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Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Nothing exciting has been going on.
That friend I spent New Year's weekend with became dumb about everything and doesn't talk to me anymore, and I kind of have the feeling that the last few times he did after that weekend, he was just making excuses and giving me bullshit lines.
I still get a little upset over that but try to forget it.

I am leaving next week. :) On Thursday... my mom and I are driving out to northern California, my older sister is having her baby at the end of this month. n_n It's only a two-day drive, but we're staying out there for a month in case if the baby comes early or late.
I get to meet one of my little e-buddies. :P We've known eachother for like... 2 1/2 or 3 years... hopefully it'll be fun, and I won't be so shy (doubt it though). XP

So umm... my brother ruined the microwave. O_o Hahaha, I think we're getting a new one. We kinda need a new one anyways... the one we have right now, the door never opened easily and everytime we heated up something, there would be moisture on the plate.

It's snowing today. D: It's Spring... but snowing. XD Bleh, I hate it.
Yesterday I hung out with my cousin, it was fun. We drove around, and then goofed around at the mall.
We're hanging out this Friday and we're going to make a little movie. o.O I don't know what it's going to be about, probably just random stuff. :B


I made some videos this month. XD I got bored...
Me and Rebel
Me eating ricecakes XD... this was made for Charlie. He wanted me to make a video but I didn't know what to do, he suggested some stuff so I did the opposite and decided to make a not-so-exciting video. :D Yay!

Hokay well... that's all, bye!

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Friday, December 23, 2005

I'm going celibate.
Haha, seriously. o_o
Effin' tired of relationships. x_x And stuff.

My friend Tony invited me to a New Year's Eve party he's throwing at his place. I'm still deciding if I want to go haha. I'd feel awkward being around a bunch of people I don't know. And he has a gf now, so he'll be around her most of the time.
I wouldn't invite any friends, unless if Dave wanted to go. O.o

But Dave said if I wanna hang out with him instead, I'm more than welcome to. Haha, and I might hang out with him instead of going to Tony's party, because Dave's been getting stood up by his friends a lot lately. And we hardly ever hang out anyway. O.o He has a job now, that's partially why haha.
Soooo yeah...

Still deciding if I want to shave the sides of my head and get a chelsea/mohawk. O.o I'm getting tired of my hair, all these tangles. x_x well it's not a lot, but it's enough to tick me off lol. Still deciding... I probably just need a trim.
Aggghhhh.... yeah... *shrug*
I guess that's all.
I'm going to change the look of this... I don't like the dark colors anymore. XD

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Friday, December 9, 2005

   Cancel the cards *__*
Haha, I can only make a custom Christmas card for three of my friends. We're out of blank paper.

Meh so I hung out with my friend Dave last night. It was kinda fun. XD We watched Madagascar. His stepdad got in a minor car accident, very little damage done. He just knocked over a sign and moved a rock in someone's yard. O_o
The roads are icey!
Bleh, stupid snow. XP Well I don't like being in it haha.

Ahhhh so the power ALMOST went out last night. o_o After I got home I was about to wash my makeup off and the lights started to flicker a little. I went downstairs to see if the other lights were doing it, and they were. Thankfully the power didn't go out. XD I hate walking around in the dark lol.

Well that's all for now! :V

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Christmas. @___@;
Meh, so I decided to make custom-made Christmas cards for my friends. I think about 10 people want one from me, but I only have three pieces of blank paper and they won't fit into the envelopes, so I'll have to fold them up more. XP It'll look crappy, pleh.
I wish I had some glitter. O.o

I hung out with my cousin Christi on Monday night I think, it was fun. We went to P.F. Chang's and ate some chocolate cake. n_n
Then went to Starbucks and got some warm drinks, then wandered around the mall. And then we went to another mall, then I went home. X3 haha.
Meh well... I think that's all for now. Byebye! n_n

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

   My Thanksgiving. XD
I went to bed around 10am I think and woke up around 6:30pm.

My family had Thanksgiving dinner at 3pm but I slept (duh since I woke up after 6pm lol). My grandparents invited their church-friend over, and I don't like him so much (if you knew him, you'd want to sleep all day too).

So I had some turkey and mashed potatos after waking up. And watched How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days on t.v. n_nb
well my friend Dave wanted me to hang out today, but I slept. XD Hahaha. He said his friends invited him over but he said no 'cause he was waiting for me. Then I felt bad. XP Meh..
And my cousin Christi wants me to hang out with her for a while but I'm not even sure if I wanna go out tonight. XD She just wants to get high.. *shrug* Thinking about it but I'll probably end up staying in.
And my friend TJ wants me to call him.. but I'm having a shy moment. I was having a shy moment last night when Dave wanted me to call him last night. XD

I'm a 'tard. :P
Anyway that's about it, byebye!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Meh, I am bored. XD It's 6:30am, you'd think I'd be in bed by now eh? O_o; Haha yes, my sleeping schedule is a little messed up, it switches. So for now I'm sleeping all day.
And I kinda don't want to go to bed because I'm chatting with TJ.
(This is why I should stay single for a while, because I always start to like somebody else when I already have a bf, it's lame). So right now I'm kinda confused about my relationship with Justin, it doesn't feel like we're boyfriend-and-girlfriend, it still feels like we're FWB's.
But I should call him sometime to see how he's doing, he had a big migraine on Saturday night and all Sunday. :/ Poor bebe, haha. It's probably gone though, but I'll still call... after I wake up.

