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Saturday, January 19, 2008
...Not finished
I am a difficult child to which is also very easy to control. I have not much memory of my past but since 4th grade,where everything has started to be engraved in my mind. It must have been because the human brain is still undeveloped when as a child and researchers have said that at the age 25 to 30 is when your brain is fully developed. I believe with this peice of information that it is then when you can fully access you mind. On the second hand, I lied.I do not believe this is so. I have no proof that the mind can do so at such specific ages. I am confused to this matter so I will not go any further yet. As I was going, my memory has failed me for some time now. I do not know the reasons to this but I am getting frustrated about it. What was I when I was only but an innocent child of the world? What am I now or what was I when my memory began to work on me? These questions are but a part of what I think. The only reason I am wasting my time typing this all out is not for your own benifit but my own. I need to straighten out my true thoughts and not get them confused with my fake ones, the ones which interfere.
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Poems of mine(except for the very last one
These are poems I wrote in my journal a very long time ago in my past...I do not really understand myself why I'm putting them up after such a long time but who really cares not as if someone actually reads my stuff and care about it...These aren't all the poems I have written but im too lazy to keep typing them up on my computer XD
1.My Heart has grown unknown
I hide, for fears of being left alone
I'm filled in my own world of lies
I cant tell whats fake and real then I realize
Sorrow has engulfed me to a point of loneliness
I have fearred for the worst
I havelost all ounce of hope
What Ineed is to find someone to help me
Because my heart and mind can't do this alone
All I want is to be happy
time is running out for me
I'm dieing from the inside out
in a dark room of lonelinesss, without no doubt
I watch as people around me laugh and play
In their world without dismay
While I watch from the shadows
with loneliness,sorrow,pain,confussion, and hopelessness
2.Hold me tight
in your light
share with me your heart and mind
tell me you love me
in true words not lies
tell me you care about me
or I might just cry
I've known you love me
for quite some time
Now tell me you love me
Dont be shy
Hold me in your arms is all I ask
I know you want to
Dont deny
I can tell from the look in your eyes
you lust for me you dont have to lie
To tell you the truth I want you too
To love and to care for you
Both of us dont need to lie to keep it a secret
Its our time to shine
Will you be mine?
3.In oath and honor,
Thou death is constant.
Though along the ground
Are thy faded tears..."
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Creative Writing for G/T English
Rosa Reyes
Creative Writing
In the Darkness and into some light
Cry out for help. Hollow screams in the air, which pierce the human mind indicating insanity. Trapped in your own hole of darkness without any known escape in the dark. Since you have fallen into this we as human need help to get out. At times you can help yourself but this is rarely. The worlds cruel grasps has now have a hold of the person I use to be, a person that was so hollow that she was confused in her eyes. Its dark and don't know where I am supposed to go. A girl who is lost in her mind and confused, frustrated and has a clouded mind because of the words that speak out of people's mouth and the low knowledge she has. The feeling of emptiness obscures my vision confusing me with the feelings I get. For so long I have only known what pain and sadness has felt that it is not a big shock or something I come to see when, it comes to me. Since time has passed and the difficulties have gone since I have solved what I have come across I just feel content and not unhappy. The feeling of frustration is still in me but I let not that feeling show.
It has been long since I have known what happiness has felt. I have only remember one time that I was truly happy every other time you have seen me smile were only times I have been shown and given glimpses of happiness and joy. Because of this I have not fully grasp the feeling of what people call joy. I am content or is this satisfactory that I feel. This feeling seems to make me feel so dull, empty maybe or just waiting for a chance until the day comes until I am brought out of complete bored ness and given sheer happiness. The darkness has gone away, I have come to the end of the dark tunnel and now staring at the light up ahead. Confusion still arouses me but that is ok with me as long as I do not feel sad. There is still something vaguely missing in my heart. Like an enormous piece of me is still out and about.
As quick as lightning that feeling had disappeared from before. I did not know why this happened. I have never actually known what joy was because it has been so long. Therefore it gave me an electrical shock when it came. The stress I had not known that had been there is gone and the emptiness has gone away. I realize now that someone that suddenly appeared in my life had done this. We had just never completely emerged from our hidden places and spoken heart to heart. I feel not emptiness or sadness, quite the opposite. Taken by the hand by this mysteries friend I had always had but never really spoken to I hold on tightly for the upcoming events. I feel a sprout of power that I had known yet have kept hidden arise. Encouragement you could say was all I needed and the truth and more knowledge was all I needed but by the right person. Words are a powerful thing in the world and so are actions. He has proven me these things. I have guessed that the hidden me was only waiting for that to happen. I am very pleased that I have gotten to meet such a unique person as myself. Even though he is still at some point mysterious, I will trust his words and actions because he has earned my trustworthiness. My trust is something that is hard to come by which makes it hard for me to completely depend on every one so freely like many others do. Some part of my mind is still kept away safely so when the time comes for someone to unlock these powerful thoughts in which I held from mostly everyone it will be kept in me until people which it to be heard. I still let many things out but if you do it right you will be able to capture my saying and know they exist in some way.
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Essay 2 for school
Rosa Reyes
Reflective Essay
Out of control
Everyone in this world regrets something in this world whether it is crucial or unimportant. I, myself, searched the depths of my life in order to find this. The things I do are mostly things that I would not regret but what I have found is regretful. You could say I let down my best friend because she saw me as good soul in which she did not want to be cut down as a fragile piece of art in this world, that we all take for granted. I am ashamed of what I have done. It is my biggest regret and that is a fact.
At this point of life I had fallen into shadows close to darkness, yet I myself have not realized it. My mind has been confused by the thoughts I have brought in. Therefore this started my cycle of trying to find something. I need but I do not acknowledge the fact of what it is. Searching for an untouchable, lonesome, and deceitful object to the minds eyes is hard to find in the world. I searched and researched this hidden object secretly. Time passes and I began to wonder when this all began but with no avail I stopped. Thinking back at it, I see myself lost and detached with my body giving a show for people under a mask of confusion.
As I am having this battle not knowing for what, I find pieces to the puzzle I am creating. This puzzle is not an ordinary puzzle for it is blank. There are thousands of pieces scattered but they are all painted white and changes its form. In order for something to come up, you need to find what is supposed to go on each piece separately. It is a long process when you have to go by from time, actions, and facts. Even though it could take years, I am a patient person willing to find out so I have to keep on going.
Apparently my body physically and mentally could not withstand this. I was confused and had a hidden hatred and anger to the world that I did not acknowledge. At those moments I was struggling within myself. As I had said before in my life do not leave me in these matters. Throughout my complications, I had gotten lost. Taking the advantage of a moment, the time comes to where my physical self took over my mind completely. Mind swirls into water where I am 'drowning', thoughts escape swimming in the dark water that obscure my vision of the surface. I command my hands to reach up in hopes of holding on to something from the surface to arise hence saving myself. Unfortunately my body did not respond. Consequently I went down except for the fact that my mind let go and slightly floated to the surface leaving me there, I panicked, screamed, and yearned for air.
In reality my mind drowned and only my physical self survived it will go out of control. My body yearned for the feeling of life instead of feeling numb. Accordingly to my body's feelings and mind's powerful yearning from under, I had begun a trail of thoughts that will lead to my regret. For anyone thinking I drown, I have not or was in water for that matter.
My mind tricked me but really was not my mind if that makes any sense. I was reaching difficulties and listening to brainwashing music was making it even more difficult. It hurts me to say that I broke my promise with my old best friend. Walking absentmindly to my body's designation, I wanted to know what I wanted in order to stop feeling so numb. Smooth wooden surface glistening in the artificial light has a crooked finger sliding freely on its surface. One specific drawer shines brightly of its plain color. As swift as a blade piercing air but a clumsily as a baby's first time walking, the moment is over. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, I thrust and let go of the item in which almost cut completely on the Tannest pale part of my innocent skin.
The moment is over by then and I feel emotions arouse from inside of me. At first I feel joy, happiness then full of panic and fright. Think over why I have done it but do not have accurate results. Rub and rinse small trails of swollen pink spot, I get another idea. As before, the moment passes quickly and I am in the same spot rinsing except now trails of crimson liquid run on newly open flesh. Barely noticeable by simple-hearted eyes I leave it as is when it stops. Tucked under warm soft blankets, I fall into a deep, tiring sleep. Until the next days to which I keep this a secret from the hawk human eyes. Weeks or months will go by until I confront my friend. A striking pain and rush of sadness will obscure my vision and mind when I come to speak to her. Friends are here to stop the people that I could become from these actions. It is why I told my best friend about this incident.
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Essay 1 for school
Rosa Reyes
Coach T
Cries Of A Mortal Girl
Everything was blurred, out of focus, and has no meaning to me. I went back and forth in the depressing part of my mind. Something wet trailed, like someone's slight touch, down my warmed cheeks. My breath came sharp and I was holding myself for support. I catch a glimpse of something in my eye and turn. Someone way to familiar for my own comfort was being reflected from the depths of my sorrow.
It is like black fire in which grew in inside of you and engulfed you until you were no more. I fell into it's hands becoming a victim of my own depression. I do not know when this happened or how it came to be but I know one thing of it. This gives you the feeling of being alone. As I sit in the darkness of my room listening to the silence, I bring up thoughts that swarm around my mind. It is not a bright idea to leave me this way, to figure things out by myself in these matters. It causes abruption and confusion to my mind causing headaches that eventually lead to migraines. I grasp the feelings in my head and they turn against me, like a grudge holding you into it's cold spiked hands. I begin to imagine many fantasies in which crush me in reality.
As I sit in bed waiting for sleep to overcome me, I feel the same emotion stir inside me that burn coldness through its path. My mind exploded. The word alone and worthless was whispered around me. It drowned me,-suffocating. I stare blankly at the light illuminating off my lamp a few feet away from me, just waiting until the feeling passes. The silence of the night is stabbed through by my tears, my screams, and my whispers. I begin to feel panic. Why is it not leaving? What have I done? I sway back and forth on my bed, holding down tears that could turn into a lake. I hold my head waiting but it would not go away. A voice from nowhere but my head turns its whispers into an audible sound. I searched the room for something with my eyes but I do not know what. The door closed makes my room look like it was closing in on me. The familiar four white walls begin to mock me. "Alone. Everyone left you. Wait. You never had anyone. Your worthless, unusable. Why do you not just die so no one else will keep on suffering." The voice called out. I realized this voice was my own. There were tears coming out that I could not stop. "I can not do anything right. I am worthless to everyone around me. I am falling. This time no one is going to catch me." At some point I was on the ground, sitting, and holding myself. "Why can I do anything right? Why do I feel so empty- so alone? Was my life meant to be like this?" I look up as if someone was there to answer me. "Please answer me. What am I supposed to do? Answer my questions." I was whispering the whole time I spoke. "Is there anyone who could help me?-To love and care for me? Is it too much to ask?
