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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Phoenix Stage
Digital-colored art is now up in my gallery, it's my 50th uploaded pic. Whee!
Short post for sure, but I played trivia again last night, however I did not win anything as I was the one making the questions. Much fun was had by me as everyone was confused by "Tessaiga" and "Equivalent Exchange."
So, Merry Christmas (or whatever your holiday of choice is), and I'll catch you all later. Probably with a loot post. XD
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Phoenix Stage
*completely destroys the page layout*
Yeah. I was bored today. And I drew Phoenix Stage characters. And a sucky Gundam. Whee! Maybe I'll color it before Christmas.
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New Song, and a Winter Wonderland
Yet another new song, this time around it's ... well, religious. Not really Christmas-y, but it's still very pretty.
It's been snowing like nothing else, I dread the thought of the shoveling I'm going to have to do. >.< I don't even have to pull my car around back, yet I am always the one shoveling. Someone explain this to me, preferably in small words that I can understand. ¬_¬x;;
I'm getting antsy. I want Christmas to be here! This is the first time in years that I'm geniuninely this excited about presents. That last few years it's kind of been 'eh', hey cool, I got stuff, but I'm bouncy and excited this year.
I had a strange dream about the gift from my eccentric uncle. I dreamed that I opened it and it was a Shinsengumi haori. o_Ox; The man doesn't know a thing about me, he hasn't talked to me in years. He knows I've been taking Japanese since my thank-you note from last Christmas was entirely in Japanese, but that's it. So, were my dream to come true, my head would explode in WTF-ness. Also, I'd be terrified because it means he would have found my LiveJournal and god only KNOWS how doomful that could be.
Also, Saitou would probably kill me.
Although, she just might kill me for the Shinsengumi Hello Kitty, so that's a moot point.
I'm somewhere on the fifth disk of Gundam Wing, I'm about at the halfway point! Woo! Maybe I'll actually finish the series before 2005, like my goal states!
Since I'm absorbing more of the show this time around I'm able to make the plot and backstory for the Phoenix Stage far more realistic. I've been concentrating on character backstory, which is actually pissing off my Ed's to no end since I halted in the middle of chapter 2 to do some of this stuff.
Honora and Darien are my focus for the moment. Honora's backstory worked out fine, she scares me anyway. Darien I'm having a few difficulties with, but he likes to be a pain. Must run in the family. I honestly don't understand what certain characters WERE THINKING (*pointed glare*) putting someone as unstable as him in a mobile suit, but hey. It's what makes the story interesting. Nothing like having your own sister have to shoot you down.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I have a Pepsi holiday spice beside me, a fresh plate of warm cookies, and the knowledge that I schooled a chatroom full of otaku with my l337 otaku skillz yo.
It is a good night.
And, I got a wallscroll and a DVD out of my l337ness. I win!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Car news!
Got my car back, it's fixed! It was exactly what I thought it was, a clip broke off and it took next to no time to fix and didn't cost me a thing. n_nx;
Driving away from the shop I realized my speedometer... didn't work. They forgot to reconnect it. However they did it right away, it only took five minutes so that was really no big deal.
I spent the day over at Saitou's, there was chili dip and cider and cinnamon rolls and Bullshit! and spoons and later pizza and Weiss Kreuz. A good time was had by all. I gave Saitou her posters and her Hello Kitty Shinsengumi picture. Oh, that was a most excellent reaction. XD
I also got around to trying that Pepsi holiday spice. Interesting. It kind of grew on me.
A package came in the mail with kanji on it. I want to know what it is. >.> The father-unit absconded with it and I haven't seen it since, but I swear up and down I saw the kanji for alchemy. Damn the man, a few moments more and I would have deciphered it! >=D
Becky got me the Teen Titans Robin action figure, which is shiny in his shiny-ness. I love Robin. Timmy IS my favorite DCU character. This brings my total number of Robin action figures to like thirty or so. I'd have to go count them all to be sure.
