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Monday, December 12, 2005
Birthday and Brokeback Mountain!!!
My best friend's birthday is tomorrow (well, I guess it starts in 35 minutes, but it's still not tomorrow yet.) I miss her so much! One reason why I'm happy about transferring schools. I get to see her and Rachael more often. ^_^ Yay!
I <3 you, Erin!!!
I already gave her my gift. It was the first volume of Earthian. I stopped by on my way to the concert that was a couple of weeks ago. I apparently came at the right time, because she had gotten into an arguement with her dad earlier in the day about her work. And she still doesn't know what to do about school. I really think she should just major in whatever she's interested and then worry about what job she wants to try to get. But that's just me. I wonder if she'll ever graduate. And if she does, I wonder how many more times she'll switch majors.
Enough about her. I'm looking forward to Friday so much! I'm supposed to be going to see Brokeback Mountain with Erin and Rachael and Laura. Triple yay! I say "supposed to", though, because the theater won't confirm that they're actually playing it this Friday. Nevermind that when we went to Prida & Prejudice (which I liked!) they said that they were going to be showing it.
The movie has been getting awesome PR and reviews. A LA and a NY critics' circle both chose Brokeback Mountain for multiple awards. What could be the reason for them *not* releasing it on the 16th? I don't know, but I want to go!!
If they don't release it on the 16t, then they won't release it until January 6th or something. And Rachael's going to be gone anyways, and I want to see it with her, so we would have to wait anyways. ;_; They have to show it Friday!
I'm so low on cash right now. I don't get paid until Friday, so I have to wait until then before I can shop for stuff. I have enough food, though no drinks. I might see if I can scrounge up enough change that I can buy a 12 pack of soda from Wal-Mart. That should last me until Friday.
But! I will get paid more this time and next time will be twice the normal ammount, because I'll have worked 4 days a week instead of 2. Yay! Money!
I have to buy my parent's presents with this money. If I'm lucky I won't have to pay the $200 for breaking my lease, since I'm moving back to my home. I think they've found someone to live here after me and I don't *think* I have to pay the money if they do. But I could be wrong. Haven't really talked to them yet.
This post is long enough. I always forgot how good I can be writing forever about nothing. ^^;;
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Bumping into People
So two weeks ago was the last week of classes and last week was exam week. I only had two exams and both were on Monday.
I found out I have a B+ in World Religions. Seeing as how I hadn't realized that our last test was the day it was until I was on the shuttle over and all of my studying was done on that shuttle, I think coming out with a B+ is pretty good. I think I missed 5 questions and I could've only missed 3 to get an A-. B+ is still good.
I know I got an A in Japanese. I don't think she was grading +/-. I needed to get less than 20% on my final exam and I would get an A, so I wasn't really worried about that class and actually didn't end up studying for it until a hour or so before.
I think I got an A in English, but I'm not sure. I missed a few days and my IC presentation wasn't good, but I got a 100% on my Core I and we got an A on our Core III and a B+ on our Core IV. If anything, I got a B. That's still better than the F that is being replaced by this semester's grade. It'll definately bring my GPA up.
The only class I'm really worried about is my Biology II class. I felt fairly prepared for my final, but when I took it, I didn't know a lot of what they were asking. I didn't realize they were going to ask such specific stuff on the exam and I know I got a few facts mixed up. The last test I took, I thought I had done relatively well, at least getting a C, but I didn't. I got a 60, which I found out the day of the exam. A 60 is the lowest D you can get. This is another class I had previously failed. I really hope that I did well enough to get a D, but I'm not sure. I'll find out in a few weeks, I guess. At least my GPA can't go down because of my grade in this class, it can only go up. This class and English II I'm doing grade forgiveness for, because I had previous failed them (bad 2nd semester.)
On a happier note, Tuesday-Friday I worked (yay, more money!) On Thursday I forgot to bring lunch and didn't feel like making something at home, so I went to McDonalds to eat. Guess who came in when I was almost done eating?