Too many questions were swimming in chaos. I knew by then I could not stop it. The feeling of being alone overtook me. I could not tell what I was saying or thinking. On the floor, a soaked face from tears, was a girl who has lost herself. "Stop this, I do not want this to happen to me anymore. I do not want to be alone." I kept trying to stop myself from crying. With no avail, I kept crying. Sniffles, moans of pain, and whispers echoed out the door. My mom was at work and my siblings were asleep. Even though I loved the night, it made feel so alone. What do I want? No one knows. I rested my head on the edge of the bed crying and continuously arguing with myself. At some point I look at the mirror that rested on the floor. I sat in front of it and looked beyond. The girl in it seemed to be mocking her. First it shows her a beautiful happy girl and then it shows a crying helpless one. I spoke to my own reflection. Call me crazy but it lasted about 15 minutes. I had gotten angry at my reflection. A girl with a smile on her face kept showing up then there was one I was starring at with blurred eyes. "Why do you not ever show what I want to see? Why do you not show the real me but not like this?" I took hold of the edges of the mirror. "Why?" Not one point did I stop crying. "I am such a crybaby. Why do I not just leave forever?" My face turned to anger. "Because I can not do it. I could not kill myself."
Looking at myself in the mirror and speaking to the girl beyond made me realize something. I told myself I would not go insane with this depression. If I wanted to see what I wanted in the mirror I would have to make it happen-not try- make it happen. I told myself I could do it. If I set my mind to it, I can if I try. Except even if I made myself believe that, I could not stop crying. A hour or so had passed by during this event. At some point in looking in the mirror I stopped crying, I had found many solutions. So I tried. I had washed my face, pulled myself together, and grew more confidence since I never had any. I grew tired. I was in my room all fixed up. This was the first time I had realized my hidden feelings. I learned now that I should not keep this so bottled up but open it when your alone at night or to a friend. In the upcoming days after this I will feel at peace and not yearning to cry anymore. I still am. It feels like satisfaction or contentment. My mom came and I hurryingly turned off the lights and pretended I was asleep. I walked out of the room and saw my mom. "May I go to tutoring this morning?" She nodded and went off to her own responsibilities. Just like that. She never noticed that I had cried and she probably never will. I went off as if nothing happened. The world will never know what happened that night. It still kept going and never went to a halt.
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Im tired-not finished
I'm tired.Physically and metally.Im so tired that I want to give up.I'm so lonely here,I feel so cold alone.I wait to here any sound at all but it is dead silent.This silence is engulfing me its driving me insane.Being so lonely and cold has gotten to me before.I'm such a fragile soul into which the world is tearing apart.Piece by peice without knowledge of it I am being torn apart. This process has lasted since my real first memories-4th grade.Even though those times were the greatest because I had my two only best friends with me.They took a peice of me with them when they left to different schools.As time changes I feel departed,detached,not real.Everywhere around me is unknown.I need knowledge but I can't have the one I want.I wish for knowledge because it dawned to me even before I started aruing with my parents.The arguements for my dad are long gone.I forgive him,I am glad he is happy now.I can't say the same for the meek happy great mother I thought she was. "To children,The mother is the God of their world"-Silent Hill.Even though I saw this part way long ago and on accident I can remember it.For me it is true.I took this to heart.Call me stupid but I really did.Now what happens when they question their God?It was what I had done.Because of the arguements my father (actually my siblings father) and of my mother I had learn things.I need to know things so I wont be in the dark all the time,so my mother will stop saying I dont understand and comprehend because I am just a mere child.I agree with that even though I'm not so happy about it.When they argued with me what they both had the very most common was that one said 'How can you understand whats going on,you dont know anything so dont you be talking like that to me' and my resonse being the truth 'How can I understand whats going on when you yourself will not tell me what I need to know.I ask the questions but you will not anwser me.Because of this you are now telling me i dont understand this and whats going on." and the other parent had said at a separate time 'You are just a child.You don't understand much.You may think you do but you don't.You don't know everything that happens because your just a young child and you have no knowledge of this' and what I had said 'I know that I dont know everything.I had never said I have.It is why I separate Know with Understanding.I understand that I am a child and I havent experienced as much as you have.This is why I ask questions.You as a parent have the right to tell me or not.*mind*which you decide not to.I ask questions so I wont be stuck like this.So you wont be saying that same thing over and over.It is not my fault that you just dont explain to me'.......And this is part of why I'm tired.Im separated from the two people that tie me down to this world.Without them I wouldnt care much for my life.I'd probably find a way to kill myself.But I cant do that because if I do I'll be bringing my best friends life.She had told me if i killed myself she would kill herself afterwards because erica and I were the only reasons she is trying.
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Dont remember what this is -_-;
What can a person do when there trapped in the most powerful thing of all
what can do to escape it all
just because it came out all wrong
or so they thought
this was ment to happen
if u havent noticed alreadly
all the actions u take towards this makes it happen
it was probaly meant to happen
i dont even know
i'm still here lost without understanding this yet
i try so hard to understand
i feel isolated when i'm around people
these people around me can understand this simplest thing
while i cant
i wish i could
its the most powerful thing in this universe
what can i do to understand its full consepts
what can i do to actually have it
i just noticed i do have it
i just dont know how
over the time it came to me
i just had to do something and i had it
both nothing advanced
only a little bit
but i didnt have it completly
its not fair
but lifes like that
it does this to u
but someday you'll get your reward
and the reward would be the most powerfullest thing at all
so many things you have to do just to get it
and the thing you have to do takes alot of courage
you must be brave to do it
now your wondering what the hell am i talking about,no?
unless u already know from the beginning
well i'll tell u
its love
its hard to get it
you need the courage to truly tell someone you love them
and i'm talking about the boyfriend girlfriend kind
or the crush type
you must be brave to say those three words and atually mean it
and show it
and thats where you get your reward
the others persons love towards you
you have to truly show it and truly say you love them
now this is what i,Rosa Reyes,have written for you who even care to read these things,i wrote this so you'll understand what i think at this moment about,this just came to me but i still wrote everything that comes afterwards,see i just wrote the next thought that came to my mind,and the next thing is chocolate and ice cream but i think thats a different story
now if u wish u can message and comment me about what you think of this
i would appreciate it if you do.....plez tell me ur thoughts on this....because this is what comes out of my heart
thank you for reading this
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My Dark Hullucinations For You
she looks towads the boy and nods.With that done she took their fears and turned them against them if that didnt work She rose into their faces in their hullucinations as a dark girl.Eyes colored like black ink the rims blood red.the eye liner seemed smeared down her light/dark peach face
and full lips tainted with blood.In their minds her voice echoed"Do you sense it your death approaching"Hollow screams occured.Her gothic dress flowed around her knees.As sudden as their faces turned to fear she made the skies crimson the clouds black as coal,and everything else as if the end of the world.With that done she seemed to be multiple when she showed up in each guys face.She cupped their hace in her smooth hands and screamed unhumanly.They turned pale eyes rolled to the back of their heads and blood spluttered out from their eyes and mouths.Out of the world of her hullucinations they seemed normal as befoer just dead.
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Mind -not finished
Consequences of the tongue. The mind lets itself out through the words in a poem but yet in reality its an ordinary conversation. Depends on what your saying in it. Storms abrupt, thunder crashes deep into someone's heart, while the electricity shocks them until they are no more. Maybe summers warm breeze soothing into the soul to make full, to feel apart of something special. Or is it just the sweetness the candy gives, the thing that little children love at times and beg their parents for it, what sets a caring smile upon anyone who makes a friendly connection. Most of these things blind the good sight of people. That one moment is all that they mostly care about and that's it. Whether its good or bad, the feeling just takes over them. Every one falls into its deadly trap. No one has ever been left out even if your life has been the greatest life ever or the worsest. Your judgment is clouded then the rain comes when a person takes advantage of them or the sun can come out. These things are all around us. Hidden in the people that walk by or in things that give the meaning of life.
Hate,love,fear,courage,war,peace,sorrow,and happiness. These things happen ,mostly throughout this world. Not one person can just stop it all. No one can stop this throughout the world.
What is love? What is hate? What is fear? What is courage? What is war? What is peace? What is sorrow? What is happiness? These are things all of us have experienced sometime in our lives. But I still have to ask myself these questions. Even if I seemed to be intelligent or bright. I still ask theses question. I put them into these situations that I can only explain them in because I don't have a simple statement or saying that will go through to you that will make you understand its full concepts' wish to explain in a more simple fashion, but I can't. I was built to make more of one thing. When you want an explanation from me you will find out yourself you will be told more then you bargained for. I warn you now that if you are ready to take on my full truth, get ready to have a clear schedule and sit down in a comfortable position because it will take a while. Even if you see right now that this looks short-its not. This is one explanation of what I think out of who knows how much that I can actually explain almost fully. When I say almost fully, it can go on for a while longer but I leave to there so you won't get lost. Who knows? You might just be the kind of person that can catch on right on that second I talk or after a while. This writing or whatever it is will be cut into a few pieces after I start writing or explaining however you want to put it. Everything I put onto this notepad and more will be saying straight out of my mind. What I think. What I feel. There will be more thought than just one for each category I think of. Now I will tell you now that I think of allot of things and it can just come out randomly. And when that happens I will put it in a different paragraph. It, I guaranty, will be the next thing that pops up into my expanded, and complicated but still understandable by other people, mind.
Hate is a cruel thing when either use wisely or foolishly. It can crush a thousand people or just one person. It is like tides of an ocean pushing you down to sea. And when you can't swim you will down by the pressure or the water. The water can be compared to that person that is crushing you down. It will fill your lungs, which is your heart, with water-hate. This can be stopped. A lifeguard can come to your rescue before the water completely pulls you in. That lifeguard can either be you or someone else. This is the same with fire. Like the saying-'Play with fire and you'll get burned.' This fire will cut down your breathing and you will soon suffocate. The fire can also burn you whether you're dead or alive. It will hurt badly when you're alive. Well this is like saying play with hatred and you will be one day killed. A firefighter can save you from this but will the firefighter be you or someone else. This is saving you from these situations or having to be saved. Fire and water can be the same or different. Either way, if you can't swim in water or hold out a bit longer in fire, you will be brought down by its powerful waves. It always ends in a bad solution when you play with the fire or when you don't know how to swim. But if you can fix it, you can save one or many lives around you. Whether it's just you. This can come out into an ugly result if you let it grow. Like water growing into a flood drowning more people than just you. And like fire growing into wildfire burning more than just one person in a building. This will both keep building up until someday when someone is strong enough to sustain it comes to fix the problem. Sure they would've have lost people but this one person had enough courage to stop it. Hate-I repeat-Hate, Is a cruel thing. Try not adding fire to the bonfire or overflow its tinted, dangerous cup with water.