Okay, I need to get off the computer before I lose all coherency. It's funny, three Mountain Dews in thirty minutes do more damage to my coherency than two rum and cokes, a mudslide and a half a glass of guiness. (I've never been drunk, and not yet had a hangover, either. Thank you, genes, for passing the bartender's tolerance down to me!)
I'm not 100% sure what I was dreaming about, but I woke up freaking out, and bounded up out of bed. Except, of course, I had absolutely no feeling in my right arm since I had been sleeping on it, bounced off of my pillow, then the phone rang and I lunged for that, missed, and ended up on the floor beside my dresser trying to figure out what just happened.
Yeah. Ow.
Oh, and I think it was another one of those FMA-dreams where I was Ed. Those only seem to happen when I sleep funny on my right side and cut off all circulation to my arm. I hate waking up like that because I've cracked my head against the wall and the bedstand because, hey, guess what? My arm is asleep and WON'T SUPPORT MY WEIGHT.
Oh, also ... I am plotting a way to make automail. Out of, you know, metal.
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Gundam Wing and... more fanfic!
Today was mostly uneventful, which was nice. I slept in, and when I got up I saw that the world had been painted over in white. It had this magicial air, as I sat at my window still wrapped in warm blankets and looked out at an undisturbed winter wonderland. The sky was already clear, and the sun was already shining, which made it all the more beautiful.
I've done some cel painting today, or some bastardization of it. I've never actually DONE cel-painting before, so it was an interesting experiment. I painted on glass though, using old picture frames to make some really pretty and interesting Christmas gifts. Needless to say I had a lot of fun doing it and will probably try to do some of my own characters because it's really very shiny.
That's pretty much all I've accomplished today. There was gathering around the TV with chili dip and watching the football game. The Bengals took themselves out of the running for the shot at the AFC wild card slot. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me ... the Bengals haven't had a winning season since... the early nineties? I don't know, I don't remember. I'm much more of a baseball fan anyway. (Go Reds!)
My car died on me, which makes me sad. It's currently waiting to be checked out, but GAH ... no vehicle for me. Me, the now currently-employed. I GOT A JOB! *celebrates* I don't start until Thursday, but whee! I got a job!
So while I was working on my cels, I watched two more episodes of Gundam Wing, which brings me to episode ... 18. Yes, I'm just flying through the series. /sarcasm.
I did remember, midway through episode 15, that particular episode was the first episode of Gundam Wing I ever saw. Which amuses me to no end. Wow, that was a long, long, long time ago.
I'm paying more attention to the politics and the leaps of logic this time around. And as much as I personally detest Relena, I can understand every single thing she's done so far. Some of those things I don't know if I could have done had I been in her shoes. So I'm beginning to have a grudging respect for the girl, and I'm also beginning to suspect that my hatred of her stems a great deal from her dub voice actor grating on my nerves. Of course, we're not even at the halfway point of the series yet, so we'll see.
Also, I'm seeing a lot more things I never had noticed before, little things in the way the characters act and interact. Before I primarily focused on Duo and Heero, but now I'm paying attention to ALL the characters and it's interesting. It's also, damningly, giving me more ideas/plot flow for my Phoenix Stage series of Gundam Wing stories, which is a bad thing. For the most part I'm staying away from that fic-verse, but if I can tie the politics together better and make the series make more sense, I'll at least get the plot nailed down and that will give me something to work with at a later date.
So, another 'fic meme. Pick a line (or paragraph, in this case) from any of your current 'works in progress' and post them, along with the title/fandom.
Since I have an obscene number of projects, I'll limit this to the ones that have files on this computer, as opposed to the computer where I do 90% of my writing. (Not connected to the internet of course, less distractions.)
