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Sunday, February 20, 2005
The Kansaki Sou Definitive House Rules
-- These rules actually exist both in the fanon-verse and in the RPG version of such. Everything you read here has occured, either in the RP or in drabble-fic. This is why Ed is terrified of the place. --
The Kansaki Sou Definitive House Rules (Formerly Kitchen Rules)
Part I - Basics
1) Barring the event of an invasion, all bladed weapons are to be kept sheathed at ALL TIMES. If your blade needs oiling or any other sort of maintenance, that is to be dealt with in the dojo, where such materials are kept.
1a) Ninjas constitute an invasion.
1b) A late-night pizza delivery does NOT constitute an invasion.
2) All boots and muddy shoes are to be left on the porch. Gym shoes, sneakers, and house shoes are acceptable footwear in the house.
2a) Any muddy and/or bloody articles of clothing should be left in the hamper on the porch.
2b) Even if your undergarments are in a bad condition, KEEP THEM ON UNTIL YOU ARE SAFELY IN YOUR OWN ROOM.
2d) Underwear is _not_ acceptable footwear.
3) The living room is not the den. Therefore, behavior permitted in the den is wholly not acceptable in the living room. This is including, but not limited to:
Games of football
Games of soccer
Food fights
Making out
Mock battles
Real battles
Band practice
3a) Permissible living room activities include:
4) Please be considerate to others. Some boarders actually attempt to sleep regular hours.
4a) If you're going to be that late, just use the front door. It's a lot less loud than listening to you trying to get in through the window, realizing it's locked and then realizing you can't get back down the way you've climbed up.
4b) Everyone was given a house key. If you have lost, melted, eaten or otherwise misplaced your key, get over it. The garage is unlocked and there's a futon in the loft.
4c) If you break down the door, you WILL be replacing it.
5) THE BUSHES DO NOT TRY TO EAT PEOPLE. The bushes are not sentient, sapient, or carnivorous. Stop scaring people.
6) If you set a booby trap, clean it up.
6a) If you set off a booby trap, it's your own damn bloody fault. Stop whining and take a shower, the color will wash out in a few days.
7a) Yes, the monkey is considered a pet. As is the raccoon, the iguana, the kitten and the fifteen mice that Soujiro was trying to breed in a shoebox.
7b) NO PETS - excluding cats.
Part II -- Kitchen
1) The kitchen does not close, however disruptions and loud noises are immediately punishable from 2 a.m. - 11 a.m.
1a) Disruptions and loud noises include, but are not limited too:
Mock Battles
Real Battle
Food fights
Games of football
Games of soccer
Band practice
Public drunkenness
Repeated and indiscriminate show tunes
2) If you make a mess, clean it up.
2a) Piling newspapers on top of it does not constitute "cleaning up."
3) There is a rotating list for cooking duty. Please remember when it is your turn and do not always expect someone to fill in if you forget. Remember, that someone filling in could be Karen.
4) Food that is marked with a name is not handwriting practice. Remember it.
5) We are not breeding, nor creating sapient civilizations in the refrigerator. If it is three shades past a natural color, throw it out.
5a) Leaving offerings is NO LONGER PERMITTED.
5b) No one cares how gross it is, just get rid of it. Provisions will be made if it bites and/or stabs you.
5c) Leaving it on the counter does not constitute "getting rid of it."
6) Do your own dishes. There is a dishwasher, if it is full, run it. If it is full and clean, empty it. It really isn't that hard.
6a) If you have to soak it, scrub it, and then put it in the dishwasher, just save everyone some trouble and pitch it. Do NOT leave it on the counter.
7a) "Food" constitutes anything edible in nature.
7b) Underwear is not edible.
8) Supper is usually at 7:30 p.m, unless everyone has prior arrangements.
8a) Not 7:30 a.m.
8b) Clothing is NOT optional.
8c) Proper table manners are encouraged. Regular table manners are accepted. Sitting on the table and eating with your feet is neither of the above.
Part III -- The Den
1) Be considerate. There is only one cable hookup in the house.
1a) Hiding the remote is unacceptable.
1b) Taking apart the remote is even more so.
1c) Taking the buttons off the TV set and leaving it on the soaps channel is punishable by slow and excruciating DEATH.
