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Thursday, December 16, 2004

9 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! It's so close!!
Anyway, about Last Exile. Since I suck at overviews of anime, here's a quick summary of the anime from AnimeNfo:
"Prestel, a world filled with the atmosphere of the time when it went through industrial revolution remains.
There lives Klaus Valca, a 15 year old who using the Van Ship (a small flying ship) left behind by his father, made his home in the sky along with his childhood friend Lavie Head who is also 15.
Their dream was to surpass what their fathers couldn't do and that was to pass through the storm known as "Grand Stream". But, one day, a mysterious girl Alvis Hamilton, aged 11 is entrusted to them by the battle airship Silvana and they get dragged into a battle that shakes the world. The world of Prestel where a sea of wind and clouds stretch out.
The Grand Stream, sweeps across high in the skies.
Two countries that confront one another, Anatorel and Dysis.
Now, is the start of a terrible and exciting story!"
Great anime!

But Dio is the main bad guy's little brother. Poor guy. T_T
Let's say, he dies b/c be basically goes crazy...b/c he's been running away from his sister so he wouldn't do the whole, 'ceremony of allegiance' thing where he's subject to a bunch of creepy, weird stuff...but he gets captured by his sister, and is forced to do the ceremony anyway.
Basically, his only friend, Luciola, helps Dio escape, but in the process, Luciola gets killed.
So Dio escapes with Al and Claus, though he is left with another persons care, then later escapes.
At this point, Dio lost his grip on reality, and pretends to relive past events, like a ship race he was once in.
Luciola, (his friend that dies) was his navi in the race, so Dio still thinks that Luciola is still alive. So he pretends to race Al and Claus in his ship, but at one point, it looked as though he might 'loose.' So Dio tells Luciola that he better, 'get off the ship'...I think he was replaying his past race again.
But he 'wins' the race, and stops steering his ship in order to celebrate. He congradulates Luciola, and 'tells' Luciola that they won. Then he takes off his helmet and turns around.
This is the point where reality finally hits him, and realizes that Luciola isn't there, and that he is dead. Dio looks at the empty seat, and says something like, "...Luciola, is it because I said you'd better get off the ship?" Then he and his ship get blown away, and he dies.

At first I thought that was a really gay way of dying. VOOSH! Dio dies by getting hit by wind! Ooooo...
But then, when I thought about the whole, Luciola and Dio thing, it was acctually kinda sad...T__T Aah I cried y'know!! T__T
Ah, and Dios sis had a stupid way of dying too. She was choked to death by Alex. (A guy who spent his whole life trying to kill her.) I mean, she just got choked! No cool ending battle, no blood...nothing! -_-;;
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