[+] That was, if he felt that a sniper nest was the best way to go. The only thing that Akai actually knew for certain about his mission was that it was an assassination. No target, no method … it would be a last minute, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants job. He absolutely loved those sort of missions the best, and Aoi abhorred them. Yet another reason that their paths had diverged, and frankly, Akai wasn't that sorry. -- Contingency -- [Pokémon]
[+] The white wolf needed no second bidding. He had originally been planning to just make a run for it, but the scent of fresh food after running for so long on nothing but his memories was unbearable. He sprang forwards. -- Tsukino Namida -- [Wolf's Rain]
[+] Not soon after Shippo joined them. Kage was running along the ground when Shippo was suddenly pacing him. "Well, you look like the cat who ate the canary," Kage said of Shippo's self-satsifed smirk. "What did you do?" The kitsune winked at him. "They'll be chasing my illusion all the way to China!" -- Immortal -- [Inuyasha]
[+] A black jeep with its brights on rumbled up the dirt road, and a third person materialized out of the gloom around the entrance to the facility. It was impossible to hear the words exchanged at their range, but after a moment, the well-armed officer walked around the vehicle, and used his rifle to poke in the back. -- RK02: Dark Knights -- [Rurouni Kenshin]
[+] Garyn winked at him. "Would you believe that I'm an international terrorist with several death marks on my head?" -- The Phoenix Stage -- [Gundam Wing]
[+] Then he saw yellow ears with black tips, and a Pikachu of all things sat up and grabbed a chip from the breadbasket. You didn't often see adults with Pokemon anymore, Gary thought with amusement. He watched the Pikachu nibble at the chip, make a face, and dive for the ketchup bottle. Without even looking, the man picked up the ketchup and placed it out of reach of the now irate Pokemon. -- Kitaku -- [Pokémon]
[+] Hokori had not done anything remotely suspicious in months. The man was a perfect example of loyalty to his shogun, as well as loyal to his emperor. This was beginning to grate on Koji’s nerves, because he knew that Hokori was employed in at least one conspiracy to remove the shogun from power. He had been on the roof of the building, same as Taka and three other shinobi when the men pledged to Hokori-sama to undermine the Shogun’s rule! -- Hagane no Samurai -- [Fullmetal Alchemist]
[+] Jordan, surprised by the rebuke in his voice, looked down at her attacker's face. A strangely familiar face, now that she could see her attacker clearly. His head was turned towards Mathias, eyes narrowed. "Very cute, Mathias. Call her off." -- Falling Stars -- [Pokémon]
[+] Ed’s grin became purely demonic as he faced the four men, spear held tightly. The woman was smart and fled the second everyone’s attention had been drawn by the blue light. This… THIS was going to be cathartic... -- Through the Gate -- [Fullmetal Alchemist crossover of DOOM!]
[+] "Oh, no!" Saran cried, running forwards. The rock-type Pokémon had already floated out of reach, pulling faces and making rude gestures in her direction. She scooped up a rock and flung it at them, but the Pokémon just chuckled as they disappeared. "Great. This only happens to me," Saran groaned, checking under the hood. Sure enough, the major working components were long gone. Without them, the speeder was nothing more than a piece of junk. "Perfect." -- Starflight -- [Pokémon]
[+] Kennichi's sharp hearing picked up something alarming, the sharp click of military-issue combat boots on the hardwood steps. Without a single word Kennichi grabbed Kenshin's wrist and he darted into the pantry, dragging his confused onii-san behind him. -- RK02 -- [Rurouni Kenshin]
[+] Bruce shook his head. He was too old for this. Much too old. "What happened?" he demanded. The three of them started talking at once, and within five seconds Mariel and Juliana were yelling obscenities, and Terry was trying to yell over them. -- Flight of the Starling -- [Batman Beyond]
[+] Double-checking the communications switch, she glanced at the scout ships again. Their engines were toward the convoy, but that meant nothing if they had a superior sensor package. "This is Zero-Six," she said, reading over what her own meager sensors had picked up. "Any confirmation on those ships?" -- The Phoenix Stage: Infinite Night -- [Gundam Wing]
[+] Lorel glanced down at Kate. “I know this is going to sound crazy,” he said, in that slow, disbelieving tone both had taken. “But, I think we’re in a fantasy novel. And this woman is psychotically insane.” -- Demonscape: The Road to Acheron -- [Original Fiction]
[+] Three figures had been tossed out with the explosion, figures that were now lying half-in and half-out of newly formed sandbanks. -- Dragon Seal -- [Original Fiction]
[+] Alayne scratched behind one pointed ear with his foot, looking more like a dog than a vampyre. "I am not sunlight-challenged," he pouted. Seki sighed and turned around fully, leaning on the windowsill and glaring at the room. It was a decently sized room; identical to the other dormitory rooms located up and down the corridor. The entire building had fallen into disuse since the seminary closed. How the former church lands had fallen into Alayne's family's hands was a tale Seki wasn't sure he wanted to know. -- Twilight of Arcadia: Dark Lore -- [Original Fiction]
...I write WAY TOO MUCH. ;D
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Random RK02 Fic-age
Because I'm bored, and covered in paint.