My crush. ^^
I was finishing up, writing notes for a story in my notebook when I hear "Maria?" from the side of me. I looked up and who was there but Crush. ^_^ That totally brightened my day. We talked for a little bit, but I, unfortunately, had to leave because I didn't want to be late.
As we left, he asked me how I was getting back to work. He looked like he totally would have offered to drive me if I hadn't told him that I had a car. I wish I had had enough guts to say something like that. But I don't, so I didn't.
I still haven't found a flaw in him. Even after knowing he likes to listen to rap, I'm still not bothered. Usually something like that puts me off, but not with him. And when he was talking to me at McDonalds, his attention and eyes were on me the entire time.
I definately still like him.
I was very tempted to go to McDonalds on Friday, just to see if he would've been there, but I didn't.
But, yeah, that was my highlight of the week. ^_^
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Nihongo no Curasumeito
So I just got home from Japanese class and felt like writing. Last night I went to Harry Potter and didn't get home until 3:30 in the morning. I didn't end up going to bed until after four, so I decided to skip my morning classes.
I didn't end up waking up until 12:55, about 5 minutes before the shuttle that I needed to take leaves. My computer was on so I checked my email as I got ready, thinking it would be nice if our teacher cancelled class. Prayers must be answered, because in my inbox was an email from my teacher saying she had an emergency at home and that class was cancelled.
I still got dressed and everything and, instead of going to school, ended up going to work to pick up my check. I figured I would go to school early and cash it at the branch office there. I lost track of time at home and the next thing I knew, it was four o' clock, and I missed the shuttle I was supposed to take. I ended up not getting on campus until 4:40. My class starts at 4:30.
I went to the credit union office first, but apparently the branch office closes at 4:30, not six like the main office. So, I got to class late, with a huge headache. I sat in my normal seat, and guess who was seated behind me?
My crush. <3
That made me happy, for the most part. The first thing I thought, though, was that I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night and I had a headache and why did he have to sit there when I felt like that. But then I just tried to relax and enjoy his company. XD
I commented about not being able to cash my check and wishing that we could get out early from class and someone could drive me over to the main branch, but this was Japanese class and I knew that would never happen. And then, we actually got out of Japanese class 10 minutes early, which meant that I had 20 minutes to get to the CU.
And he offered to take me. ^^ I didn't ask or anything. I asked him what time it was and he told me it was 20 till and then he asked me if I wanted to try to make it to the CU. He said he'd take me.
So I agreed.
The CU isn't far from the university, really just across the street, but he drove me there. ^^ Just me and him in his car. We talked on the way there and I got my money and then he took me to my apartment. I kind of wish that my apartment was farther away than it is, just so we could have talked for longer. ^^;
I'm not that good at socializing, especially with acquaintances. Keeping conversation going and interesting and stuff, but we actually talked to the entire time. I was so happy.
I haven't found a serious flaw in him yet. He's uber-cute, nice, polite, and fun to be around.
I was also happy today, because Laura wasn't there. I feel kinda of guilty saying that, because she's my friend and I do enjoy her company. It's just that she's started talking about Crush. She's noticing him. Not that I can blame her, but I just don't like hearing her talk about him. Jealous, ne?
Not that I have room to complain about it. I haven't said anything to her about liking him, so it's not like she can know what I'm thinking. Not like I'm going to say anything to either of them, either.
I finally got accepted to USF. Apparently I still needed to send them something, even though my checklist didn't state that. -.- Well, at least it's done and gone and I'm officially accepted and will be attending next semester.
That makes me sad, though, because I won't get to see Crush anymore. ;.; That's one of my reasons for not planning on telling him anything, because I'll be moving in a month anyways. I know it's not /that/ far, only an hour and a half or so, but it's still not the same university, not the same city.
Well, I better go clean my room up. My parents are coming up so I can drive them to the airport, so I guess I should make my room presentable. Just felt like sharing.
