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myOtaku.com: renkinjutsushi

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Comment Karma
I guess I pissed someone off big time, because someone went through my gallery and voted 'no' on every one of my pictures.

Really? At first I was like "oh my God, what an asshole!" but now, I'm kind of like 'meh.' So you don't like my stuff, that's fine. At least leave me some constructive criticism?

Wow, they hit every, last, picture. Ah well, sorry you don't like my style.

*snaps fingers* I bet I know what happened. I've been reviewing people's pictures and I always leave a comment. My comments aren't always "oh my god that's so cool", I make sure to add something critical to each comment to help people improve. Some people, I've learned, take that as a personal insult. Oh, well. ^_^x; Comment karma will come around.

I feel like Happy Bunny or something. "You Suck and That's Sad", and to make yourself feel better you make sure to go and bottom-rate everyone who might dare point out things that need to be improved. If you're going to be a jackass, at least have the balls to admit to it. Or are you afraid I'm as petty as you?


((Really, I'm more amused than I have ANY right to be.))


Oh, and that reminds me. Anyone out there seen Gasaraki? What did you think of it? I picked up four of the DVDs (out of 8) for Damn Cheap, and haven't heard much of anything about it.

I suppose if I wasn't lazy I could go look and see if there was a review for it in the TheOtaku database, but I like hearing live opinons. So, good/bad? Keep it/trash it? I know I like the theme song, I saw a Haibane Renmei AMV to it, but that's all I know of the show. That, and it's a mech show. Gimmee some feedback, baby!

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