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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Long old story.
April 28 2007 stayed with my older sister and brother in law in Vacaville, CA to help with their two babies.

Two & a half months later was supposed to go back to Colorado but was told by mom that we wouldn't be able to move back to California as was planned. Refused to go back, stayed with older sister & brother in law, then stayed with aunt & uncle.

I switched from living with my aunt & uncle to living with my sister & brother in law a few times. Aunt and uncle wouldn't allow me to have friends, which was pretty fucking pathetic for a 20 year old who didn't have a social life in Colorado due to bad experiences. So, I got a job at the Vans outlet in Vacaville, August 7, 2007 to March 10, 2008. I got less and less hours as time went on because the manager was, and still probably is, a douche.

I managed to make only one friend in Vacaville but we hardly ever hang out. We both got tattooed together by one of his friends (Nov. 16 or 17, 2007). His friend did a crap job on me, but it was free so what was to be expected? And it was only free because it was a part of his apprenticeship. :|

Bleh. So I'm currently jobless but job hunting. My mom and little sister moved out here in October and had the same living situation I had before they came out here (though for maybe a month my little sister stayed in Clear Lake with my moms' friend because neither of our relatives wanted to have a heart and let our dogs stay with them as well. Later on my aunt decided it'd be okay, just as long as they were in a kennel in a garage. A cold garage. It was winter at this time).

February 2nd we got our own apartment, our dogs marked their territory nearly all over the apartment but otherwise are happy that we have a place of our own. :| My mom had a temporary job and earned $17/hr but was let go a couple weeks ago and is currently job hunting.

I visited a friend in San Diego Dec. 28 through Jan. 2nd. We've been on and off romantically for 3 years, so obviously things were past the "just friends" level while visiting him. XP
I'd gotten frustrated with him not talking to me after that because he started working full time and going to school (I know this for a fact as I've gone with him to a college 'cause he needed to pick up school supplies and schedules). Bleh. He called me last night, then we moved the conversation onto Yahoo messenger and chatted for an hour, then he had to go but got back on a little after midnight and chatted for another hour.

I got my hair cut shorter on March 6, 2008. The length used to be to the middle of my back, and now it rests on my shoulders.

Why I'm saying all of this, I have no clue. :D Just figured I'd update on here although I don't get any visitors regularly. xD Haven't signed on here in forever so eh...

That's about it.

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