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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Christmas. @___@;
Meh, so I decided to make custom-made Christmas cards for my friends. I think about 10 people want one from me, but I only have three pieces of blank paper and they won't fit into the envelopes, so I'll have to fold them up more. XP It'll look crappy, pleh.
I wish I had some glitter. O.o

I hung out with my cousin Christi on Monday night I think, it was fun. We went to P.F. Chang's and ate some chocolate cake. n_n
Then went to Starbucks and got some warm drinks, then wandered around the mall. And then we went to another mall, then I went home. X3 haha.
Meh well... I think that's all for now. Byebye! n_n

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