2) Whatever you've done on the couch, no one wants to know. Some stains are better left unidentified.
2a) Leaving marked notes about the nature of each stain is highly discouraged.
2b) Writing a mad lib about the stains on the wall in permanent marker is heartily discouraged.
2c) The offender will be repainting the den next weekend.
3) If you leave your game station hooked up to the TV, it's fair game.
3a) Don't leave your memory cards lying around, either.
5) Re-enactments of whatever sports event is being aired are discouraged.
5a) Blood does NOT bounce on carpet. It does, in fact, stain.
6) Flash and bang rounds are not to be detonated indoors for ANY REASON save invasion.
6a) Yuukito being found in Soujiro's room is not an invasion.
6b) No, really, it's not.
7) Anyone who goes crazy and tries to attack, maim, and/or castrate anyone will be confined to the coal room in the basement.
7a) No one is allowed to redecorate the coal room.
Part IV -- The Girl's Floor
1) Guys are not permitted on the girl's floor from 10pm - 10am, excluding emergencies.
1a) Horniness is not an emergency.
2) Please keep your doors closed at all times. No one wants to know why you're prancing around naked.
3) There is one bathroom. You may not lock yourself in.
3a) There are two sinks, a toilet, a stand-up shower and a bathtub shower. You may not have the bathroom to yourself in the morning.
3b) If you're going to be sick, at least aim for the toilet or the bathtub.
3c) If you're going to be sick and you miss, whenever you're not as sick please clean it up yourself.
4) Please keep all your toiletries in your marked drawer or shelf. Leaving them out and spread all around is not permitted.
4a) Please do not use another person's toiletries without asking permission first.
4b) Soaking all of the tampons in tomato juice and then hanging them on the boy's floor will never occur again, no matter how humorous the results.
5) If there is not toilet paper, GO GET MORE.
6) Running and screaming in the halls for any reason sans invasion is strictly not allowed.
7) Raiding another person's room is strictly not allowed without expressed permission.
7a) Taking articles of clothing is also strictly not allowed.
7b) There will be no panty raids in this house. EVER.
Part V -- The Boy's Floor
1) Anything goes as long as it stays in your room and the girls can't hear it.
1a) If the girls can hear it, you're screwed.
2) Blood stains. Badly.
3) No one cares what the state of your own room is, everyone cares about the state of the bathroom.
3a) If you have stunk up the bathroom, turn on the fan. That is what it is there for
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Sorry ^^;;
Sorry I had the huge angst-fest and then vanished for some time. Thanks, guys, for the support. I do very much appreciate it. I don't go through those bouts of self-loathing often, but when I do they hit damn hard.
In other, more anime-related news ... been watching Bleach, and Gakuen Alice. Also, I've started Fafner in the Azure, so there should be a bunch of anime reviews sometime in the near future. I'd taken a bit of a creative hiatus but now I'm starting to get the itch to get back in the groove. Hopefully I'll be around a lot more! I've uploaded two new pictures to the gallery, whee.
*hugs all around* Thanks a bunch, guys. n.n
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Warning, horrific amounts of angst ahead
I don't know who I am or what I want any more, and I'm sick of it. I am far too weak for my liking and I feel like I can't do a damn thing about it. It's sickening and humiliating and I can't make myself change.
I'm fat, I'm ugly, and I'm completely unmotivated. I see what I should be doing but I can't bring myself to do it. I have no presence and cannot seem to speak up. I can't say things without bungling the words and I'm unintelligent.
I'm lonely.
One outlet at a time. I eat far too much. I was doing good a few months ago, when I was at home. I wasn't eating nearly as much and I had cut down on my soda intake significantly. All it takes is a month at school and blam, I'm stuffing my face at every oppurtunity again. I need to stop buying sweets and stop eating them. Carbs I can trim easily enough, I don't eat much bread-product when I'm at school, but noodles and rice are impossible for me to give up, so moderation. I suddenly had a cereal sweet-tooth that will be hard to kill, but I will beat this thing.
I barely exercise, and I need to fix that. If only the gym wasn't so far away! That's no excuse and I know it, but when it's below freezing out I can't motivate myself to walk over there. I'll probably feel the same way about it when it's warm outside. I need ... I don't know what I need anymore.
