Adylia, your still, like, my halfsist. Well see you guys later - Im gonna check if Robert would be near.... *smirks*
BTW, Yuripriss, that DID cheer me up, Krillin, Thanks ^^ Love ya ^^; And Neko-San, Im happy that your my friend
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
Hello Peoples...
This post is aboute, am I useless? Hey, before you start thinking, Im not gonna make suicide, dont be afraid. I were just thinking.... because, I have ever heard anyone call me 'best friend' and no-one really trusts me, I hear of my friends/beloveds/boyfriends/etc. problems from my other friend or then when the thing is already over. So, please tell me: am I useless?! Tell me have I done something to you to make you feel better? Or something? Have anyone give a change for me? Hey, ANYONE!? Gee, Im checking my friends site, I hear they have depress and then theres some 'thanks to her and him and etc' and I think 'Hey, why I havent heard anything?'. God, I tought I had friends who trust me... Well I have friends, but they dont trust me. Why is that? Have I told your problems to someone? If you think Im gonna depress more when you tell your problems, Im not, if someone tells me theyre depress and reason for it, my toughts are 'Hey, good that Im not the only one who thinks to be the most unhappy people int he world'. I ahve ever heard anyone say 'You are the best' Or 'your my best friend' or 'I need you' so they would mean it too! So please, please answer me: Am I Useless?
Oh, and.... Visit my very very good (almost best) Friends, and halfsisters (bigsisters) site, Her name is Adylia. I Thank You.
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Ummhmmhhh..... Wanted to put these up... Warning: Skin. (not like that, eh... I mean... well check out!)
No, its not a pervert pic, faries just dont have clothes... -_-;;;
Its Aura dragon ^^; Isnt he cute?
-__-;;;; Sensei, your HOT today!
^.^ Scias! Doggie! Arf arf!! Gooood doggie!
Scias: -___-;;;
Poor guy, do I annoyn you? Do I, huh?
Scias:Ummmhhhhh.... I-i-i D-dont...
Aww you dont have to answer, I know I am. I remember my aunt when she....
Scias: T-t-this is g-g-gonna be a long n-night....
Momo ^.^
A dragon
Yami Yugi ^.^
Yami Yugi ^.^;;;
Bakura *drools* -.-;; Whaaaat hes cute!
Goku! ^.^ I luv hes eyes. Dont you?
Ummhhh.... Sirius Black and Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.... ^.^;;;;; Ummmmhhhhhh.....
:P I liked that Ying Yang
Goku!! =^.^= AWWW hes so cute!...
Hes pretty goodlooking guy.... *wink wink*
Gohan! =^.^= Aww! Just... Aww! That smile....
*krhm* Pic from when Goku gets that he has promised to marrie Chi-chi... -_-;; Funny
How cute! ^_^
How sweet. Shes overprotective...
I just love this pic! Its a classic! I mean - look at them! Classiacl lovers!! =^.^=
*Sniffle* Two brothers! I love this pic too! Gohan is so protective borther...
Its a classic too ^.^
Pan and mister Satan.... -___-;;; I hate that guy.
Pan and Granpa Goku ^.^ How sweeee-EEEt!
Gohan and Videl! ^_^ Thats a cool pic too!
Hey! Its not perv, It doesent show any intime places, does it!? It was just.... sweet and sexy.
Awwww Poor guy, dont cry....
^.^ I love Mousse being jealous of Shampoo!
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