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myOtaku.com: Ren kun

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Meri Kurisumasu, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakah, Happy Kwanza
Ooh and since it's Christmas, that also means...24 HOURS OF THE CHRISTMAS STORY MOVIE!!! yea! There's playing 24 hrs. of it on TBS (i think)
I LOVE that movie! XD

Funniest movie. ever. XD

Whelps, can't wait till tomorrow! ^^ Tonight I had dinner with my mom's side of the family--great stuff. My two year old cousin and my dad got into a little food fight. Lmao. XD It was hilarious. And then my sisters dog jumped the fence and almost ran away. o_o He would have to, if we didn't see him walking down the street.Lol.
My grandpa has 'selective hearing' or so my mom and sister says. He says he can't hear what people are saying, though when we ask him if he wants some kim chee or cake or something, he is somehow able to hear that...hmmmm...XD

Oh yes, and Happy Birthday Jesus! ^_^

Now I can officialy put up the Invader Zim quote!!

Dib: I did it! Christmas is saved

Crowd member: Hey! That kid threw Santa into the cold void of space!

Kap'n Claw: Chwismas is wuined fowever.

Dib: Wait! Would the real Santa have mutated into a horrible blob? And would Santa have teleported you into space? You were so desperate for a real Santa that you believed a monster in a costume! That's not Christmas! Go home! Forget about this! And spend time with your families... er whatever.

Crowd member: The giant metal boy is right!

Muahaha, bow down before the power of Santa! Mwehehehe

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