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myOtaku.com: religipuke

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well, from Sept. 27 to Oct. 27 I worked at the Disney store. They gave me work for 2 weeks (3-4 days a week, part time... only once did they have me working 8 hours), then the last 2 weeks before I quit, they had me on call-in but gave me absolutely no hours. :/ Kinda lame.
So last night I applied at Hickory Farms, some mini-shop (like others, in the middle of the mall... it's a holiday thing), and at Victoria's Secret (dun dun duunnn). D: Hopefully I get an interview at either place, and if I do I hope they hire me. I'd really like to have another job. XP

It's been getting cold here. All through October and so far this month, the weather has been weird... though now (well, since a few days ago) it's finally settling into cold... blegh. XP

I guess that's all, anything else I have to say the few readers here won't know what or who I'm talking about. :P

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