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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

This week has been funky. *__*; Haha, not like my weeks are usually good though, but then they're not entirely bad. :P

Well, a few days ago this guy who lives a block up from me burned the inside of his house. o_o; I guess he lives with his parents, and he wasn't mentally stable... so the inside of his house is all charred and burned, the windows are blown out, and a small corner of the house looks melted.
It's weird, because I didn't even smell any smoke, and I didn't know that happened until 2 or more hours after it happened. XD

Hmm... I'm hungry. :/ We need more food in this house lol. I went to a job interview last Monday, I didn't get the job. Oh well. :P Plenty more opportunities... and I still need my GED anyways (I'm still studying the book to take the test).

Ahh I guess that's all for now. X3 Byebye!
**EDIT: Ah yeah, I didn't go trick-or-treating. XD I didn't have a costume, and I was a little afraid to because at the time there was a rumor about a sniper going around in Denver, it was even on the news (a man shot four people down, I'm still not sure if they caught him though). x_x;;

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