I spent almost all weekend with him, ended up sleeping over at his place. We didn't do much, just watched tv and Vampire Hunter D (it was my first time seeing that), eat, slept, romped around in bed. XDD Sorry! Hahaha!
His cat, Molly, left some scratches on me. I don't like cats much, but she's cute. She plays fetch! XD

Anyways, my mom went to Celestial Seasonings (an awesome tea factory about 45 mins from me), and bought me 3 boxes of chai! :D Chai is my favorite tea, then Tropic of Strawberry, then Country Peach Passion (or whatever). :P
I can make the iced chai taste good, but the hot chai ends up tasting a little weird. Maybe I'm too used to the hot chai from Starbucks and Border's cafe. o.O; Hmm.. I'll figure it out.

Right now I'm looking for a nice background for my Xanga. I don't like the current background much. XP
Well that's all for now, I'll continue searching and update this later, though I update my Xanga more. XD Bye bye!

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Friday, November 18, 2005

So Justin hasn't called me, we haven't talked in a week. I think he might have called me on the 12th or something, but when I picked up the phone, whoever was on the other end hung up. *shrug*
I'm getting doubts about the relationship, and I'm not sure how to go about it. I kind of get the feeling that he hasn't told anyone about me. The only person he knows who knows about me is his ex-roommate, Nate.
I'm just pissed/sad that Justin doesn't call, and I can't call him because I don't have his cell numbeer (only the phone number to his apartment, which was disconnected).

Pleh. :/
I'll figure things out sooner or later...

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

   Ahh boyfriend n__n
So I have a boyfriend now, as of November 10. n___n <33 Hehe. No, not the guy I mentioned in a previous post.

The guy who asked me to be his girlfriend has been my friend (withsomebenefits but we won't go there) since March. I didn't date him then because I had a boyfriend at that time. XD
It took him a long time to ask me to be his gf though. O.o But he explained why, and it was understandable lol.

But I'm happy he asked me to be his girlfriend! :D HERE'S A PIC OF HIM... and his friend. XD My boyfriend, Justin, is on the left. :D

Even though me getting a boyfriend pissed off this one guy.. I met this one in person before, and we had some sort of commitment, but things fell apart like 5 months ago.. and I don't know if he's pissed that I have a boyfriend, or jealous... or both, but he ended up calling him a "fag" and he deleted me off his friendlist on MySpace. O_o;

I dunno, I'll try to talk to him about it another time.
But... I'm happy to be with Justin, because he's giving me a lot of what Tim never really did (affection, attention, making me feel better when I'm down, etc).

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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

This week has been funky. *__*; Haha, not like my weeks are usually good though, but then they're not entirely bad. :P

Well, a few days ago this guy who lives a block up from me burned the inside of his house. o_o; I guess he lives with his parents, and he wasn't mentally stable... so the inside of his house is all charred and burned, the windows are blown out, and a small corner of the house looks melted.
It's weird, because I didn't even smell any smoke, and I didn't know that happened until 2 or more hours after it happened. XD

Hmm... I'm hungry. :/ We need more food in this house lol. I went to a job interview last Monday, I didn't get the job. Oh well. :P Plenty more opportunities... and I still need my GED anyways (I'm still studying the book to take the test).

Ahh I guess that's all for now. X3 Byebye!
**EDIT: Ah yeah, I didn't go trick-or-treating. XD I didn't have a costume, and I was a little afraid to because at the time there was a rumor about a sniper going around in Denver, it was even on the news (a man shot four people down, I'm still not sure if they caught him though). x_x;;

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

   Friday night was fun. XB
I hung out with my cousin and we took some pictures (if you want, you can view them in my Xanga, but they're all linked to Photobucket hahaha).
Later that night, we went to a party. I thought it was fun, probably because it was drama-free. XD I got very tipsy, but I had fun.

Nothing much has been going on lately, just bored as ever. Reading parts of my GED book, it's so boring. XP
There's a new guy I'm interested in... XD new to me, he lives an hour away I think.. maybe, but I like him, hahaha. *dork*
Haven't hung out with him yet though (yes, met him through MySpace and we've talked on the phone a lot, but haven't met in person).

Hahaha, anyways... there's a Lowe's near SuperTarget (as if any of you know what I'm talking about lol, I'm just getting it out).. it's new, they're hiring. So I'm wanting to get a job there doing stocking. XP A few people have said stocking sucks, but it makes more money than working in the day as a cashier.
So yeah...
that's it. xP

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