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myOtaku.com: renkinjutsushi

Sunday, December 5, 2004

Odds and Ends and Odder Ends
Today was dull, as Sundays often are. My job hunt is as ever fruitless, although three of the jobs I applied for promised callbacks on Monday. So, here's to hoping I'll have some money in the bank come January 12th.


I'm going to stay up insanely late and watch anime, for the sheer hell of it. I've fallen off my habit of at least two episodes a night, and my collection grows still. I haven't been downloading any new shows this season, and that makes me sad. Bleach is one of my favorite manga, I need to be watching that anime, dammit. Beck is interesting and the music is catchy. The random Engrish amuses me all to heck as well.

Maybe I'll have watched all the fansubbed series I have that start with "A" and I can move on to the "B's"... and yes, I really DO have that much anime to watch. I'll watch just about ANYTHING... but if I don't like it or it doesn't catch my interest chances are I won't finish it. Angel Sanctuary lost my attention in 10 minutes. I like the manga, but the anime ... well, the best term I can think of is that the anime feels claustrophobic.


I love this website, but something it could use is a comment notification system. I like getting feedback, but going back through everything I've already submitted, one thing at a time? That's tedious. I don't have the attention span for that. Hey, cookies.


Speaking of, I should probably add some friends on this website. I'm just lazy, don't feel offended. I link-skip and look at all sorts of random pages, I just haven't gotten around to that yet. Maybe it's something I'll do before I go on an anime-spree.

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