I don't know what I'm doing here. I can't find a purpose, and as much as I seem enthuastic about my classes, I just don't care about them. I don't see what they can give me that I wouldn't learn on my own.
I don't feel like I belong anywhere. I've long since severed my ties with the anime club people, it was harsh and cruel the way I did it and people say that I was too easy on them! I just can't figure it out. I feel like I'm using people and I know that's not right, and I know I'm not using them. I'm just so unused to being a part of a group and actually having friends that... I'm not sure how to act. And I've been hanging around this group for going on four years. I always feel like I'm interupting or barging in or keeping people from their fun.
Then there's my monetary issues. Goddammit, I need to stop spending money on useless and trivial things, and I need to stop TALKING about spending the money I don't have anyway. I want to make this costume, but it's stupid to. I'm not going to get to go to that convention, and I know it, so why bother? Why cling to that stupid hope? God, I'm a fool. I owe so many people so much money.
I can't shake my feeling of loneliness. I have this burning in my chest and the corners of my eyes like I want to cry, like I want to sob it all out but I just can't. Why am I crying? There's no reason and it's foolish and wasteful to be like that. It's not like I have anybody to cry to, all of my friends have their own problems and I'm not going to burden them with my stupid and petty woes.
I can't cope and I can't readjust. For the first time I'm feeling homesick. I can't justify going home this weekend, I can't. I need a job and I've spent what little money I have. But I can't bear to spend another weekend alone.
I can't take any of this any more. I don't know what to do. I keep thinking that no one would notice if I just vanished, and while I know that's not true I don't feel like it's not. Who would come chasing after me? They'd have to notice I was gone, first, and chances are by the time anyone realized it, it would be too late. Some gnawing little voice tells me that's good, that's fine, that's the way it should be. I'm not significant enough for people to worry about or notice, and that's the way things should be. I just want to shrivel up into a hole and let the world pass along without me. I'm so worthless it doesn't even bear thinking about.
I know it's not true, but I just can't seem to tell myself that. I spent an hour just lying on the track and staring at the stars. It's abnormally clear tonight, I could see constellations for the first time in I don't know how long. There's nothing like the vastness of the cosmos to make you feel small and insignificant.
Even walking over here, I was siezed with this strong wanderlust. I want to go. Where, I don't know, I just want to go. I want to go out and live and see this world that so many people talk about. My vision never seems to extend further than these few hundred miles I've spent 21 years of my life in. I want to travel the world on foot, exploring deep stretches of woods where faeries dwell and visiting long-forgotten villages buried in a European countryside.
The most maddening thing in the world is I can't. It would be irresponsible. It would be illegal. I don't have the money to do it. I don't have the guts to do it. So often I get the urge to take my car and go. Just drive until the engine runs out of gas, to see where it takes me.
Somehow, I don't think I'll ever find what I'm looking for. Mostly because I'm not sure what that is.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
I have decided I need to do some Contingency and/or Phoenix Stage fanart. Yeah.
*wanders off*
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
A New Room, a New Outlook
So, as of Wednesday night Saitou and I finally have an on-campus apartment. Can you hear the celebration from here? It's nice, too, if a little icky. Kate-chan fixed that up real quick, she apparently likes cleaning and scrubbing, so while we moved our carloads of crap into the room, she cleaned it for us. ^_^x; The room itself is easily five or six square feet bigger than any other dorm room on campus, on top of have a small 'changing room' where the closets and dressers are at and a bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. In the main room we have a wall of cabinents, a sink, a full-size refridgerator and a stove. I am so pumped, this means we can make REAL FOOD whenever we feel like it. ^___^x;
My classes are going pretty well, too. Two of them I have with Doug, my advisor, as the teacher. He's awesome, I could listen to him speak for a long time without getting bored, but that comes from his years in 'the business.' Former radio DJs are ALWAYS interesting to listen to, my dad is a prime example of that. (Although, that also means that his 'you're in deep shit' voice is absolutely terrifying.)
I have Doug for Performance in Electronic Media, which basically takes the class through prep to be on the radio and/or TV. Although I'm not looking at my major to take me in those directions, having strong control of your voice in a business setting is an excellent skill to have.