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
Backtracking to last Friday
Okay, so I should've written this earlier, but I didn't, so I'm writing it now. ^^ Last Friday, with three other people, I went down to St. Pete to see Coheed and Cambria in concert. This was the first (real) concert I had ever been to. It started out not so fun. We didn't get to leave when we wanted to because our English class schedule got changed so we had to go to class. We stopped by my house on the way there, because I haven't been home since Labor Day weekend for my birthday and I needed to pick up a few things (and I was the one driving.) One thing was my passport, which my job needed to see because it's handles classified information and apparently I have to prove I'm a US citizen to pass security and I had no idea where my birth certificate was. (Luckily my mom later found my passport and sent it to me.)
Me searching for the passport and also forgetting that I was going through downtown Tampa during rush hour traffic caused us to be 15-20 minutes late. When we got there they hadn't even opened the doors yet. That was good.
There were three opening acts before Coheed and Cambria. MeWithoutYou went first. I had never heard them before. As a band, I don't like them at all, but as a spoken word/poetry slam type deal, I kinda do. The vocalist (who really just spoke everything) had a weird stage presence, but I liked the way he used his voice (again, not as a band.)
After MeWithoutYou was Dredge. I had heard one or two of their songs before, but I didn't connect it to them until after they started singing. I loved them. I would've been happy with them playing longer.
The last opening band was Blood Brothers (I think that's their name.) They're one of those bands that screams alot (which actually sounded better than when they tried to sing.) I didn't care for them too much, but I could deal. They announced their last song... and then sang for another 20 minutes (at least, it felt like forever.) I was not happy. Any positive feelings I had for them quickly diminished.
Coheed & Cambria came on sometime after ten (the gates were supposed to have opened at six.) Coheed and Dredge totally made the whole waiting and bad bands worth it. I enjoyed their singing immensely.
Like I had said, this was my first time to a real concert. I must say, the mosh pit (what's the verb that goes with mosh pit?) looked like it was a free-for-all. Arms and legs flying, being pushed back and forth. Crazy. And mosh pits kept forming right next to me, so I kept getting tussled. Not that I minded too much. I then just positioned myself behind the big guys that were standing around me.
I really like watching other people, and this concert was no exception. I didn't really jump up and down or dance alot, but I did watch the other audience members. It was so amusing watching everyone's reactions to the different bands and songs.
On the way back from the concert we stopped at my best friend's house. I had missed her. ;.; Along with getting to see her, her dog, and my hamster (yay!), she also gave me my belated birthday present, which was Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. She made me happy. ^^ I can't wait until the end of the semester, when I move back to my home and get to see her more often. At least I got a bf-fix until then.
...long. I'll stop with Friday and continue onto Saturday and the fun stuff that happenned on that day in a different post later.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Mized emotions right now. My studies are split between good and bad. I have no money (like, seriously, I have $2 and change) and won't get paid for another three weeks probably. I finally got a job, good pay and nice people. I'm going to a concert on Friday.
Good things and bad things. All really my fault. I'm horrible with money. If I have, I spend it. I'm a spend thrift on most things, but when it comes to food and manga, I'm helpless.
With no good will power and stubbornness that shows up at the wrong times, I end up buying things I really shouldn't and forgetting to save. ...Well, not forget, it's just that I can't. I try, I really do, but then I see something, and just have to have it.
I've been skipping a lot of classes. This is how I failed my classes in my second semester and yet I can't seem to stop it. I was very proud of myself, though, I actually went to my morning classes today. On my own. This has to be a first. I really am trying.
I have this problem that I care, but I don't seem to have a drive or a will to actually /do/ something. I know that I am going to fail if I don't go to classes, and yet I just go back to sleep. I know I'm going to fail if I don't study, and yet I go on the computer. I've thought this before, but I really don't understand myself. Only a little studying is really required for me to understand, and yet I can't seem to bring myself to do it.
