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In your refriguator... eating all of your food.. dont bother to look I'll be long gone by the time you get there <)
Member Since
Martal arts Student, Artist, Poet, Haku and Zabuza fan girl ^^
Real Name
You may call me Rena. Other Names include Lettuce, Retasu, and Michiyo
Yellow Belt in Tai Kuan Do, Last Chair in the Flute Section, Attends an Anime Club
Anime Fan Since
Since i can remember -.-'
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Shamen King, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sudio Ghibi Films, and a heck of alot others
To go to college and be a famous Mangaka and to also learn fluent Japanese
Playing Video Games, Tai Kuan Do, Drawing, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, poking peoples, and well... that's none of your busness... XP
I can draw ok. I dont have many talents other than that ._. Unless you count flute but I'm not that good ^^
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/15/05:
I guess this is right.. Some things are some things are wrong..
Result Posted on 01/15/05:
Mimiru kicks butt she's cool ^^
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
This time i came out as a human... I like the fact that im a cutie ^^
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
This was another interesting one.. Rena would be a vampire ^^
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
Heh i kick ass ^^
 You're Shizuru Kuwabara! You're attitude is cool. You're Kuzuma Kuwabara's older sister. You tend to embarrass your brother in front of all of his friends. You special ability is that you are spiritually aware (can sense certain things that are in tuned with Reikai. Like Ghosts). You can also kick ass too! You go girl! ^-^
What Yu Yu Hakusho Female Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
Im a little of all bits of Kurama... I guess im even part crossdresser and hiei lover... that's just desturbing X.X
 You are AMBIGUOUS KURAMA! We don't exactly know where to place you, on account of you being so damn ambiguous about everything. You show tenderness towards Hiei, and drop a minimal amount of hints that leaves the fans salivating for more. You say you "can't fight Karasu in 'this' condition," leaving the fans confused as to what you mean. Do you really wish to know his touch? And sometimes, like when your hair blows in the breeze, you look so feminine it makes some fans want to cry. No one really knows what you are, you damn enigma. Make up your mind!
What Kurama Are You? (From Yu Yu Hakusho) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
Holy crap i am not a bishonen.. IM A GIRL!!! 0.0
 You're Shishiwakamaru! You've got what it takes to be a bishonen, and no one's complaining. You just want to be famous and have your moment in the spotlight. You have a flaring temper and grow horns when you get mad. You better be careful or that'll scary away the fangirls. Speaking of your adoring fans, I wonder if they know that in your true form you're really a little gremlin that likes to sit on Suzuki's shoulder... After your fight against Genkai, you fall in love with her, in a way (the younger version, duh). Oh well. You're yummy.
What Member of Team Uratogi (From Yu Yu Hakusho) Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
im JIN!!! WOOP! jin's cool ^^
 You're Jin! You want nothing more than to have fun. (Let's see the ears!) You like nature and you fight fairly, considering half of your team is a bunch of overly-confident snobs who would gladly find a way to win the tournament dishonestly. You're sort of like Yusuke, and taught yourself most of your attacks. No one really knows what that horn in the center of your head is for, but everyone's too busy staring at your big blue eyes to care. You talk like an Irishman and people find it cute. Weeeeeeee!
What Shinobi Tribe/Team Mashyo Member (From Yu Yu Hakusho) Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
Heh im Koenma ^^ Bow down before me!!! XP
 You are Koenma-Daioh!
You're a bossy little brat, but sometimes this can be a good thing. You're a born leader, although sometimes you can't function properly under pressure. You're the son of the ruler of Reikai, and you are proud of this position. You take all of your work seriously, although certain Spirit Dectectives and their cocky attitudes get on your nerves sometimes... But whatever! You can always send him to Hell if it gets too much to handle.
What Member of the Reiki Tantei Are You? (Yu Yu Hakusho) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/14/05:
That means im i hyperactive lil person ^^
 Blue! Your eyes are the Blue of insanity! You make a lot of friends easily, and you're very carefree and easy going. Watch yourself, though, because responsibility is still a big deal. That doesn't mean you have to stop your flower obsession, however.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
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