I also have Doug for Cinema History II, which covers 1945 to the present. Basically, two days a week we watch a movie and learn how to critque it. So far we've watched '30 Seconds over Tokyo' (A Spencer Tracey film about the bombing of Japan during WWII) and 'The African Queen.' We've got a lot of good movies on our slate this semester, and one of them is Star Wars which makes me excited. I love watching Star Wars on the big screen, the Battle of Yavin makes me completely giddy. Dogfighting, ee!
Astronomy doesn't look like it will be too hard, the hardest part looks to be not falling asleep in class, and History will run the same way. Fortunately, at least in History, Jonathan is in that class, so he'll keep me awake.
Haven't really gotten/watched any new anime for a while. Meant to catch the dub of Fullmetal Alchemist Thursday night but I fell asleep right before 'Ready Steady Go'. ;_;x I'm sucking it up and downloading Bleach because I've heard there are some differences with the manga. I love the Bleach manga to death, so they better not be storyline-altering discrepancies like FMA. I'll get really pissed at the anime then (probably the way some of my friends are pissed at the FMA anime for not being true to the much different (and probably better, I'm so behind in reading it) manga.
So, yeah. I'm too lazy to make a thumbnail for you guys, but I colored the lineart in my gallery CG-wise... Ed's dogi turned out the color of Kenshin's. *facepalms* That really isn't my fault, the monitor that I was on in the lab showed me bright, bright red. That color... is not red. *sighs* Maybe I'll re-CG it, and do the background better.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Moving In and Moving Out
Well, today is the big day, so to speak. We'll find out if we get the on-campus apartment and I can finally be free of this accursed dorm and back where I belong, the the thick of trouble. This being way off on the sidelines thing is bull. shit. and it bothers me to no bloody end. I can stand at the window and see practically all of campus, that's how far away I am. ;_;
I got sick last night, and I still can't figure out why. I'm still slightly sick today, and still tired despite the two five-hour naps I took yesterday. And then I went to bed. My day went like so:
Got up at 9am
Went to class at 9:30am
Got out of class at 12:30pm
Went back to room at 12:40pm
Played on the internet until 1pm
Went to bed at 1:30pm
Woke up at 5:30pm
Played on the internet until 7:30pm
Went back to bed until 12am
Got up and drank an assload of water.
Played on the internet until 1am
Went back to bed at 1am
And then here I am, at 8:45. Just got up fifteen minutes ago.And I'm *still* sleepy.
So, yeah. Given that this is the 3rd day of classes, this shit better pass soon.
[Edit]: Go check out my newest lineart in the gallery. Yay for samurai. XD
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Well, I've seen a handful of horror movies and proved precisely what a large, yellow chicken I am to a good chunk of my friends.
Now, I like horror movies. I don't like 'let's pull out a lot of sudden jumps and shock value moment' movies. We went and saw 'The Grudge' last week, which fell solidly in the middle between the two. It was... okay, but I spent a lot of time watching the movie through my fingers. Last night we went and saw White Noise, which gave me the willies because I don't like things that hover on the edges of my perception. The things that are faint, or force you to concentrate to see/hear them piss me off and freak me out the most. If there's something scary out there, I want to see it because inevitably whatever I've come up with in my head is ten times worse. It's not scary to me anymore if I can confront it. It might be disgusting, or creepy, but it's something that CAN be confronted.
White Noise bothered me because of that. Not nearly as much as The Mothman Prophecies, which I will not dwell on because I am by myself at the moment and have to spend at least two or three more nights in solitary and I do NOT want to spend them under my bedsheets.
Tonight we watched 'Ju-on', which most of you probably know is the film that The Grudge is based on. I actually prefer the Japanese version because it's more of a series of vignettes. Although The Grudge was decent as well, The Grudge forced everything into a linear series of events, with a few 'flashback' scenes so Bill Pullman wasn't left out. They added a lot of subplot that wasn't there to begin with, like a motivation for Takeo to kill his wife, as opposed to Takeo just being a sick fuck. They also left a large opening for a sequel since there was a second Ju-on movie, although I would think that would be even more loosely based since the protagonist in Ju-on was definitely killed. I also liked, in Ju-on, how the ghosts of other characters did the same thing as the primary ghost.
