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In your refriguator... eating all of your food.. dont bother to look I'll be long gone by the time you get there <)
Member Since
Martal arts Student, Artist, Poet, Haku and Zabuza fan girl ^^
Real Name
You may call me Rena. Other Names include Lettuce, Retasu, and Michiyo
Yellow Belt in Tai Kuan Do, Last Chair in the Flute Section, Attends an Anime Club
Anime Fan Since
Since i can remember -.-'
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Shamen King, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sudio Ghibi Films, and a heck of alot others
To go to college and be a famous Mangaka and to also learn fluent Japanese
Playing Video Games, Tai Kuan Do, Drawing, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, poking peoples, and well... that's none of your busness... XP
I can draw ok. I dont have many talents other than that ._. Unless you count flute but I'm not that good ^^
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/28/05:
Ok that's not very spasific at all...
Result Posted on 03/27/05:
I kinda wanted to be a vampire but this is cool too ^^
Result Posted on 03/26/05:
Uhhh ok then...
face="Monotype Corsiva"> You're a hopeless Romantic! *sigh* ...Red roses, walks on the beach on a night of Full Moon with the stars twinkling right above your head and the waves lapping gently at the sand... That's what you live for.
You want your man to be sweet, gentle, charming and of course, romantic!
But hey! Do keep in mind that there are few of those in the world!! It's unlikely Prince Charming will arrive on his white knight, sword at the ready! He's more likely to be riding a skateboard or a sport car!!
Try not to let your emotions get the best of you...and try to keep at least some mystery! Corsiva">
[---What is your Boy-Catching Style?? ---for girls--- anime pics---] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/26/05:
*eyes tear up* uhhh.... *runs to boyfriend*
Result Posted on 03/26/05:
Sounds like me.
 You are a fallen angel. Once, your were a great angel but you fell into disgrace and were banished from heaven. Your family is ashamed of you as are you. In all meanings of the word, you are definitely the black sheep of your family. However, you might not be completely lost. There may come along something to turn you back on the right path and restore you to your former grace. I wish you luck, my friend.
What Kind of Angel Are You? (GORGEOUS anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/26/05:
Hey that sounds like what i would be. Good Quiz. Man Seras is so awsome!
 you are a.. ClASSIC vampire. you are somewhat gothic, keep to yourself, and that's the way you like things. you are traditional and old fassioned. you might not do well with machines. simple is better. You love the fact that you are a vampire and wouldnt trade it for the world. so many advantages! you love to terrify the weaker race of humans silly. you also despice the "cute" vampires. you go with your insticts on everything, keep doing what your good at, the older ways
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/25/05:
Yup that's me. Kouchi's so awsome and bishie *sighs*
Result Posted on 03/25/05:
Alucard is such a bad ass
 Alucard. You are one of the remaining true immortal vampires. You are so powerful, everyone fears you. Even other immortal beings - 'cause you can kill them. And you're possibly the biggest bad ass ever. After being filled with hundreds of assault rifle rounds, you belittle peoples clothing style and complain about boredom and make fun of people's power.
Which Hellsing Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/25/05:
I donno who this is but Itachi-san said it was good ^^'
Result Posted on 03/25/05:
Interesting... I like the pic XP
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