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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Hmmm well....
Obviously I'm not here often. XD I guess this website just doesn't keep my interest for long... *shrug* Oh well.

A couple weeks ago I started working at the Disney store. :B It's fun at times, I'm still a little shy so I'm not too good at greeting guests... though I try my best to be at least a little outgoing and say "hi"... though I only say hi to a few people. :P Sometimes the store will get busy and I'd feel overwhelmed with how many people come in on the weekends.

Umm... postponing my third tattoo. XP Haha, until I get my paycheck anyway.... but I might just end up spending half of it on clothes. I saw this shirt I want really bad, it's very cute. D: Only $20. Hmm there are things I want to save up for, too... like a tattoo, but that can always wait... the one I want will be $200-$240 anyway (requires more detail than my other two), digital camera (though I still need to browse for a quality digi-cam), and a new matress (I want to get a queen-sized bed)... digi-cam will probably be $200+, iuno how much they cost these days. Queen-sized matress will probably be $400 or so... blegh. D: I don't know when I get my paycheck.

Hmm... I should've been in bed long ago, I have to get up at 8 and be to work at 10, and I work 8 hours... u_u; It'll probably be hectic since it's still the weekend and all, blegh. I probably would've only managed to get a few hours of sleep anyway and wake right back up. So I guess I'll get less sleep once I get to bed... whenever that will be. o.O

Oh, my older sister had her baby April 2nd. n_n She was born a week past her due date, haha. She's adorable. :B And just a few days ago, we found out my sister is pregnant again! O_o Oh boy... this will probably be stressful. :P

Anyways, I guess that's the update for now. Not much has been going on besides what I mentioned above. Keep checking my MySpace if you'd like. :) Though most of my blog entries are set to either Friends Only or Private. :P Bye!

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