Still, I think the whole problem would have been solved with a Buddhist monk and a stack of o-fuda, but that's just me.
*makes a note to stockpile o-fuda if ever I'm in Japan*
Stayed up until four a.m. and as a direct result had a bizarre dream about an amusement park and superheroes. I was actually my DCU avatar, I've never dreamed that before. Part of the dream was riding this bizarre rollercoaster, and then I had to foil a robbery in an ice cream shop. The really amusing thing was that Skyrider (the character I dreamed I was) was very confused about the ice cream shop robbery because the ice cream shop had no *money*. Then a scuffle broke out over something else entirely and the last thing I remember from the dream was being lectured by Superman. o_Ox;
Tomorrow is the first day of classes, whee. I'm somewhere between excited and absolutely terrified, which I don't understand. It's not like I haven't had classes before...
Well, I managed to break my own brain again.

Russell Tringham is really Jack Dawson!!!
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Back to School
Yay! I got classes and everything, I'm all excited about the semester, despite monetary woes. I need a job down here, which I'm going to go hunting for shortly.
Watched an episode of Gundam Wing this morning, which I had to pause twice because I was laughing so hard at it. It was episode... 43, I think. When all five of the pilots are in the same place for the first time, really. Sure, they all met up waaaay back in the 5th episode, but never got out of their Gundams. Heero and Wufei board the Peacemillion and HEEEEEEERE comes Quatre like a lost puppy, shouting "Heero! Wufei!" while bolting towards them. Somewhere behind, Trowa and Duo are WALKING, like any sane people would be. I swear, if he thought he could get away with it Quatre would have glomped them. THAT mental image kept me giggling for quite some time.
The other thing that vastly amused me about this episode was when Trowa kind of... slunk off to take Wing Zero. No one paid him any attention when he got up and left the room, and about ten minutes later when Zero blasted off the ship Quatre and Duo are like SHIT! There he goes! And scramble to follow after to make sure he doesn't blow anyone important up or get blown up himself.
Oh, it amuses me greatly.
I picked up Devil Hunter Yohko on DVD for really damn cheap. *is random*
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Lack of Time...
Ack, lack of time and internet plagues me both. In the next three days I have to quit my job and uproot to go back to school, and on top of that I've been placed in a foul dorm I have no desire of being in. Hopefully I'll be moving out of there come Monday, but from now until then my presence online will be spotty at best.
Tonight, my goal is to finish Gundam Wing. Let's see if that actually happens, neh?
A friend and I are working on the possibility of releasing a table-top RPG. I don't know what, precisely, I'm doing in the middle of this madness but I'm having fun so I don't mind. He keeps murmering about the possibility of getting a license to produce an anime-related table-top RPG, were that to happen I'd probably die of fandom-related glee.
Picked up a series that sort-of scares me called 801 Airbats ... It's very.... um ... well, the airplanes are shiny. I've watched a grand total of one whole episode, maybe I'll watch more eventually. Also picked up the 2nd Inuyasha movie, which is my favorite of the movies. *sighs happily* I am such a fangirl, and yet I haven't seen all that much of the show, nor read more than the manga that's been released over here. This is probably because I had been following the Inuyasha manga religiously from the first volume released by Viz in ... oh, probably 1998. Maybe even late '97. I'd have to go look at the book to check for sure. >.> So I'm greatly attached to the series, and even had a little fan-page up once ... I called it "In the Forests of the Night," and it didn't last more than a few months. But, at the time it was one of a literal handful of Inuyasha sites on the web. There were two whole pages from Google on Inuyasha, in those days. Now you pop Inuyasha's name into Google and get about two and a half million hits.
It's still something I can't quite wrap my head around. I came on to the anime scene really right before the boom hit... so I can remember "what it was like" before anime was as mainstream as it is today. When Tokyopop first started releasing its 100% manga line, I could grab each release as it came out since so few were being released. If we were lucky there was a half-shelf of manga back by the comic book graphic novels. Now? Good grief, there's an entire aisle of manga, with displays. Sometimes it still amazes me how far we've come in just five short years.
Someone recognized my watch, the other day at work. I wasn't expecting it, especially since FMA is still new to our shores. My Flamel's Cross necklace is still a bit harder to spot but I won't be surprised when someone stops and goes 'hey, wait a sec...'