Love is a wonderful thing in or for a person to have-if used wisely. Like hate it can wash over you like water or burn your heart like fire. It brings wonderful dreams during the day and night. Sharing the love in your heart around other people makes both you and the person happy. But that's only if you use it wisely. Love is supposed to be the main reason in living. It's first. Afterwards it making a living and surviving in it. The vines of a horned rose tie you into a tight embrace. Its thorns give you a feeling. A shock into your soul or a sting in time. These thick vines with its thorns grow deeper into the soil and the thorns anchor you down. You can't get out of it once you are tied into the many vines that have embraced you. Especially its thorns of which go into you flesh and won't let you escape. These thorns can hurt when you struggle in the them-to either get out or to settle in. This rose can be a beautiful growth or it can grow in an awful way. You can settle down into these vines, into a wonderful creation and its thorns left aside when completely grown. Or the horned vines can pierce through your skin and let crimson blood flow into puddles below your feet from your opened flesh. Either way it comes out tremendously beautiful. A picture that actually says a thousand complete words-and still making. A moving picture in which time keeps going forward as we know and not a picture standing still in its beauty. In this picture of a human tangled standing up, it's punctured down by its roots deep into the soil and its thorns deep into the flesh. On top of that full roses either in bloom or just complete stay shining red on the thorns, illuminating the clouded picture with broken soil for the background. The soil in which this rosebush has grown is full with rich soil. This picture tells me of a couple blooming into a hazardous area. Polluted with danger but they still manage to bring love. With this rose bush that has grown, it tells me that people around them in their love are also happy with this a blooming to understandment of their love. And there is still the matter of the opposite but yet the same picture, that has grown rotten and ready to die. This similar painting has a human trapped into the grasp of the horned rosebush. Its in pain while struggling to get the thorns out of his flesh while trying to manage to get rid of the vines intertwining with them. All its roses have grown grayish black with petals lightly flowing down onto the cold dead soil. Its roots cant bare the humans weight. Its bended over trying to sustain this pained human in its horned rose bush. The vines are dieing out, making it easier for the person to come out by breaking through its vines. Even if it comes out because the rose's vines, the person will still have scars of the thorns inflicted on him or her. If he or her comes out of this rottener plant, it would have meant that the relationship was dieing or wasn't meant to keep on growing. When the Peron can't get out it means the ties it has made with the other human were to strong and will forever remain like that until someone or something cuts down the vines and tears out the roots. Like I have said, It makes a beautiful movingpicture.
Fear is a trap. It's the thing that activates you adrenaline and makes you do surprising things-or predictable. (To continue once thought out thoroughly)
Depression. One thing most of us have in common with ourselves. There are all kinds of depression. I don't know if I really have it but whatever this is I hold inside, feels like depression.
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Story 4 Other Vampire story chpt 2 finished
Surrounded in darkness, I can feel myself floating. Am I dead yet? Did he really kill me? I open my eyes but still find myself in the dark. Once I do, I gently float down to something solid below my feet. Before I knew it,everyting seemed to go fast in front of me and I was on my knees.I had fallen down. I try getting up but my legs wouldnt obey. My hair started to fall in small strands in my face. Sudden fear stricks me and I frantly look around me.I feel like I'm not alone but in a bad way. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer but cant find where they are coming from. They come to a sudden stop. I stop looking around. I get hit with realization. The person or whatever it is,is behind me. Before I can turn around I stop breathing.Not because I stop myself from breathing but because I'm being suffercated. What did I do? I kept clawing at the person suffercating me but with no avail. It seemed like hours until they loosened the grip. I had already begun feeling dizzy with yellowish spot blocking my vision.Whats there to see when everyting around me is pitch black. The person behind me let me breath but making me breath in slow paces. I feel them coming closer to my ear.Hot breath smothers my ear and neck. "Hey Kitty,I told you,you would get what you disearve sooner or later" I know I heard that voice before and it was nagging at my brain trying to figure out who it was. You know those times when your dreaming and you sort of forget who the person is in your dreams until you wake up.Well this is one of them. Without me knowing he was smirking. He gave me a peck on the neck.For a peck this one seemed slow. It sended shivers down my spine. It must be another nightmare one in which I'm going to be rapped in. I never had one of those.Theres a first tme for anything I guess. He still had a hard grip on my neck. I still couldnt get up. By now I had my eyes closed shut wanting this nightmare to be over. I feel the floor disintergrate below me so I start falling.Nothing comes out of my mouth. Not even a scream.I kept my eyes shut.I was heading head first to whatever was going to kill me. Air fills up my ears while I fall and I begin to feel my skin burn.It was as if fire was nawing at me from all over the place.As if I was in a blazing infernal. I dare not open my eyes. In this feeling I begin to realize there were things trying to hold on to me.These things felt sticky and a slimmy cold.SPLASH I had fallen head first into water. Feeling numb I open my eyes for the first time. I see bubbles of air that were within me. Dark water surrounding me.Looking down which was really up at the surface.I see light but I cant reach it.I stay calm even in the situation I am in. No one is with me.I feel safe. Could this be a nightmare? Air bubbles escape softly through my lips. What is happening? I look up which is above my head,the floor.Its what I'm suppose to fall on and die slowly and suffercated. I feel a gentle thud on my head. Did I reach the bottom? Before I knew it everything illuminated from where I hit my head softly on. It was like another world below me or above me either case.I lay there watching below me in aw. I reach for the ground but once I touch it I begin to see a guy doing the same thing. I put my palm there and he does the same thing I put the other one there but he doesnt do that.I was floating again while I had my hand there.This must be a dream. I had never seen this guy before in my life he just illuminates.He is gorgeous. And thats saying something. I looked curiuosly at him and he smiles back at me. A smile tuggs at my lips and I let myself completly smile. If this is a dream I'll like to stay here forever then. I try to speak forgeting I'm under water and the last of my air escapes.Who knew how long I have been holding it. Wanting to feel his warm skin I try going through.It works and we lazingly lace fingers.It was the only thing keeping us in ,what seemed,both worlds. My hair flowing around the place and my air bubbles already reaching the surface while my legs are now dangeling below me.I was in a standing up position.I couldnt find out where the surface was,....where I had fallen through.Looking at our hands I noticed a warm feeling.I actually felt it.Everything here I felt.I have had dreams like that but not through the whole dream. Was this really a dream? I look up at the guy and notice he had been watching me the whole entire time our hands met. Still smiling at me.My smile had probably left because then I feel myself smile again. He begins tugging me toward him.I try going but I couldnt go any farther than that. I frown and so does he knowing I cant pass through. I begin to feel suffercated again.I realize again that I've been out of air.I couldnt breath and I needed air fast. My lungs starting to hurt,they felt tighting up inside me. The guy noticed this and tryed getting me through.Not once did he let go of my hand and he wasnt going to. He kept pulling me closer to him.While he does this I begin to go through inch by inch. Whatever I had landed on before I saw the guy,shattered into peices around me. Both of us were slowly falling. I had caught my breath. Who knew where the water went and that I'm still wet but I dont care. He hadnt let go yet and he try bringing me closer to him but once we were about an inch away from eachother ,with him about to put his arms around my waist, everything dissappeared before our eyes. We never closed that one inch gap. But we were still holding hands which was right in front of our chest.We both frowned wondering what was happening. We were dissappearing too. For the first time he spoke. A gentle melody,that was sweet to my ears. "Dont leave,Not yet....I need you" and with that I whispered a soft sorry.And everthing went black.
I wake up to complete darkness,noticing the pain in my head throbbing and in cold sweat .It took me time to realize what had happen and I paniced a little.Everything flooded back into my head from when I was sitting at the window watching outside until now. What happened after I was knocked out? What did my kidnapper do to me?Where did he take me too? These questions were filling up my mind quickly. I start to realize that I'm on a queened sized bed with black silk and red silk roses embelded on it,the bed along with the pillow case. I sit up not before I push myself to stop the pain. I smell a pleasent aroma and begin to wonder what did happen. My eyes get accustomed to the dark so now I can see better especially with the moonlight shinning through the window.What a minute....its still dark outside. How long have I been out? I get up to notice that someone changed my clothes. At that moment I felt exposed. I had a black silk nightgown that went barely below my ankles and my underwear underneath. Well since I am certainly not waiting for the welcome party I mind as well look for a way out. I turned the door knob hoping it wont make a sound and it didnt. Thank God. But I still needed to find an escape route. I open the door cautiously peering through it to see anyone in the empty hall way. I see no signs of life forms or walking dead so I begin my way out of the door. I cautiously walked down the hallway until I see a door besides my only way out ,which is the stairs that I noticed, wide open. I curse under my breath. I can feel my heart beating out and I bet you whoever is in that room can hear it ready to explode. I walk passed the door relief, not until I hear something that makes my skin crawl. "Where are you going?"He saw that I slightly jumped so he began to grin "Oh I'm sorry did I scare you?"In a mocking tone. "I was on my way to the bathroom is all no need to worry" I lied. "Oh really? Well why didnt you say so" He questioned not believing me."I didnt want to wake you up" I had my back turned to him so I slowly turned. Back there where ever we were I didnt get to see his features but now that I see him I really can not believe I was captured by him. He looked my age only inches taller than me and he had black hair like I did with icy blue with a well toned body. At that moment I noticed he didnt have a shirt on and I caught myself staring at him. I looked up at his face.He was leaning on the door frame. A smirk apeared on his face."Ah so you want some of this dont ya Kitty?" He mockingly asked me. "You can have me completly if thats it" He grinned insanely "I wont mind Kitten" Just Great. I'm stuck in a house with a sexual maniac in it. At least he is wearing pants on.Or he can go without them. "I'm going now" I point down stairs but he caught my arm. "Oh no your not.Your staying with me"Making me look at him he then added "In my room" Damn,.... time to run. I tryied to escape but couldnt.I hated feeling helpless."You cant run from me Kitten" He chimmed in my ear. "MY NAME ISNT KITTEN" I spat at him. That made his eyebrow rise."So why dont you tell me what it is?" Is he serious. "I dont think so stalker" I replied."Then I'll keep calling you whatever I want" He grinned. This guy is crazy.Really really crazy. Who does he think he is.The fucker. I was glaring at him at this point to letting him go of my arm. "Let go" Having my voice as icey as I can. "Kitty gots a temper,Me like it......"His grin grew wider."Me-ow" He said still watching my every move.I sighed."Go Fuck someone else" I'm fed up with him."Is that some one else you?"He mocked me. "No.Now can you let go"I think my hand fell asleep because it wasnt doing anything.I bet he believes I'm