Enough dwelling on that, I suppose. I'm looking forward to the Coheed and Cambria concert this Friday. This'll be the first real concert I've ever attended. It should be fun. I'm happy because we're going to stop by mine and Erin's houses on the way there. I get to see Erin and my babies. ^^ Happy. I'm starting to feel a bit homesick, so this'll be good.
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Monday, October 24, 2005
Akuma de Sourou!
Since I talked about my icon, figured I would also talk about my background. It took me a while to figure out how to make the background show through. Shiori_hana first helped me, actually telling me how to set it up correctly, but I misread her instructions and it didn't work. Ended up asking on otakuboards and actually read the instructions correctly this time.
The problem with backgrounds is that they're all different colors and it can make it hard to read the text showing above them. I, at first, had a gorgeous picture from Kazuma Takahima's Harlem Beat wa Yoake Made. <3 I love Takashima-sensei.

But, because of the light and the dark, there wasn't a color that could be seen well enough on both.
After a couple other images, I came upon my Akuma de Sourou wallpaper made by Icassop. I figured white text would show up relatively well, and so that's what I ended up using. I like it.
Akuma de Sourou, licensed and published here as The Devil Does Exist, is one of my favorite shoujo series. I absolutely love it. Takeru is awesome. I love the art, the story, and the characters. I also like the extra pictures that Mitsuba Takanashi draws. OOC pics are cute. ^^
And that is my short recount of my background image. Everyone should read Akuma de Sourou! <3
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Vodka Party at Ichigo's!
Woohoo! Yeah, so I thought I would explain a little bit about why I like this icon and how it relates to me. It's really fairly short, but I felt compelled to. (Not really, but that's okay.)
I used to be fairly con-drinking. It was more that I was con-underage-drinking, but I never thought that I would drink myself. I never liked the smell of anything my parents had and beer really left a bad impression on me. (What can I say, I'm a picky person when it comes to food and drink.)
After I graduated high school I went to the Netherlands for a year as an exchange student. (Yay Nederland!) The legal drinking age... well, I'm sure there is one, but it's not really that important. Teenagers drinking is the norm in the Netherlands, really Europe in general. It's legal and that's how they're brought up.
I figured, since it was legal, I might as well try it. I'm a curious person and do things like this. Our first month there we went to a week long orientation with the organization I was over there with. The last night we had a little party type thing and they sold beer there. I figured I would give it a try. (Just picture 6 previously underaged Americans now having legal access to alcohol.) I took one sniff of it and that was enough for me. I still refuse to try beer until it smells better.
Anyways, a friend that I made would go to a club every couple of weeks and she invited me a couple of times. Everytime we went to this club she would get red vodka/red bull. I had tried a couple other types of alcohol, including rum, before this and hadn't really cared for them. I had a sip of her drink and actually found that I liked it. It's the only type of alcohol that I can say that I actually like. (And it was worth it hearing my mom's reaction when I told her of my revelation over the phone. Amusing times.)
Ichigo. I love strawberries! They're like my favorite food. Strawberries and pizza. Okay, that really had nothing to do with this explanation, but I was thinking Ichigo and just had to let it out.
Bleach! I am currently obsessing over this series, as I believe I said in my previous post. That's really where Ichigo comes in.
So, as you can now see (or not,) a vodka party at Ichigo's has special meaning to me. Well, at least it makes me smile everytime I see it. And what better purpose is there for an icon? ^_^
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Japanese Test and Afraid to Cut
I hate the tests we have in Japanese class. Half the test is less on your Japanese knowledge and more on your memorization skills. It's stupid and annoying. I spend enough time studying vocab and grammatical stuff. I don't need to worry about memorizing a paragraph and dialogue word for word so I can pass my Japanese test. I'm just glad that this is the only class I'll have with this teacher. Next class I'll take will be at USF with a different teacher. Still not sure if that will be this coming Spring or not.