Now, I'm going to go watch Gundam Wing, and enjoy it more than I did the first time I watched it. I still haven't found a truely valid reason to hate Relena, and I've started to give up on it. I actually like her character now, and I think a lot of my irrational hatred came from the dub voice actress and my own super-fangirlish tendancies to hate *any* strong female lead. I'm ashamed to believe I behaved so fanpoodlish-ly. I will probably always be appreciative of the Relena-hate sites because it's been a belief I've had for so damn long it's second nature.
If anything, the character who's beginning to piss me off the most is Zechs. I want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him and tell him to remove his head from up his ass and think for a damn moment. Of course, if I could do that there are other, more fun things I could think of doing to him. Really, it should be a crime to be that pretty.
So, off to watch more Gundam Wing. Really, I'm leaving this time.
A legend passed on yesterday that should never be forgotten.
RIP, Will Eisner.
Hats off to the man who revolutionized comics. He will be missed.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Gundam Wing
Well, I've inhaled a good five episodes tonight and I'm taking a breather before I contiune on with more. I have to honestly say I don't remember enjoying myself this much the last time I watched the show.
It's interesting to see the fandom, now, as my information on the show is current and not half-remembered. Heero is a lot more talkative than I remember, and I'm still not hating Relena. Well, I hate her because that's just the way I've seen the character for so damn long, but thus far into the show I have yet to find a valid reason to hate her. Her choices have been valid, she hasn't really been irrational and the occasional thing that I think might have pissed me off the last time I watched the show was her acting like an honest fifteen-year-old girl. Occasionally she lets the mask of responsibility slip and then you can see she's really still a child.
It's incredible to me. Where did this blind hatred of this character come from? Is it because she sits in a position of power, trying to better the world with ideals that she believes in? Or is it because the male lead of the show keeps finding himself drawn to her, to protect her and save her from harm? It's probably mostly the latter, as fangirls can't stand to see anyone get in the way of their fantasy.
I'm loving the mobile suits more and more this time around as well. Seeing the differences in the types, seeing their strengths and weaknesses. It will be strong fodder for my fanfic, of which I will certainly write some scenes for. I'll go back through the things I have written, weed and rewrite scenes out of them as well.
The politics in my story are convoluted and intense, and I may have to sit down one afternoon and just plot out exactly how everyone's loyalties play out. In the course of the Phoneix Stage there's easily nine or ten Gundam pilots ... some are killed, some lose sight of what they are fighting for. The best part is always bringing in the original Gundam pilots, because they're all intensely involved in the story. Chances are you didn't see them right away in the assembled cast.. I know it came as a surprise to me when a couple of characters tapped me on the shoulder and went 'hey ... I'm actually..." and I went "o___O How did you get there?!" My characters are always in charge of their own destinies... I can plot out the shape their lives may take but ultimately the way they play out is up to them. It's a unique way to write, but that's how I do things.
I've been tormenting Garyn, which really isn't very nice. Her memories are fractured and when she can piece things together, sometimes information is contradictory, which drives her to not dwell on the past but focus on the future, and their goals as pilots. As she is the only one who maintains contact with X, all the other pilots force her into a leadership role.
I like writing Garyn and how she interacts with people, which is probably why I'm biased toward her character. I love writing her with Darien, one of the more... unstable... pilots, because she likes him and doesn't know what to do about it. Attachment is very much discouraged among pilots, one isn't qualified to ride Gundam if they're not prepared to self-destruct, and any attachment can hinder that decision easily.
Darien is a fun character because he's almost got a Lady Une complex. One side of him is a gentle diplomat and the other is a savage warrior. He doesn't know how to reconcile this and as the story progresses, the split gets more pronounced and worse. When his Gundam is partially destroyed and rebuilt, the Zero system only makes things more screwed up.
I can keep going about this, but I think I'm going to go watch more Gundam Wing now. That's the only thing that can really keep the muses at bay, anyway.
Two Edits:
Edit 1: Changed the song. We are now at "Rewrite", the 4th opening to Hagane no Renkinjutsushi and one of my personal favorites.
Edit 2: The Watch

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