going to run.Well I'm not."I swear I wont run, I'll just be going downstairs"I was staring down on the ground."How can I believe you?" Again who does this fucker thinks he is. "I wont be able to run far with your speed"That was true I dont know how the hell he ran so fast.He still doesnt let go.Damn him.I turn but barely until he yanks me towards him making me trip and slam onto his bare chest. I blush slighty.If he was just an everyday normal guy at my school I would consider him hott but since he kidnapped me I rather not think of him as that.He was what seemed 6'1.About a few 5 inches taller than me.Just great,he has many advantages.While here I am a defensless girl not able to KICK HIS ASS. Damn.His left arm that had a hold of my right hand,went down to my waist.I tryed taking that chance to run but he predicted this and had a firm grip onto me.He used the other hand to gently go through my hair.We were so close that I can hear his heart beating.I stood there frustrated.I think if I kept on glaring on the wall to my left, I would have made a hole there.I struggled to get free.Being the girl I am I ask a question that I think no one would ever ask there kidnappers that."Can I go back to sleep until the time comes to feed your 'pet'?"I spat pet out with a little anger.He rose an eyebrow."What?!?Giving up so soon?"He chuckled for a bit."I thought this was gonna be fun.I guess I was wrong".I wonder how many times I have to curse him out until he gets the message.Well shall we try and get our butts whoopped for it or just put that plan aside.Yeah...I 'm puting that plan aside.Who knows what this freak can do to me in such a short period of time."Can you let go of me.I'll go back to my so called room and be the little good girl I'm supposed to be."Again I tryed prying him off but with no avail."Leave her alone Steve"A female voice said from behind me."Aw but I was having my little fun.Just one more minute with my lovely."He was mocking the situation and was craddling me in his arms."Hand her over to me.Have you done anything to this poor girl yet."Her voice sounded young,sweet but alittle stern to show who really is in charge."No not yet"My kiddnapper Steve said as if it were a down fall for him."Good now hand her over or I will have to ingaged into drastic measures with you."The girl ordered.Steve grudenly let go but he let go non-the-less.He handed me to another person.When I turned around I saw a beautiful girl.She looked around my age or so.She had a nice frame,with dark brown long silk like hair,honey brown eyes,and pale but beautiful skin."Come with me girl."She took my arm without me saying anything and we went back to the room I had woken up in."You can sit or stand and wait.But either way you have to listen"The girl must be in command."That was Steve.I'm really sorry for the action he has taken." She looked down as if she will regret the thing she is about to say."I'm sorry but I cant...well...Steve has taken you and well....he does what he wants with girls....and well "I know where she was getting to.I'm someones slave.That isnt good when your master happens to be a perverted phsyco.Not good at all.I take one step back in refusing in this........thing."Hell no,I'm not going to stay here and thats that."I walked towards the door but before I can make it she grabs my arm to stop. "I will try to get you out of most trouble but you have to cooperate with me."I turned to her."I will leave now.I dont even know you or him.If your willing to help me then let me go and dont tell him."I was about to open the door until she trips me in the spot and holds me against the ground."I cant do that.He is stronger than me.I may be in charge for a while but I cant do anything about him taking you.Besides we dont want you to go to the police now do we."So much for her help."So when can I leave"I glared at the ground.Even she can beat me.What is up with that.What they on styroes.I couldnt get free.She sigh."You cant leave thats up to Steve."This is crazy."What is Steve your master?Damn it"She let go of me and I just sat there on the ground."No .I have much as power as he has."What is she talking about."Power?What power?"I waited."I'm what you would say friends with them.I'm as strong as they are but when it comes to the matters of personal life like right now I cant do anything about it.But since I dont want you to be humilliated by him,I'm trying to save you from it."I kept staring at her as if I didnt know what the hell she was talking about.All I have to do is run away."You really dont know who he is do you?"What is he some kind of king."Nope and I dont care to find out"I stood up."You cant leave."I turned to her "And why not?"I glared at her."Because its impossible to leave him without him noticing sooner or later"I sighed damn it.Its easy all I have to do is walk out the door."And how is that?" She got up."Somehow he knows and let you have your fun but when he's done with messing around with your 'free' life, he will come after you.He has done it millions of times with girls.Its his entertainment."I laughed.I kept on laughing.This isnt real this isnt happening to me,I'm just dreamming,Thats it.The girl looked at me as if I were crazy.I stopped."Well girl I will do just that.I'm not scared to have my own fun with a physco."She kept staring at me as if saying wtf."Do what you want girl.I warned you and that was the only purpose I brought you in here away from him.Why dont you just wait until the others arrive afterwards you may leave........I hope so"She started to walk out the door.Well that was easy.Now to find a way out of this dump.I saw a window in the room and looked down from it.Wow.I can not jump down and land safely.It was a long drop down.I started walking out the door and when I did I saw Steve leaning with his arms crossed right beside the door I was walking out of.I had almost hit into him.He smirked at me."So your gonna try to escape.Ha.....like to see you try"I walked out completly out the door."Ha yeah ok.well um"I keep slowly walking away from him.My goal was to get to the stairs and out the front door."Um...well..Yeah I guess so"And when I was a good distance I turned around from him and ran towards the stairs.I didnt lay one foot on the stairs.He somehow gotten in front of me and the stairs."Quit trying"He smirked down at me."Who said I was trying to get out.I could just be going down to see where the kitchen is to get myself something to eat."I stood there not knowing what to do.I was planning this while I'm doing it. Looking around in the hall way I saw a window.Bingo.He looked at the window to.I sprinted over there.It looked as if I was going to try to jump out of it."Oh no you dont"Steve said and ran after me.I abruptly stopped and when he was in front of me I turned quickly and ran down the stairs.Then I turned to see what seemed to be a living room and there it was my exit out.I didnt make it into the living room.I felt a sharp pain running down my left arm.I had slammed into something.I felt pressure on my other arm.I opened my eyes to see Steve in front of me.The pressure on my right arm was the cause of him.He had both arms locking me from the back and front.His arms were at my back and front of my chest.Steve leaned in my ear."See you cant escape me Kitty."He kissed my exposed neck.I started struggling.He turned me to face him."Now do you still want to play?"His smirk seemed to never be gone."Why not?"I was playing with him like I said I would."Thats what I like about you"He then try to make a move in to kiss me but I ducked down and ran out of his grasped.Jumping over the couch, Steve was right behind me so he pushed me down towards the couch.I got the wind knocked out of me."Fine if you insist of playing games,Why dont we?"What did he mean by that"But of course it would be for my own entertainment"He grabbed me up from the couch and dragged me back up stairs."Wait what are we doing exactly"I asked trying not to sound worried."Thats for me to know and you to find out"He turned his head to grinned at me.I didnt like where this was going.I was dragged into what seemed his room.He pushed me in and locked the door behind him.He went towards one of his drowrs and started looking for something.I turned around and tryied opening the door.I guess I needed a key."You cant get out like that"Steve said still looking for something.I kept on trying to open it.It wasnt good to have my back towards him.I stopped hearing the sounds the stuff made when he searched through them.I slowly turned around.Steve was right behind me.He punched me right in the gut making me hit my head hard on the door behind me.I was still weak from the last time he played rough with me.Seeing that this didnt bring me down he punch me again.Which did make me black out."Dont worry its all part of my little game"Is all I heard from him when I blacked out yet again.
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Story 4 Other Vampire story chpt 1 finished
It was a dark eeiry night at the Kannister household. One girl was in the whole house while everyone just left for their own usual evenings. The girl with black hair and brown milk chocolate colored eyes and mexican colored skin looked outside her bedroom window at the stars in deep thought.'I should just die, its just to bad I cant kill myself I have to wait for my time to go' She thought with an emotionless face.No this girl isnt emo or goth just depressed at times. She wont let herself fall in to that black hole of black and white world which is always depressing and full of fake smiles and laughter. She is staying strong to herself. 'If I kill myself,which means suicide, I have lost the battle to the bad world surrounding me,I have let down on my word of staying strong.I can't do that,I must pull it together and live through my difficulties and pain'The girl has already thought long and hard about this already so she has no need to explain. It was a full moon night with stars glistening beside it.It hasn't rain for a while now and she was hoping it wouldn't tonight because she felt like going out for a walk in the park near her street. She usually does so because there is no one to stop her from doing so.Sometimes she wonders if her family even cares about her then just her little brother.
Narraters point of view
I stand up letting my dress flow down from its position then begin walking towards my door once I feel it slightly brush my knee. The whole house seems strucked with silence and darkness of the beginning of night. I begin to aimlessly walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I flip on the lights making all shadows of the night dissappear from sight. Passing the kitchen table I begin to notice the mess the family has left behind to let their 'beloved' daughter clean up. I go straight to the fridge and open it up to see what we have to eat or I have to eat since the're always out. I close it to see if there is anything in the cabinets. One more instant cup of chicken flavored ramen.Just great. I tear off the wrappings,open the cup,put water in it then put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and 45 seconds. I sit on the table and look at the magizines left bahind.I lose interest in them and grab a novel ,more like a book but who cares its the same,named Twilight with a picture of two pale hands carying a red apple with a black background. Then I hear the microwave beep signaling the noodles are ready. Even though I feel lazy to get up I still do because I'm still hungry. I put it in the bowl afterwards and add lemon to its flavor. I sit down beginning to eat it then open up the book I found. I read alot of fiction books or storys online but I'm not the one to carry a book in my hand all the time only in my room and sometimes at school. Well its summer vacation and it sucks because I have nothing else to do. I make pretty decent grades which are the normal A's and at least one B+. I have to if I'm going to leave this dump and make a living with a good job. The subjects I have are not important at the moment so I rather not say. After who knows when I stop at a good part in the book and cause suspension. So far I love it. I decide to read it later. I put up my bowl in the sink and begin cleaning up the kitchen then the living room which was harder because it was a total pig-stine. I grab my my shoes along the way and put them on leaving on the only light thats on in the house ,the kitchen light. I head out the front door and head for the park. After minutes of walking I notice I have a feeling someones been watching and following me from the minute I walked out the front door and the time I was looking out the window.But thats been normal for quite some time now because I've been feeling like that for a few months now. I get a swing and sit on it feeling the warm night breeze brush past my shoulder arms and legs slowly moving my hair in my face. I tuck my hair behind my ear and begin swinging slowly. Looking up at the sky and the shadows that everthing makes along the way. Lights in the park begin to illuminate but not so much. Right now I just appreciate the beauty of the night.
