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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Meh, I am bored. XD It's 6:30am, you'd think I'd be in bed by now eh? O_o; Haha yes, my sleeping schedule is a little messed up, it switches. So for now I'm sleeping all day.
And I kinda don't want to go to bed because I'm chatting with TJ.
(This is why I should stay single for a while, because I always start to like somebody else when I already have a bf, it's lame). So right now I'm kinda confused about my relationship with Justin, it doesn't feel like we're boyfriend-and-girlfriend, it still feels like we're FWB's.
But I should call him sometime to see how he's doing, he had a big migraine on Saturday night and all Sunday. :/ Poor bebe, haha. It's probably gone though, but I'll still call... after I wake up.

I spent almost all weekend with him, ended up sleeping over at his place. We didn't do much, just watched tv and Vampire Hunter D (it was my first time seeing that), eat, slept, romped around in bed. XDD Sorry! Hahaha!
His cat, Molly, left some scratches on me. I don't like cats much, but she's cute. She plays fetch! XD

Anyways, my mom went to Celestial Seasonings (an awesome tea factory about 45 mins from me), and bought me 3 boxes of chai! :D Chai is my favorite tea, then Tropic of Strawberry, then Country Peach Passion (or whatever). :P
I can make the iced chai taste good, but the hot chai ends up tasting a little weird. Maybe I'm too used to the hot chai from Starbucks and Border's cafe. o.O; Hmm.. I'll figure it out.

Right now I'm looking for a nice background for my Xanga. I don't like the current background much. XP
Well that's all for now, I'll continue searching and update this later, though I update my Xanga more. XD Bye bye!

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