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In your refriguator... eating all of your food.. dont bother to look I'll be long gone by the time you get there <)
Member Since
Martal arts Student, Artist, Poet, Haku and Zabuza fan girl ^^
Real Name
You may call me Rena. Other Names include Lettuce, Retasu, and Michiyo
Yellow Belt in Tai Kuan Do, Last Chair in the Flute Section, Attends an Anime Club
Anime Fan Since
Since i can remember -.-'
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Shamen King, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sudio Ghibi Films, and a heck of alot others
To go to college and be a famous Mangaka and to also learn fluent Japanese
Playing Video Games, Tai Kuan Do, Drawing, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, poking peoples, and well... that's none of your busness... XP
I can draw ok. I dont have many talents other than that ._. Unless you count flute but I'm not that good ^^
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/15/05:
Oh Sexy Bitch!!! lol jk ^^
Result Posted on 04/13/05:
Oh yeah go me. The pic bugs me though 0.o
Result Posted on 04/05/05:
I've never got Hinata before but hey that's cool. She kicks butt go Hinata-chan!!! ^^
 | You scored as Hinata. You’re very shy towards people and have low self esteem. You have a huge crush on Naruto & are always encouraging him through his trials.
Due to Naruto boosting your self esteem you slowly are gaining a bigger confidence in yourself. You are no weak ninja, though at first glance you seem like it. But you can hold your own. Determined in life, yet shy about everything. Its ok, we all love you! ^_^
Tsunade | | 94% | Hinata | | 94% | Kakashi | | 89% | Naruto | | 89% | Sasuke | | 72% | Konohamaru | | 67% | Neji | | 67% | Rock Lee | | 67% | Shikamaru | | 61% | Kimimaro | | 56% | Gaara | | 55% | Sakura | | 39% | Orochimaru | | 22% | Jiraiya | | 0% |
which character from NARUTO are you?? created with | |
Result Posted on 04/03/05:
Well yeah most of the time im eather thinking or talking with my bf... *sigh* long distance relationships are hard...
Result Posted on 04/03/05:
Yeah that's kinda like me. Cept im not a guy lol ^^
Result Posted on 04/01/05:
Sounds like me... I wonder if lemon tea is any good...
 Lemon Tea...
Strong willed and a bit feisty in temper you stand out from other people! Creative but dangerous you have few friends and those that have been accepted into your small group are special and unique just like yourself. Once your mind is made up that's it and no one can change it. You can think clearly and figure out just what to do in a tense situation which is a rare gift. You arent twisted by societies rules and regulations and are rebel by nature!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/29/05:
This was cool...
thing abt.u/anime knowledge | Created by bloodyshadow and taken 3 times on bzoink! | username | Renachan101 | favorite anime | Naruto, Hellsing, ans many others... | favorite bishojo | Make that Bishonen please!! Gaara, Haku, Zabuza, | anime loving friends | Kiyoko, Citca, Bade, Itachi, Zabuza-san | current food | Uhhh the last thing i ate is sushi... | current mood | Ok i guess *shurgs* | current hobby | Drawing, Writing Poems, Video Games, | current song | Wind from Naruto, Boulvard of Broken Dreams by Greenday, Kaze no ne from FFCC, Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru | current group | Green Day, The Pillars, Utada Hikaru | current obbsession | Naruto: the legal crack XP | current longing | Longing... that's none of your busness XP | current manga | Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto | current annoyance | *twich* my brother *twich* | personality | Perky, Hyper, Lonsome, Sadistic, Angry, all rapped up in one package | weaknesses | I can't seem to trust anyone and... medical needles *twich* | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Result Posted on 03/29/05:
Yeah that sounds like me kinda. I'm mad at most of the world ^^'
Result Posted on 03/28/05:
Yes she kicks total ass!!! ^^ Me and her have a lot in common expectually... oh never mind ^_~
 You are Seras Victoria! Yay! You start out this annoying whinney little police girl who steals the attention of everyones favorite vampire. Darn you! But as time progresses your powers grow and you prove yourself as a loyal friend and servant to your master. Keep up the work Police Girl
Which Hellsing Char are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/28/05:
Yup that's me. When im not on the compy i lock myself in my room and eather stare up at the ceiling, blaring music, or crying.
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