After a long time outside I stand up and start my way back home. Not until I feel another presence behind me."Where are you going Miss at a time like this?" The guy behind me said with out a very kind voice but more like lustful. I couldnt walk one more step because the guy roughly took whole of my arm and spun me towards him. "I asked a question" He said seductively. Feeling his hot breath on my face I tried to pry my way out. I couldn't even budge him from his spot and it seems he isnt having any problems holding me in place. "Excuse me but can you let go"I struggled. Damn it. "Not after I have my fill of you.But dont worry you wont die.I'll only take whats necassary" I felt panic.What did he mean by that. "Wha" I tried looking at his face but couldn't.He was tilting my head to the side. If he wasnt doing so I wouldve seen he was about to bare his fangs at me about to go for my neck until we hear a scream from besides us. He stops,curses out loud and begins to run....with him gripping onto my arm."I guess I'll have take out" He smirked. I tried escaping but couldnt. "I'm going to scream if you dont let go you dirty bastard!!" I was beginning to panic even more but with that I calmed down. "If you do I'll kill you on the spot sweet heart and you wouldnt want that" Oh God what did I get myself into. To bad I'm going to scream any way. I kicked him where the light dont shine which made him crubble at the spot."BITCH" I ran but it was to far from home where he had taken me. He recovered and ran after me. Damn how is he catching up.I'm known as the fastest runner at my school from the girls side. I did the bad thing and looked back. He lunged himself forward and dissappeared. I stoped shocked. "WHAT THE FUCK" I searched the area around me for him. Breathing heavingly I cursed to myself. I couldnt see much I had somehow gotten myself in that old looking creepy alley way where people use to smoke,...... until they started to dissappear. I looked frantly around me but no sign of that freak. I knew I couldn't stay there but I did none-the-less. If I move he might find the advantage but if I stay still he can attack and I'm the sitting duck. I cursed under my breath one more time until I saw a black blur zip past my vision so I snapped my head behind me and I saw it again. It was going to fast for my vision. I let down my gaurd on accident for just a quick second but thats all a person needs to get to them. "I got cha" My eyes widened feeling his breath down my neck. He was behind me but how? I took a step forward not before the guy tripped me and harshly wrapped his arms around me from behind. Holding me to his chest I struggled getting free.I kicked and shoved and even bit him in the arm but at no avail."Damn it Kitty.Why must you do that.I wont hurt you.....much"I could already see him smiking behind me having fun at my weak attempts of freeing myself. I didnt like it,he was to close "Let go" I stopped knowing he won. "Thats a good kitten" He pulled back a strand of hair that was obsurring my neck and tilted his own head. His grip on me seem to lessen its strength. I took that opportonity to escape. I slip out by neiling down and crawl,stand up and run. But he was too quick. He was a blur once again but I didnt dare look behind me to see that. I felt slow,the world around me dissolving for my surviving of this moment. It happened to fast I was slammed to the fence and it hurt like hell because by breast were being pressed onto the fence before me and my cheek slammed onto that to while my mouth was open.I tasted a coppery liquid in my mouth,I think at some point I bit my tongue. He somehow brought my hands behind my back as if I was being aressted by the cops. He pressed me harder onto the wired fence on purpose. "That wasnt a very good idea Kitten. Now I give you the options, drain you or keep you alive till I get hungry, later on" I still feel him smirking behind me by the sound of his voice just enjoying his prey which is me. By the ruckess that we are making I wouldve thought someone might have heard and called the police but many things happen no one would really care. I felt the fence cold on this summer night. Maybe these actions are to much for items of the real world. I felt myself getting mad because I couldnt get myself out of this. I hate this so much will some one fuck this situation to hell already. I didnt even try to stuggle because I knew it would be useless. "Thats a good Kitty-Cat" He leaned closer to the spot he had revealed in my neck side. I didnt get what he was doing. Is he or is he not going to rappe me harrass me or what because I dont have any time for this crap. "No, I know what" That sent chills creep up my spine. I went from pure anger to a weak defenseless damsel in distress. "I'll feed on you for tyring to get away,but since you caused me the entertainment of trying to get away from me I'll let you live....only to get fed on for later.....think of it as being a slave to me....but forever"He said it with no regrets and bringing a lustful feeling back. I felt hot breath on my neck. Well this is it good bye cruel world ,never to see your dirty ways of getting back at me for all I have done here. I still dont know what he was talking about draining me but I think he is talking about draining my blood but I thouhgt there was no such thing as vampires. I thought they were just a myth. I really do hope it isnt though.I did what anyone would be to scared to do and look back. He carryed a full malicious smirked all splattered on his face. Then out of the moon light I saw his face.He had odd red eyes. He smirked wider to reveal.....WTF FANGS. Great I'm screwed!!! He sunked in his fangs and began to drain me of my blood. I tryied escapping one last time. "DAMN IT LET GO YOU FUCKER......DDDAAAMMMNNN!!!!" At this point he had dropped my hands and brought them to the sides of my head but apart.My only resort was the shinning metal beside my hand.It was just inches away if only I can reach a little farther. He brought his hands down to my neck sucking the spot he made passage for the blood to run through.He gripped a hand onto my left shoulder and caressed the spot at my neck to get more. I was so close.I started feeling weak, my legs felt as if they would give out. With my last strength I grabbed it,swung it behind me and hit him full blast onto his head. With a loud thump and moan I got out of my killers grasp only to fall on the ground because of blood loss.On my knees now, I started to crawl and try to stand up but couldnt. I decided not to look back One because I didnt want to se him charge at me again and Two because I was to weak to turn my head. I see two pair of feet in front of me so I look up and its him looking pissed off. He was rubbing the spot I hit him at. I smiled meekly but faded when he grinned in return. "I love your blood. I've never tasted it before.Its just so sweet I cant bring words to dicribe it. I almost coulnt stop myself for a moment there. I'm keeping you Kitty"His grin grew wider then he got close and whispered in my ear "Whether you Like it or not" I pushed myself up but felt weak I still had the metal in my hand. I swung the last bit of force I had. He caught because it was to slow. It bended crookingly in his hand then he took it out of my hand and thrust it away from me banging on the fence with force. He smirked once more."That is beginning to be a problem Kitty.I think you should stay away from items that may hurt me." After smirking insanely he bended down and yanked my hair up so he can raise my head to his eye level."Lights out Kitty-cat" Is all I heard until he smashed my head with force to the wall beside me. Not killing me of course it was just to knock me out. I couldnt hold onto consciousness. I drifted into blackness after seeing black spots in my vision and him laughing queitly but enough for me to hear. It rang in my ears and head until I was out cold.
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Story 3 Itachi Chpt 2 finished
I stirr around a bit when I do finnaly wake up.I listened to the rain drops hitting the window.Outside gives no hint of day.Still night time I guess.It came back.That memory keeps coming to me.It haunts me but I dont mind.But why come now at a time like this.It keeps coming back once I try to forget my sorrowful memory.I hear the window open and close and then hear footsteps come in.It stops and whoever it is notices me here.I turn around to see a little girl,drenched with the rain outside,hugging herself from the coldness."I'm sorry"She looks at me frightened of what I may do."I didnt know what to do.And it was raining and I dint have no where else to go"I sat up and put my feet towards the ground."I'm sorry I'll go now.I thought this room was empty I guess its occupied."I watch her every movement.When I know she means no harm I stand up.I'm guessing she has no where to go.Might ass well let her sleep here."I didnt have money to sleep in the inn.I'm sorry"She stood there looking down at her feet.I walked over to my bag at a near by chair and took a long white t-shirt out.I walked towards her."Here you can stay for the night.I dont mind.Change into these.I dont want you to get sick and sleep in wet clothes."She looked up dazed at me."Are you sure?I mean I just dont want to cause you any trouble."I looked at her and went back to bed."Yeah I'm sure.The restroom is right over there just change in there"I pointed at the door opposite of the window.She meekly walked in there and changed.After a few moments she came out dry."Whats wrong?"She looked around."Where do I sleep?"I thought for a moment.Since the floor is to cold and the room was meant for only one person I thought.."On this bed I guess.Its ok I dont mind."She went to the bed and slept as far as she could still on the bed.I layed there for a moment.Once I almost fell into blackness, he came into for a second in my conscience then disappeared.
The next day I get up and take a shower and do my usual stuff.When I come out drying my hair with a towel,I see the girl sitting at the edge of the bed looking down at her feet.I go to my bag and look for something she can where and take out another t-shirt which is peachy colored along with socks.I take one of my 2 belts from my bag.It will suit her since the belt is more like a scarf but its not.Its a plain dark lavander.I saw the color of her eyes when she looked down at her feet right now.They were a light lavander.I handed the clothes to her."I dont have anything that really fits you so this is all I have."She takes it and walks into the restroom to change.I pack up my stuff and wait for her in the chair.Once she walks out she trys fixng the belt around her.Its so it will look more like a dress."Ok are you ready to leave?"She looked my way astonished."Do you mean I can come with you?"I nodded my head."Thank you Miss"Ismiled at her"You can just call me Irin,(pronounced like Irish except it has a 'n' instead of a 'sh' )Do you have anything you were taking with you?"She looked down again."When I took a bath.I had lost it when it fell in the ceek"Poor girl.I stood up,slung by bag over my shoulder, and walked over to the door.When she wasnt coming I motioned her to come.We walked down the hallway so I dicided to get to know the girl."Whats your name little girl?Why are you alone out here?You do know its dangerous for a girl like you to stay by yourself."She looked up at me."My name is Crystal,and I was abandoned.My mom died when I was six and was left with my father nut he abandoned me after he couldnt pay off his depted in gambeling."I looked down at her.She seemed like she was going to say something but she didnt."Crystal is a pretty name,"We reached the owner of the inn"Ok now just wait for me outside on the bench.I have to pay ok.I'll be out in a sec"She did what she was told and went..I payed then went outside to see her watching the rain.It was only sprinkling so we wouldnt get that wet.I took out my starw hat and placed it on her head.(It like the one Akatsuki members wear except it doesnt have the stringy things on it)"Whats this for?"She gave me a questionable look."Its so you wont get wet.I dont want you getting sick,silly"I gave her a warm smile and for the first time she gave me one to."Thankx"We walked into the rain.Crystal grasped my arm as if she was afraid of letting her by herself.She looked like a frightened child clung onto my arm.Before we left I had a feeling someone was watching us.But it didnt matter though because the persons chakra was way lower than mine.I can defeat the person without even trying.But what does concern me is that this person is different from the other one that was watching me when I killed those thugs.The person back there hide there chakra well but I can still tell he or she was at least as strong as me.
A few hours passed when we left the inn.Crystal was on my back tired from walking so much."Crystal are you asleep?"I knew the answer but just to make sure I asked.I stopped and looked back at her.She was asleep.She looked so innocent.I had the hat on this time since it can cover both of us.The person who is stalking us is still following so to avoid more dangerous obstacles I jumped on a tree branch and began running through the tree on the tree braches.Most jounins or chunins would catch up to this pace but this is slow compared to my speed.The person was having a hard time catching up.I kept going, careful not to wake Crystal up.It seemed as the person who was following us stopped somewhere so I kept distance.I jumped down from the tree branch and began to walk from there.It was only about 4 miles until I reach the Konoha gates.I stopped at a nearby creak to fill up our cantenes so I layed Crystal down by a tree.After I filled up the cantenes I walked back over to Crystal.I felt another presence faintly around me.I looked over to where Crystal was but she was gone.I started to run."CRYSTAL"I called after her."CRYSTAL"I began to panick.That presence was different from the other ones again.It was stronger.But not as strong as me.How could I not feel them coming."CRYSTAL,HONEY....WHERE ARE YOU"I kept running until I saw her.I kept my gaurd up for in front of me was a man holding a kunai up to her throat."Let.her.go."I took out my own kunai."Go ahead.You wont even dare hit me because if you do,She will die" Damn I noticed his clothing.Its the same people that were trying to kill me but couldnt accomlish it.How did they reach me? I thought I had lost them.Damn it.I should have been more careful during the time the girl found me."Have you become attached again.Pathetic."The man smirked at me and I noticed he put the kunai in her thoat deeper enough for blood to come out.Crystal must have felt it because she started to scream and struggle around kicking and punching where ever she can.I regain my posture.I put away my kunai.The man looked at my confused."Do what you want to her.I barely met her.She has no use to me."I started to turn around and walk off.I heard the girls whimpers but kept walking.Soon the kunai that was at her thoat was thrown at me.I swiftly turned and caught it at the last minute and before anyone could blink I threw it back at him landing it through his head.The man didnt even have time to scream.Only let out a small groan.The girl was crying even more now."Crystal dont tur-"But I was to late she turned around.Crystal let out a scream and fell back,scooting back as far as she can from the man.The man on the ground had fallen and was now on the ground with a kunai in between his eyes.His face was twisted into a horrible way,his mouth still open blood was going out of it.If you were close eneough you could have seen that the kunai had peirce right threw his head.He was now lying in a puddle full of crimson liquid.I started walking to the terrified girl.She was froze to the spot.I picked her up and carrind her as if I was going to burp a baby."Sorry you had to see that,Sweetheart"I started patting her back while she cryed softly.Even though I barely met her I couldnt help but treat her like a sister or even a daughter.Its just the way I am towards little kids.
An hour passed since the kill.Crystal had cried herself to sleep and was cuddling up on my shoulder.We were finnally out of the forest but my journey wasnt over yet.I kept on walking until I made it to one of the towns I have to pass through in order to end up in my designation.It was beginning to be dark but people were still around having fun.I went through the gates confirming my business.Bright lights blinked and people laughing passed by me.There was a carnival in town.I woke up Crystal so she can enjoy herself as well.For a momnet she looked like a baby waking up from a long nap.Her eyes opened glistening when she figured out where we were."Can we have some fun before we have to go to sleep and then leave?"She looked up at me when I set her down onto the solid ground."Of course we can thats why I woke you up silly"I bended down to her poking her nose lightly.She smiled and grabbed my hand to one of the games.We spent the rest of the evening gettin to know each other and playing around.When we were done we went to an inn and slept the whole night.The dream I had didnt come to me that night.