And yes, Higurashi IS a wuss. XD
"Fifteen bucks says that the hanyou's going to back out," Catie Storm said, her head propped in one hand and doodling idly in the corner of her notes.
Kennichi Himura didn't glance up, but chewed on the end of his pencil thoughtfully. After a moment of consideration, he scratched out an answer and then flipped a few pages in his textbook. "Kage's not a coward," he said simply.
"Maybe not, but he sure can run away from commitment," Catie said, still doodling. "This is the second year in a row he's said that he was was coming and he's not."
Kennichi made a noncommital noise as he typed some numbers on his calculator. "He hasn't canceled yet."
"He will." Catie crossed her arms and rested her head on them. "Fifteen bucks says he stays in Japan."
"I don't gamble with money." Kennichi closed his math book with a sigh. "Nor with lives, either, so you can take that smart retort you're formulating and shove it, Storm."
Catie smiled despite herself. "Everyone is bailing on us, 'Nichi. After the finals things are really gonna change."
"Not too much, if you ask me," Kennichi said, sitting back in his chair. "It will be a relief to be normal, don't you think?"
"And Kenshin thinks *I'm* delusional," Catie snorted. "'Nichi-kun, none of us will ever be normal. Clones, demons, werewolves, vigilantes, ninja assassins ... you think this shit will stop because we're out of high school?"
"Yet you're the one who thinks that this vacation is a good idea," Kennichi snorted.
Catie shrugged. "You Himuras run from the lunacy. I embrace it head-on. At least this vacation will be ... dare I say it... interesting?"
"Normal can be interesting," Kennichi protested.
"Remember last summer?" Catie asked. Kennichi frowned at her.
"You mean that mess in Chicago?"
"No, I meant last summer. You proved my point so effectively, too. All of us... we define ourselves by our battles. There will be periods of peace and quiet, there always are. But we will never, ever be normal." Catie sat back and smirked. "We're defenders, 'Nichi-kun... not defendees."
"I don't think 'defendees' is a word," Kenshin Himura said, seating himself beside Catie. "What's up?"
"Wagering how much of a wuss Higurashi is," Catie said, tucking her pencil behind her ear. "Care to add to the pot?"
"I hardly think it's appropriate to call a warrior who went toe to toe with the strongest demon in the sengoku jidai a 'wuss'," Kenshin said coolly.
"See?" Kennichi said. "I don't know why--"
"I think "pussy" more accurately reflects the sentiment," Kenshin said with a grin.
"All right!" Catie crowed as Kenshin gave her a high-five. "Score one for the K-man!"
Kennichi stared at Kenshin, completely aghast. "I ... think that the 20th century has corrupted you completely."
The red-headed reincarnation of the Battousai shrugged. "Did you really expect it not to happen?" He reached over and snatched Catie's notes before she could protest. "Mm. What have we here?"
