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myOtaku.com: Renji Abari 13

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Angel of Strife (09/11/07)

hey i'm a friend of inuchobits, though you probably know that by now. anyway, i'll add you. pm me anytime, okay?

angel of strife

uchihaitachi56 (09/11/07)


Inu--Yasha (09/11/07)

Hi cool site.^^ I'm a friend of inuchobits and she asked me to drop by^^

vampires~romance (09/10/07)

I think your site rocks! XD
I'll add you as a friend(hope you don't mind^^') Feel free to message me if you ever want to chat! ;D


vixen fire (09/10/07)

hey! its me! chase^^ i just found out today that you had a myotaku site...of course you made it yesterday so i guess im off the hook^^ well, im adding you as a friend, and if you can, or want to, you can PM me. and at one point i had a saiyuki theme. inuchobits said something about you liking it....anyway^^' ill talk to ya later, bye!^^

inuchobits (09/09/07)


Well I just wanted to see how the site came out and it looks AMAZA-ZA-ZING!!!!!!!!lol (I did such a good job) I will add you and you can pm me if you want too

Hope to hear from you soon :)


Aemi (09/09/07)

hi,luv the site,very cool ^_^ inuchobits helped u with it? she's one of my freinds =3 well anyways,I'll add u as a friend.PM me anytime. Laterz! =P

Luv Always,

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