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Story 3 Itachi story Chpt 1 finished
Dark shadows krept the streets of Konoha and clouds begin to form. Night is approaching and so is rain. I look around me to see if there anywhere I can go eat thats still open. I found a ramen stand still open so I go smelling fresh ramen being served to someone in a cloak thats black with what seems to have red clouds on it. The person is wearing a hat which shadows the face,unable to see the face from where I'm standing. It begins to rain softly then a little harder but not much to soak my clothes wet. I begin walking towards the bar. I sit down next to the person because the stand only has space for a few people to sit there. We were the only ones. "What can I get you Madam ?" The Man asks me while drying a bowl. "Medium bowl of chicken ramen plez with half a glass of lemonade" I say looking at the man. "Ok Madam it'll be ready in a few minutes" with that he turned around getting the bowl already for the person sitting beside me. "Here you go Sir" the man said handing it over to the guy next to me. Without a word he started eating. I get curious and catch a glimpse of his face. I swear I've seen him before but I cant remember if I do know him or not. All I see is his dark eyes because the hat shadows his face,making it hard to see what color it is, and slightly peach color face. I blush because I think he is kind of cute or.....hott. I turn around towards my lap not looking his way. But before that I catch him turning to look at me before I turned away. Which makes me blush even more red so I hide my face under my hair and long bangs. "Here you go Madam" I look up to see he had given me my bowl of ramen and lemonade "Thank you" then I take my chop sticks pull them apart and start eating my ramen peacefully. "My... I guess it started raining even harder with me not noticing" The man says behind the counter. "I guess so"I replied looking out at the sky. For some reason I always like the rain...it is so beautiful. I hear a slight thunder then I hear something sliding across the counter. Its the bowl the guy had. He finished. I was almost done. "That'll be 15 total" the man says. Then the other guy gives him the money. "Your not thinking of going out there at this time arent you Sir....you can catch a cold" The man told him. "Yes I am" Its was the first time I heard him speak and it gave shivers down my spine,not because its cold but because how he sounded like. At this thought I blush even more. His voice was low and sounded like honey or melted chocolate,but it was sweet to hear it. He stood up towards the ran with his back to me, my back was also turned to him. He steps out after hearing thunder and begins to walk out. I slightly frown because I never got to know if I knew him or if he knew me and I'll never get the chance to.I didnt even know his name. After a few minutes I finished and payed the man. "Are you doing the same"He told me. "Excuse me" I told him slightly confuse but I think I knew what he meant. "Are you also going out in the rain...you can catch a cold" He asks with a small smile. "Unfortunately, I am....I have to go some where....kind of like a journey...."I tell him. "I might be back after a few weeks or...months......" He looked at me dumbfounded. I stood up and walked towards the end of the stand and look up at the sky. Then I turn my head to him but not my whole body. "You see....I'm a wanderer" I told him softly and smiled a warm one (friendly one). Then I began to walk out the same direction the other guy left only I didnt know that. "Young people.....they do anything they wish to...even get sick" Is all I heard from the man that worked at the stand before I left completly. At that I chuckled a bit but softly.I have heard it will be raining for quite alot amount of time.Its not good to jouney at that time but I am who I am,stubborn.I made my walk down the path in the forest.I take out my flute and start playing the rythmitic tune.Since I had gotten out of that Ramen Stand I felt as if I have been watched and still do.Walking down the path I hear something shift from my left in the bushes.A sound most ninjas could've heard from miles away.I guess I'm dealing with either amatuer ninjas or skilled ones.Amatuer I guess.I give or show no fear of the presence while playing my intsrument.I remain calm in the current situation.I hear it shift to my left this time.If this person or thing thinks of trying to trick me with designation,It isnt doing such a well job.I keep on walking until I had to make an abrupt stop."Hey there little lady.Wanna come to my place and get to know each other a little better."I open my eyes to look at 4 guys in front of me.More like thugs if you ask me."What are you doing here of all places Hun.You might get hurt"The guy to the left mocked.All four with wide grins on there faces."Cat got your tongue sweetheart"The guy to the right then said. I stared at them momentarely,looking dully at them.They are a waste of my time.I let out a small sigh and walk on.When I thought that I would go through them easily,they step up to me and block my trail again."Aw come on sweety.We only want to have some fun with you"The guy that spoke to me first took out a switch blade and put it towards my neck unable to touch it.I didnt move an inch when the blade came out and go to my neck.I look at the blade then at the man dully."Scared?"The guy mocked me."No"is all they heard and the last thing until I swiftly and quickly take out my blade in a blink of an eye I slice right threw them in the process of taking out my sword.I didnt let any of the four thugs live of course because my blade cut into major arteries on its way.They fall to the ground without a sound and blood seaped out of the dead bodies quickly. I kept walking as if nothing happened.In the trees I noticed someone watching but paid no attention to he or she.I walk for about three days every now and then feeling watch until I reach an inn.I decide to rest because I haven slept or eaten after that ramen I ate three days ago.Not that I'm tired its just I need to recooperate my engery in case of emergancy.I can go way longer without these things but since I wont let my gaurd down for one second just in case I get attack by someone of much quility as I in the forest.I heard there is someone like that dweling in the forest but I have yet to see this person.I will not risk any chances. I come into the inn,check in and get to my room.Once there I take a shower and necessaries then go to sleep.
Someone elses POV
"She is very pretty brother.Will she be my mommy?"A sweet little voice calls from a nearby tree.Female it seems."She indeed is.I dont know I might make her mine but who knows"The ,what seems like the older brother,guy ruffle his little sisters hair and smiles down at her."Maybe she will be your mommy"He looks afar."So you will make her yours?YAY"the little girl's pale lavander eyes sparkle of the thought.The child seems no more then 8 years old and the brother, 17.All the brother has to do is take slow action."We'll do it the old fashion way"The brother said before he and his sister disappeared to a different location.
Mine POV
Sleeping,I tumble in bed not knowing of what will hit me in my deams. (Flashback)Meadow of flowers ingulf me on this spring day of all types of colors.I sat down after looking at the clear skies and look down to pick a flower.I begin to get mezmorized when I watch the red wild flower with white strips going around.From a distance I hear someone call my name but faintly.I reconize the voice but I can't get whose voice it is.The next call comes closer and I turn around.There running towards me I see a young boy my age with dark longish hair in a pony tail with dark black eyes sparkling in the suns rays.His smile begins to bring warmth to my cheeks but it doesnt bother me anymore. I smile back at him standing up from my position.Turning completly around he almost reaches me.I wait for his coming but it seems he stopped geting nearer after awhile.When he does I open my mouth to speak but instead a scream comes out.Not my screams but another girls scream for help.I look around to see where it came from while the skys turned cloudy.I look back to the boy ,who now reached me,standing a few feet in front of me.He no longer has his bright eyes and warm hearted smile.In replace he has dull red sharigan eyes with a emotionless face.The flower in my hand started to turn to dust while I watch him.More screams are heard only closer. I look away from him to see I'm not at the meadow anymore but at the Uchiha's Residence.Looking around I have noticed the cries and screams have deseased but blood and weapons were spilt around the place.It stood still for a while until I looked back to where the boy was supposed to be standing but found that he was gone.I began to search for him through the dead bodies.All the while I had felt something sticky but wet in the hand I had the flower in.I noticed it and looked at my hand.I was shocked to see blood dripping down my hand and arm.My body wanted to scream but couldnt instead I looked at my hand dazed. The skies had turned red and black.I still looked at my hand.Someone close by began walking towards me but I couldnt move even if I tried."Now look at your clothes"The boy from before said.I did so without commanding my body to do so.Looking down at myself I see blood splattered from my shirt to shoes. "What...."Was the first thing I spoke. I looked up to see him. "Why...Why did you do this?" He knew what I was talking about. "Answer me"I said more sternly. He only watched me stand here shocked of what had happen.I still didnt know why I was drenched in peoples blood that wasnt my own."Why wont you answer me"Almost yelling I asked."I have my own reason as do you"I got it now I had killed whoever with my own hands before this I just didnt pay attention.This is the blood of people I had killed before and I knew it.I looked down at myself.I was weak at the moment because I had gone weeks without nurishment and have went through one fight towards another."I..."Lost in words,I felt him moving quickly towards me.In a blink of an eye I saw him reach for my neck.I let him have ahold of me.He rose his arm with me by the neck.I couldnt breath.I let him do this to me.I disearve it,but he didnt think so though but I made him do this unwillingly.Before I could speak he threw me against a wall.The wall crumbling from the inpact,the boy came forward to strike again only patiently. I got up only to be striked down again with a punch in the gut.I yelled in pain.The boy ,still having his hand curled up in a fist, left me to bend over above his fist.I had felt streaks of pain climbing up my chest and I caught my breath for a moment. He leaned down his head to my ear."Why wont you fight?Why are you letting me beat you this way?I would rather have you fight me without you going easy on me" He snarled in my ear.Though he sounded sad at the same time."I wont"I looked down at my feet holding his fist still in the place it had hit me.My hair stuck to my face while I spit out a bit blood.For a while, that seemed more like hours,we stayed there the same position.The boy spun me up by my shoulder with his free hand and looked at me straight in the eye.I saw a glimpse of something in his eyes but it fading as soon as it started.He retreated his fist and brought it back into me only harder.All the while,we stare into each others eyes.My eyes were sadden and hurt while his were with anger and hurt. More blood spilled out of my mouth.As if to say something with our eyes I told him "Go ahead and fight but I wont fight back"With that final descision I stood up straight in front of him and let him give me the last blow.He seemed hesitant for a while but brought his fist out and punched me in the same place with half his strength.He only needed that to punch me through the crumbled wall and leave me there to die.Since I am letting myself get killed by him I allowed him to make the worse of me while I tried to not fight against it. I lay there motionless in a small pain.My head had hit the wall pretty hard with that last blow enough to cause me to black out.Not before that I heard him walking towards me,bend down and wipe blood away from my mouth."Why dont you fight me?I know you can very well, even while holding back.It would be much easier to do this." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and softly kissed my forehead.I know he hates doing this to me when I just let him do this to me.First time he ever went on with doing what I wanted him to do,and that was to punish me for what I have done.I opened my eyes and looked at him weakly with a smile."Please finish me off" His face twisted a bit in pain.It went away though."I dont want to be your weakness so its ok"He took out his blade and went for my neck grudgingly.I pleaded him to do it. He stabed me, instead in the stomach.Then took it out quickly.I screamed from pain.Blood seaping through my shirt, I smiled up at him who was now standing up ready to leave.He didnt look back when I said good-bye for the last time or turn around when I screamed in more pain.It was hows things were meant to be between us.It seemed an eternity I delt with the pain,when I went into blackness my heart aced for him.(FLASHBACK ENDS)
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Story 2 Vampire chpt 2 not finished
I heard voices around souding worries.My forehead felt on fire and my head kept throbbing on the inside.I dont know how long it was since my accident in the hallway.Slowly openning my eyes,the people around me looked out of focused."Rei,are you alright?"I was having a hard time figuring out who I was looking at until my vision restored completly.I blushed slighty seeing that I was staring straight in the face of Isaac's.The person who asked was Jamie.She was putting a bowl of water on the bed side table and a took a folded towel out of it and put it on my forehead."I'm alright"I mummbled weakly getting up to sit.But then someone pushed me back down."Oh no your not,Thats what you said in the hallway until you passed out."Damn him and his knowledge for this small inccident."Well now I am"I sat up dropping the towel.I picked it up and put it in the bowl.Kelsey had a worried look o her face,Jamie seemed like I was about to have a baby,Chris was sitting on the edge of the bed farthest from me and Isaac was sitting right beside me.The headaces kept on throbbing but I ignored them since they were minor."Hey you shouldnt be getting up young lady"Isaac said trying to lay me back down.I pushed his hand away from me."I'm ok,How many times do I have to tell you"Isaac being a smartass said"A thousand times,Then it will stick in my head"I let out a sigh of frustration.I pulled off the covers and sat on the edge of the bed besides Isaac.I pushed hair back from my face and was about to stand up to go to the kitchen.I looked down at my wrist to see what was keeping me down from taking one more step."Your not ok so lay back down."He firmly pulled my arm down but careful not to hurt me.I grabbed the wet towel I put in the bowl and threw it at him.I didnt look back at him.I heard the wet towel hit him in the face.It souded more like a slap.I heard Chris laughing at the end of the bed and Isaac grunting. "Fine do what you want. I just wanted to care about you."Before Isaac stood up to go out the door I heard something unaudile to human ears but I heard it non-the-less,he said 'like I did before'. I went to look at him about to ask him what he meant by that but he was already out the door and going down the stairs.Then I looked at Chris who was now taking interest in the drawing I had left on my bed side table. "Tell me the truth why are you here"I spoke to Chris strictly glaring at him.He looked up at me and smirked."I told you already".I stood up and walked towards the door not wanting that to be my answer."Fine be that way,I'll find out sooner or later.Now get off my bed"I went out the door and into the bathroom two doors away.