For Megacon next year (in February) I plan on dressing up as Hinamori Momo from Bleach. I've also decided to make the entire thing myself. I bought patterns for the top and bottom. I bought the fabric, thread, and even fabric marker. I haven't started yet.
So far I haven't been able to bring myself to cut the fabric yet. This is first thing that I've ever tried to make, to sew. That makes me nervous enough. I'm going with as a Bleach group and want to make it look good. It also seems to be bringing out the prefectionist in me. Why does my prefectionist self decide to come out when it comes to things like this, not cleaning or studying? My mom said it well when I was talking to her today. Cutting is so final. Can't take it back, erase it. Not like I couldn't just buy more fabric if I mess up (actually, I can't atm because I broke.) My mom suggested that I wait until I come home for Christmas and that she's help me. I think I might just take her up on her offer. She's definately more experienced with sewing than I am. We'll see.
All I'm going to worry about right, though, now is whether or not JACO's still meeting up tomorrow. I think it will since the hurricane isn't supposed to touch Florida until Monday.
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Japanese Study
So I've decided that I'm too shy to have crushes. There's no way that I'm ever actually going to show my interest in him. I should have just kept denying it to myself that I thought anything more of him than that he's cute. Is it just me, or does it seem like once you admitted to something it gets exponentially greater. Well, it's not like it is something I can't live with.
My Japanese study session didn't go quite as planned (y'know, just him and me.) A friend of mine called me early this afternoon about it, so I ended up meeting early with her and then he joined us. It's okay though (since I'm not going to be doing anything with this crush,) because time was spent well studying.
The more I hear about him/from him, the more I like him. -.- annoying
Oh well. Now I just have to wait and see if we actually have our test tomorrow or if our class will be cancelled because of the hurricane. I'm a little torn between the two choices.
I'm not very happy with one of my English group people right now. We were supposed to meet together today at the library so we could
get most of our annotated bibliography done, because that's all we have left for the Core project. She stopped by just to tell us that she couldn't stay because she had some Spanish extra credit that she just found out about. She's the one with all of our information. With the laptop with all of our stuff. We didn't get as much done today as we had wanted because over half of our stuff was locked away on her laptop. We did find the books we needed and the journal articles. So we at least got that done. I really don't want to have to work on this past Wednesday. I don't want it messing with my concert plans.
I think it's time for some Bleach, because I know this episode will make me happy. Ichigo's Bankai. ^^
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Yes! So I /finally/ got a job. After looking for about 2 months and not getting anything. I'm so happy. And relieved. Had to borrow money from my parents for next month's rent payment, but at least they aren't charging me interest. (And wouldn't you know that I would find signs for hiring at *four* different places after getting this job yesterday.) It's a nice job with the hours I wanted and definately better pay. I figured I would be getting minimum wage, but it's a couple dollars more. Can definately use all the money I can get.
Still haven't heard back from USF. I'm hoping to transfer there for the Spring semester and finally got all of my stuff into them. Now I have to wait. I hate waiting. It sucks. I don't know what's taking them so long either, because they've had most of my stuff for a while now. Grr. I'm a person who wants instant gratification. I want to know now. Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait.
Hurricanes. Another grr. I can't believe that we're already on Wilma. W. Crazy. I hope it doesn't come near us until at least Sunday. I want to go to a Halloween party/anime thing on Saturday. We'll see, I guess.
I have a test in Japanese on Friday. Not looking forward to it. I actually don't know a lot of this vocabulary and haven't been studying. Yes, bad me. The only good thing that is coming out of it is that this guy that I kind of like is going to be studying with me tomorrow for it. Just him and me. Yay. ^^ And he sat next to me in class today. And we talked. Happy. ^^
This post is probably long enough. I'll stop for now. Lost is on tonight! At least one of my shows in showing this week. Stupid baseball preempting Prison Break. >_< ...Okay, I'm really done now. *goes to make supper*
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