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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Nothing exciting has been going on.
That friend I spent New Year's weekend with became dumb about everything and doesn't talk to me anymore, and I kind of have the feeling that the last few times he did after that weekend, he was just making excuses and giving me bullshit lines.
I still get a little upset over that but try to forget it.

I am leaving next week. :) On Thursday... my mom and I are driving out to northern California, my older sister is having her baby at the end of this month. n_n It's only a two-day drive, but we're staying out there for a month in case if the baby comes early or late.
I get to meet one of my little e-buddies. :P We've known eachother for like... 2 1/2 or 3 years... hopefully it'll be fun, and I won't be so shy (doubt it though). XP

So umm... my brother ruined the microwave. O_o Hahaha, I think we're getting a new one. We kinda need a new one anyways... the one we have right now, the door never opened easily and everytime we heated up something, there would be moisture on the plate.

It's snowing today. D: It's Spring... but snowing. XD Bleh, I hate it.
Yesterday I hung out with my cousin, it was fun. We drove around, and then goofed around at the mall.
We're hanging out this Friday and we're going to make a little movie. o.O I don't know what it's going to be about, probably just random stuff. :B


I made some videos this month. XD I got bored...
Me and Rebel
Me eating ricecakes XD... this was made for Charlie. He wanted me to make a video but I didn't know what to do, he suggested some stuff so I did the opposite and decided to make a not-so-exciting video. :D Yay!

Hokay well... that's all, bye!

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