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Story 2 Vampire Chpt 1 finished
"WAAKKKEEE UUUPPP REI" I woke up jerking up myself from the bed in a siting up position. "HOLY SHIT WHATS WRONG" I scream out half asleep. "Breakfast is ready"Kelsey smiles sweetly and then runs for the door cuz she knows she going to die."THATS WHY YOU WOKE ME UP FOR........BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!" "AND PANCAKES " she managed to scream out before she left, I get up from bed and start chasing her until we reach downstairs in the living room. I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it as hard as I can and it knocks her over, so to get her back by tickeling her. "SS..T...OOO...PP..I...c-cant...br-reath"She says in between laughs. "You will die in the mercy of my hands by LAUGHING...MWAHAHAHAHA" I tell her. Then Jamie comes out with a plate full of pancakes and syrup."Pancakes are ready" Jamie says smiling at us and our little fight. In a flash I get off of Kels and forget about her and swipe away the pancakes from her,grab the fork and start shoving the pancakes in my mouth."C'mon Rei have some manners we have guests" Jamie says. I look into the kitchen and see 2 boys my age in there eating pancakes while watching all of this. "Oh I'm sorry...My name is Rei....Sorry for what you saw...my bad manners I guess"I say while extending my arm for him to shake it,while puting my plate of pancakes in the other hand. "Hello....um....nice outfit I guess"He says blushing while looking at me up and down. "Oh sorry about that to.....MY SO CALL FFRRIIEENNDD over there woke me up at a time she knows that shes not suppose to wake me up at,so I didnt get ready for any guests that might be coming over." I said blushing,since I forgot I was wearing an oversized Black T-shirt that fell slightly off my shoulder,and I wasnt wearing any bra on either with really mini lavander shorts on that were comfortable with my long hair down and looked as if I had already brushed it."Oh I see" Says the boy next to him. Then out of no where Kels takes the pancakes out of my hand and chunks one pancakes in her mouth."HEY those are mine,....Get your own!!" I yell trying to get my pancakes. "Its called revenge...stupid Baka"Kels tells me smirking."BAKA ONNA" I yell in her ear still trying to get MY PANCAKES."JERK-FACE"She yells back."BUT-FACE" "UGLY" "PATHETIC" "ONNA" "YAOI GIRL" "WAT I'M NOT GAY" "YES YOU ARE" "NU-UH" "YA-HUH" "NU-UH" "YA-HUH" I quickly take the plate of pancakes from her ,put a pancake in my mouth,and run behind the boy I first talked to when I got in,and finished the pancakes I had hanging out of my mouth."Help me.....dont let the ugly mean hag get me" Hiding behind the boy holding him by the arm and eating the last of the pancakes. "YOU ATE MY ...PANCAKES!!!!! ooohhhh your gonna pay" Kels yells at me,clutching her hands into a fist and holding it towards her face with her eyes closed and twitching."Oh shit" I mumbled.I grip tighter on the boys arm and tightly close my eyes shut. What suprises me is that she hasnt attacked me yet so I open my eyes to see the other boy standing in front of her offering his pancakes to her with a big smile on his face. Kelsey just looks at him dumbfoundedly."Ok....um....thanx...I guess" Kelsey just managed to say,then grab hold on the plate and sat down to the head of the table (the table is square shaped with 2 seats at each side). "Wow.....why'd you give her your pancakes....they're yours......I mean well...you could've given it to me ya know" I said confused. "Well this is awkward because my buddy here would never act like this to anyone when he barely met them" The boy I was holding onto tightly finally said. "Really?..... maybe he likes her, or maybe he got annoyed with our playful fight,or maybe he doesnt like pancakes and since I ate all the pancakes Jamie gave me,he decided to give it to her instead,or maybe we jumped into an alternate universe at the wrong time and ended up seeing this,or maybe-"I was cut off by the boy I was holding to by having his hand over my mouth to shut me off."Wow dont you have an imagination" He said looking away from the other 2 and looking side to me slightly smiling. I start to blush at his smile and because I felt a slight shiver down my spine when he just left his hand over my mouth ,it wasnt bad thats why I blushed,it was warm. Then he saw me blush and quickly let go and turned away. I walk towards the exit of the the kitchen from wear I came in from. "Where are you going Rei?" Jamie asks curiously. "I'm gonna get dressed...I'm still in my pj's remember" I look back at her pointing a finger down at my clothes. "OH...ogek...weghll I cope u some sach chuichly ghcush *gulp* the pancakes will be gone once you come back" Kelsey say talking with her mouth full of pancakes[Translation in the first part: 'oh ok well I hope u come back quickly cuz-' ]. Then I go to the stairs and start walking slugishly. I go to my room and find my room still open from when I got out then I got in and closed the door and went towards the closet. I take out a black spagetti strap shirt that says in bloody drippy red letters ' live in your world.......' and in the back says 'die in mine'. With dark loosy fitting jeans with white tennis shoes and a black button up jacket thats extra large for me. I tie my hair up in a all the way low pony tail. Since I took a shower last night I didnt feel like taking one now. Then I walk down stairs and head for the kitchen. I find Jamie making more pancakes so I come up and take a plate with 2 pancakes and go sit down at the table.I look towards the living room and see the guys watching tv. I drown my pancakes in syrup and start eating them then I finish and drink milk. I put the plate and the cup in the sink. I walk towards the living room and sit by the boy I had just recently talked to. "So whats your name?" "Oh thats right I didnt get to introduce myself....My name is Isaac and my buddy here is Chris" "Well nice to meet you....what brings you here in the morning?" I asked out of good manners. "Well Jamie insisted that we came....she said you werent gonna do anything during vacation from school and we dont have anything else to do so I said what the heck why not" Isaac replied. "Oh I see well while you figure what we're gona do I'll be watching Tv while eating pancakes" I said back taking my plate of 3 pancakes with syrup and sitting in the couch by Chris.
"So...Chris is it?" I ask him turning my head slightly. "Hn..."is all I got out of him. "Ok well what school are you in?" I asked him. He still doesnt say anything. "Chris?.......HHHeellloo....."motioning a hand at his face while he seems more interested in the show thats on than the coversation we're having. Grumpy or just a sad little emo boy who really knows and who really cares. I just sat back in the couch not watching much. I sooner or later started fiddeling with my cell and open it and close it. Mr.Silent is not very fun now is he.....annoying brat. I realized he was watching me so I looked up at him and got a really good look ,from since he got here, at his features. He has gorgous lightish green eyes that made me melt dark brown hair mixed with nartural blond little highlights that hanged loosely down his face and his hair was almost in the verge of getting in the way over his eyes. He had cute almost invisible light freckles. Just add a smile onto his face and he might be the next God of the Hotties. "St. G. Carga" thats all it took for me to snap out of it. Being a stupid girl that is melting in the light of a Hottie my reply was a simple and stupid "huh?" "My school, St. G. Carga" He said turning back to the T.V. Took me a moment to register that in my head ,then I turned away from him. "Oh Ok.....so what are you doing here of all places" folding my arms around my waist. "We had to find something really important,fix something else with it, then go back home.....in one peice" I was confused at what that might be and being the girl that always asks the questions I went for the first thing that popped up in my head. "And what might that be?" "Something I'm never going to tell you without Isaac's permission" He simply stated but sounded more like an insult to me. "Oh what...Is he your wittle gaur-di-an" I mocked him with baby talk. "No,but he is the leader to this-" He turned to me then turn to the kitchen "Chris we're staying here the night,Jamie and Kelsey said it was ok....now we dont have to go to a hotel and be stalked around by the girl employees" I turned Chris's direction to see Isaac leaning on the door way with his arms crossed and smirking. Smirking at what,I dont know but me likely.