"Bastard!" Catie shrieked, making a vain grab for her notebook. Kenshin's eyes lit up at her bored scrawled doodles. "Drake would pay such money to have hard copies of these."
Catie's violet eyes flared dangerously and even Kenshin's god-speed didn't save his ponytail. Catie had it in a death-grip in seconds. "I. Know. Where. YOU. SLEEP."
Kenshin was laughing so hard it was near impossible for him to speak. The sheer malice in Catie's voice wasn't helping matters either.
"Give her notebook back, 'niisan," Kennichi said tiredly. "I'm on the bottom bunk so whatever her retribution is I'll have to deal with the fallout."
"Wimp," Kenshin said.
"So help me God, if Drake ever finds out..." Catie was still growling.
"Okay, okay, I give I give!" Kenshin gave up the prize, still grinning. Despite the lackof hard evidence, he could still blackmail Catie with just the information.
"I hate you and I hope you burn," Catie spat, hugging her notebook protectively to her.
"Uh-huh." Kenshin grinned cattily. "So, where are we going this year?"
"Be serious, Storm."
"I am. You freaks of nature never pick a spot, so since I was in charge of accomodations I thought Montana would be a nice change of pace."
Kenshin glanced at Kennichi. "Tell me she's joking."
Kennichi shrugged. "I would, but I don't think she is."
"Great. What's in Montana?" Kenshin sighed.
"Stuff. So, taking bets on Kage-kun?" Catie asked.
Kenshin reached in his pocket. "I've got a fiver."
"Just what is going on over here?" Mr. Richards, the science lab instructor, walked over, his hands on his hips.
"A betting pool, Mr. R. Care to get in on it?" Catie responded with a grin.
Mr. Richards crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "You are impossible, Miss Storm. Please refrain from gambling on school grounds. And don't you three have homework you should be doing? This *is* study hall, you know..."
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Fanfic and Death Threats
Heh, I got my first death threat on a picture in my gallery. Go, me! Apparently, people take (violent) exception to cosplay. It should still be the most recent comment, I'm too amused to delete it.
Fanning the flames, fanning the flames.
Job interview today! *is excited* Also, my aunt called and offered me two handy-type jobs... the first being if I enter 300 names/addresses into her handheld she'll pay me $75. Yay, tedium. The second is helping them move, they're moving house December 28th/29th. I dunno how much she'll pay for that, but I truly don't mind. :D
The first chapter of my samurai FMA fic is up, cleverly titled "Hagane no Samurai." You can find it at Fanfiction.Net and, if either poison is to your liking.
So, off to do important-type stuff. Spent a long time on the phone last night with Saitou ... THAT was fun. She completely missed my long rant/blathering about this story and I was complaining about Roy, in Kyoto, and she went "wait... what is ROY doing in KYOTO?"
"Oh my, GOD, you're not. You haven't!"
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Fic Stuff
Gaaaaah! Story went... thataway! *points* It was coming along nicely, plot stuff was getting done, story was flowing ... and then Ed took a left turn. GIIH! Why did you go THAT way!? You're supposed to be going towards Edo, you're not supposed to be getting off the road... gah.
Stupid fictives. It doesn't help at all that I've got regular Ed screaming at me that he wouldn't be acting like that. And Kenshin's just laughing. Way more than is healthy. >.<
Anyway, the... large version of the pic from last post, I don't think I'll throw it up in my gallery because it feels stupid to have one hand-drawn, one computer colored. I mean, it's the same picture. X3

I have a job interview at Bob Evans tomorrow at three. Go, me! Get a job! *does a little cheer* Go, me! Go, me!
I fixed my cousin's computer, which got me free lunch. All I did? Restart it and empty the recyle bin. I swear half of my family are luddites. ¬_¬x;;
Anyone out there know if acrylic paint will adhere to glass?
Changed the music, I love this song. Yoko Kanno is brilliant, sorry I can't remember the singer's name. -_-x;
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