The whole day was boring especailly when Jamie found out I was purposely annoying Chris with my questions so she made me stay out of his plain sight. He was on the couch watching T.V. while I stayed in my room and listened to my radio. I was drawing at the time and I was bored to hell. I couldnt think of anything to draw. I was frustrated at the paper because when I did draw something it turned out ugly. Right now I'm glaring at my paper.I hoped to stare a hole in it but I was interrupted when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I didnt stop glaring at my paper even when the person came in. "Jamie says to come down and help her clean up the kitchen" It was Isaac. Clean up the kitchen?My ass.That kitchen was clean when I was there in the morning. He was still at the door."Now"He said releasing a smile. "Oh I thought you meant in the next hour or so,...my bad"I rolled my eyes and said it sarcasticly. He let off a light chuckle and walk toward and sat on my bed. He was looking curiously at the paper I was looking at.I took my eyes off my paper and looked at him."Who ever told you, that you can come in my room and sit on my bed?" I was playing with him of course. "No one I invited myself in,and as for the bed I thought you looked a bit lonely on it" I blushed after he said that.I know what he was playing at. "Well I'm not lonely anymore I guess.But lets just say I wasnt expecting you of all people." Deciding to play along with it I waited for his response."Oh and did you expect,um let me think-Chris to be here instead of lovable me" Oh no he didnt. Yup he did."No,I was expecting a handsome guy my age to come through that door and make out with me.Then go through the process of making babies but of course using a condom.I dont want a baby right now" Beat that fucker."Oh and hey you are not lov-a-ble,so stop lying to yourself man.Its bad for ya" Haha beat it. "Am I that handsome guy who will make you have babies and wear a condom?If so let me close the door then and start. I'll take the first step and take your cloths off then you do the same afterwards" He smirked knowing he was beating me."Oh but of course.....not.Fuck some one else.Your not in my league so stop being cocky and think you can get this"I pointed to myself and smirked too."Well well well,I guess I'm not. I'm higher than your league" He smirked while I glared at him."Keep dreaming" I said back."Ok I will then.I dream of you in my bed next time doing you know what" He winked at me."Never mind dont dream" I was on my stomach turned in the direction the end of the bed while swinging my legs back and forth in the air.I had my hands neatly laced together in front of me while I had my elbows supporting me on the bed. Glaring straight up at him I wonder what he was thinking."You done yet cuz I really dont want you in my room let alone my bed" He was still smirking down at me.If he didnt stop looking like he is right now I might just be sue with rape.But it really isnt called rape when the person your having it with does it with,wanting it too. "Who are you staring I-saac" Still glaring up at him. "Oh nothing.Nothing at all." Well it doesnt seem like nothing when he wont leave my room instead of staying there on the bed smirking down at me."WWWeeelll are you leaving or not?"Damn him"Jamie said not to leave without you because she said once I leave you alone your gonna go back to what you were doing and not help them clean up.You know they do know you best" Damn they had to tell him that.Now he wont leave.What.A.Bug."Well you can tell them I'll come down in a minute or two. I swear I be down there in a while"I put on a sweet face so he can buy the lie then leave. "Nope not leaving till you come with me"With that he stands up and comes closer to me."What the heck are you going to do" I stare at him in disbelief. He picks me up throws me over his shoulder and starts toward the door."I'm leaving like you said" I could tell he was smiling.He is so going to get it.I starting shoving and kicking then screaming but he wouldnt let go. "Put.Me.Down.You.Mother.FUCKER"I yelled the last part in his ear. He didnt flinch. I gave up.Damn him we were down the stairs and once Chris saw my state from the couch he started laughing his ass off."Shut up"Is all I mumbled from behind Isaac." Whats all the ruckess Rei" Kelsey looked out of the kitchen and saw me there over Isaac's shoulder."Well now that your here thanks to Isaac's help you get to help in the kitchen"She tryed sustaining a laugh but she let it out anyway on her way back in the kitchen."Put me down Isaac"I gritted through my teeth.He put me down at last.I was facing him now and he was right in front of the stairs.A thought occured to me of pushing him down but I didnt. We were in the hallway so no one heard or saw him lean towards my ear and whisper"I liked that, lets have some more fun later" His warm breath made me blush.He was only an inch away from my face so who knew if I would stop myself from kissing him in any minute now. He got his posture back and brushed past me. "Fucker"I whispered glaring at the ground while walking towards the kitchen."I heard that,Dont think I didnt" Isaac said from the couch besides Chris.Chris was smiling now still swallowing up the moment before it went away. "Good then I dont have to repeat myself" I replied back walking into the kitchen.I let out a BIG sigh."Please dont tell me-"I got interrupted by Kelsey saying"Sorry I didnt know it was going to blow up with both inside.I sorta forgot again not to put that much dough and stuff in the cake" Then Jamie mumbling"Yeah we have to clean it-again".There was cookie dough splattered across the table and floor and bunch of it inside the stove.Then there was cake crumbs mixed in it.There was alot. "Kelsey why dont you just leave the baking to Jamie.She'll teach you later when she is supervising you" I started picking up."I'm not a baby you know"Kelsey snaped. "I know you arent but come on Jamie knows more about it since she took cooking classes.It wouldnt hurt if you would just wait" I replied caringly."Try not to burn down the house next"Jamie mumbled under her breath."Why dont you say that louder"Oh yeah Kelsey heard that.She hears many things and many times takes them as an insult.Kelsey turned in front of Jamie looking down at her while she was trying to clean up the sticky dough off the ground.Jamie stood up looking back at her.Face to face she said"Ok I will.Try.Not.To.Burn.Down.The.House.Next.Do I have to spell it out next"She poked her in the shoulder with every would that was between Try and Do. "Guys stop"I whinned."Make us"They both snapped at me.Oh No they didnt.While they went back to glaring at each other I grabed a handful of dough and through it at both of them.I started to crack up the way they looked. Whoops I think that was a bad Idea.They turn and glare at me. "Oh you are sooo gonna get it Rei" Kelsey said. "Yes.You.Are" They both grab dough and before they throw it at me I had a handful thrown at them.They both gasped and threw dough at me not missing. What can I say we both like to play sports at times and we were good as a team. I let out a small yelp."Thats not fair.Two against one"I wiped my eyes from the dough thrown on my face. "Yes it is.In this house many things apply"When I cleaned off some dough able to see I saw them grinning. "Well now thats settled I'm gonna clean up this place with yall.Besides we're almost done"I grinned too accomplishing my mission.We cleaned up the kitchen pretty quickly and were done.But I still had the feeling I was being watched since I walked into the kitchen.Not by Jamie and Kelsey but someone else. I sat on the chair near the table as I slumped into it. "Finnaly"I faintly whispered. "Yeah it finnally is"Isaac and Chris walked into the kitchen."Shut up Fucker...I mean Isaac" I smirked with my head leaned on the chair and my eyes closed.I noticed him getting closer to me.I opened one eye to see Mr.Fucker here ,yes thats his new name,hovering over me looking at me as if I were crazy."What"I snapped not liking the look in his face.Without a word he slids his right index finger down my cheek.Now he has cookie dough on his finger. I looked at him now curious.Not until he puts it in his mouth. WTF MAN."Mmmm,You taste good" I hear Kelsey striffle a giggle. His face gets near mine and guess what he does. HE LICKS.MY.CHEEK.I'm was glad the dough was covering up evidence of me blushing but he just made a trail of space without dough on my cheek.I actually felt his tongue slid up my cheek. I nearly fall off my chair backwards but not before Isaac securely grabs the chair in place. "Now, Now We dont want little Rei falling and getting injured now do we"He taunts me in a childish voice while poking the tip of my nose. I look directly into his eyes and knew I shouldnt have done that because I blush even harder.Damn his gorgeuous eyes.Damn them to hell. I immediately look down somewhere else in the kitchen.I here him shifting besides me so I look.He was sitting in a chair close to mine looking out at something else. "Well um I probably should make something to eat besides cookies,maybe I'll finish the cookies after making dinner.Hows that sound?"Jamie spoke up. "Fine by me"Kelsey said throwing a taunting grin at me. "Sounds good"Is all Chris said sounding not interested. "Yeah....Well.."I begin,starting to get up"That does sound good.I will just go and clean myself up for didnner.If you'll excuse me I'll be leaving now"With that said I walk out avoiding Isaac's eye.Of course I was still blushing.I was that kind of person to blush alot but in these types of situation. I walk upstairs and begin feeling dizzy.My room is all the way at the end of the hallway just like I like it but I dont know if I can stand the headaces this is bringing me.I hear my friends and the guys talk fading away.I lean on the wall for support.After my dizzyness sort of wears off I walk up straight again. I turn the corner and was about to collapse but I never did. Someone had caught me from behind before I can fall. "Rei,Are you alright?" Immediately I know who it is,Isaac.He sounded worried. "I'm fine"I slurred not meaning to.Great I blew my cover."You dont sound alright to me.Here let me help you" He was holding me by the waist with a firm grip.I realize how close I am to him.He was behind me and I was still leaning over in a postion that seems like I'm about to hurl. He holded me tightly to him.Isaac was worried for a person he barely met this morning. This made me laugh inside while I smile in the outside. My hands were gripping on his arms.I felt weak and I knew it too. "I'm alright you can let go now" I'm so stubborn in this kind of situation."Nope,I'll help you walk to your room whether you like it or not."I dont like it when people worry about me so I tryed prying his hands off me."I'm alright.I can prove it so just let go."Yes I know I am lying just to get away.I'll do anything.All I know is that he is a stranger to me. I barely met him."Nope"What?Nope.Oh come on.I seriously am ok see just watch."Ok let go for a while and if i dont walk my normal you can help me but if I do you leave me alone."He stood back up straight and so did I."Ok then"I fix my shirt then start walking off.Everything starts to spin and I feel as if the hallway just started to warm up alot.I stood there,trying to stand my ground.I close my eyes for just a second,feeling myself go down.Strong arms hold me tight up.I open my eyes again noticing I'm on my knees."What did I tell you.Somethings wrong."Ah come on this happens to me.Its usual.well its been happening for the last past months this year but thats it."Nothings wrong.This usually happens."I look up to see his worried eyes.His hair was gently touching my face.Thats when it hit me.I have seen these eyes before but a long time ago."I'm still going to call up your friends"Nooooooooo.Dont bring them into my situation."I came out of his arms and began running to my room.But I didnt make it for I fell a few feet from my room gasping for oxygen.I felt my lungs close in and start burning rapidly.The rest of my body felt cold dispite the hallway temperature.I saw white dots in front of me turn red.Ok now THIS isnt usual.My back acked.I swear if I let this go on I thought I was gonna have to deal with something ripping out my back.I heard footsteps run towards me and Isaac's voice yelling for the others to come.I stared at the carpet trying to regain my posture.It didnt come.I was soon surrounded by people.But I didnt see there faces because I soon blackouted into someones arms.But I knew who that was though.Isaac.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Fukai Mori Inuyasha theme song
fukai fukai mori no oku ni ima mo kitto
okizari ni shita kokoro kakushite'ru yo
sagasu hodo no chikara mo naku tsukarehateta
hitobito wa eien no yami ni kieru
chisai mama nara kitto ima demo mieta ka na
* boku-tachi wa ikiru hodo ni nakushite'ku sukoshi zutsu itsuwari ya uso wo matoi tachisukumu koe mo naku
aoi aoi sora no iro mo kidzukanai mama
sugite yuku mainichi ga kawatte yuku
tsukurareta wakugumi wo koe ima wo ikite
sabitsuita kokoro mata ugokidasu yo
toki no RIZUMU wo shireba mo ichido toberu darou
boku-tachi wa samayoi nagara
ikite yuku doko made mo
shinjite'ru hikari motome
arukidasu kimi to ima
* Repeat
boku-tachi wa samayoi nagara
ikite yuku doko made mo
michi wo tozashi
aruite'ku eien ni
tachisukumu koe mo naku
ikite yuku eien ni
and the translation:
I'm sure that the heart I left behind
still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest.
Exhausted, without the strength to search
people vanish into the infinite darkness.
If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?
* As we live on,
we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
The days pass by and change,
without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present,
and our rusted hearts begin to beat again!
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again
We live our lives
wandering to the ends of the earth.
Believing (in you?), now I begin my journey with you,
in search of the light.
* Repeat
We live our lives
wandering to the ends of the earth.
Closing off
the way back,
we walk on for eternity.
We live our lives standing frozen to the spot,
unable to cry out, for eternity
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Monday, November 26, 2007
um i still dont know wat im doing here.....its especially boring oh if u care read the storys that i made upcoming december okies^^ i wanna see if they are good
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Im bored
i almost forgot about this site....its been wat like 2 years or 3 since i got on here......i remember faintly a few sites i went to....but dont remember the users oh well........if anyone wants to rp just ask.....oh and i love anime and all that other crap ......to lazy to put it all down so just ask
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